Lecture 2: Small Animal Antebrachium and Elbow Flashcards
Identify the following arrows with corresponding colors
Yellow dot: capitulum
Purple dot: radial head
Red: supratrochlear foramen (anconeal process peaking through)
Pink: trochlea
Green: medial coronoid process (ulna)
identify the following arrows with corresponding color
Green: radial head
Purple: anconeal process
Yellow: olecranon
Is the capitulum on medial or lateral side of elbow and what does it articulate with
Lateral, articulates mainly with radius
Is the trochlea medial or lateral and what does it articulate with
Medial and articulates with ulna
identify the red, purple and green arrows
Red: ulna
Purple: capitulum
Green: trochlea
identify 1-9
- Tuber olecrani of ulna
- Medial epicondyle of humerus
- Trochlea of humeral condyle
- Medial coronoid process of ulna
- Head of radius
- Capitulum of humeral condyle
- Lateral epicondyle of humerus
- Anconeal process of ulna
- Supratrochlear foramen of humerus
identify 1-11
- Anconeal process of ulna
- Tuber olecrani of ulna
- Caudal border of lateral epicondyle of humerus
- Caudal border of medial epicondyle of humerus
- Lateral coronoid process of ulna
- Proximal radioulnar joint
- Medial coronoid process of ulna
- Head of radius
- Condyle of humerus
- Cranial border of medial epicondyle of humerus
- Cranial border of lateral epicondyle of humerus
identify the arrows with corresponding colors
Purple: anconeal process
Green: radial head
Red: semilunar notch
Pink: olecranon
Blue: medial coronoid process
identify the following arrows and corresponding colors
Pink: olecranon
Blue: lateral coronoid process
Red: radial head
Green: anconeal process
Yellow: medial coronoid process
identify 1-11
- Olecranon tuber
- Anconeal process
- Trochlear notch
- Medial coronoid process
- Ulnar tuberosity
- Interosseous border
- Articular circumference
- Styloid process
- Olecranon
- Lateral coronoid process
- Radial notch
identify which one is cat vs dog and what is the yellow arrow pointing to
Left: cat
- yellow arrow: Supra-condyloid foramen
Right: dog
- yellow arrow: supratrochlear foramen
What nerve and artery run through the supracondylar foramen in cats
Median nerve and brachial artery
What nerve and artery runs through the supra-trochlear foramen in dogs
NONE! Only cats have median nerve and brachial artery through foramen on humerus
Case ex: Ruger 6mo MI with 2 week hx of left forelimb lameness, no known. Stiff when gets up and sore after activity. Elbow is mildly painful on manipulation.
Following X-ray was taken. What’s Wrong
Ununited anconeal process
Ex case Ruger cont: ununited anconeal process: when should anconeal process physis close
By 5 months
What are some possible repair solutions for an ununited anconeal process
Can remove process, pin but not super common
Will removing ununited anconeal process affect bone growth?
No because the that joint contributes a very small % of growth and it should be closed at 5 months anyway when dog is still growing
Case ex: Heidi, 11mo FS Labrador retriever with progressive forelimb lameness for 3 months, stiffness after rest, sore with activity, no known trauma. The following X-ray was taken. What’s wrong?
Fragmented medial coronoid process
Does the following X-ray show a normal or fragmented medial coronoid process
does the following X-ray show a normal or fragmented medial coronoid process
Fragmented, no clear line present between radius and ulna. Indicated by black arrow
what is indicated by O in X-ray showing fragmented medial coronoid process
Osteophyte- bone fragment
which X-ray is normal and what is wrong with abnormal one
Left: normal
Right: abnormal, fragmented medial coronoid process- showing bone fragment. Also edge of articulation between humerus and radius is more blunt opposed to sharp edges
which elbow X-ray is abnormal and why
Left: normal
Right: abnormal- large space between radius and humerus
When does proximal radius growth plate close in dogs
6-11 months
When does distal radius growth plate close in dogs
8-12 months
When does distal ulna growth plate close in dogs
8-12 months
When does proximal radius growth plate close in cats
5-8 months
When does distal radius growth plate close in cats
14-20 months
When does distal ulna growth plate close in cats
14-20 months
Which humeral growth plate contributes 80% growth
Proximal growth plate
Which growth plate contributes 20% growth
Distal growth plate
When does proximal humerus growth plate close in dogs
10-13 months
When does humeral condyle growth plate close in dogs
5-8 months
When does proximal humerus growth plate close in cats
18-24 months
When does humeral condyle growth plate in cats close
3-4 months
What is incomplete ossification of humeral condyle
Condyle fails to fuse and the lateral and medial sides are separated by a fibrous band, prone to fracture later in life
what is indicated by the black arrows
Incomplete ossification of humeral condyle
What is indicated by the white arrow
incomplete ossification of humeral condyle
Identify 1-5
- Oblique ligament
- Biceps brachii
- Brachialis
- Lateral collateral ligament
- Annular ligament
What is the function of the lateral and medial collateral ligaments of the elbow
Main stabilizers of elbow
What ligament keeps the radial head sitting in the elbow joint
Annular ligament
What would happen if you tore both your medial and lateral collateral ligaments
Luxate elbow
identify 1-2
- Annular ligament
- Lateral collateral ligament and caudal and cranial crura
Ex case: Angel, 8yr FS Lab with acute onset right forelimb lameness following landing wrong after playing ball. Very painful on manipulation of right elbow with abnormal ROM.
The following X-ray were taken, what’s wrong
Elbow luxated
what happened here
Ulna broke, causing radial head to luxate, tearing annular ligament
What are the elbow flexors
Biceps brachii and brachialis
What are elbow extensors
Tensor fasciae anterbrachium, long head of triceps, medial head of triceps, accessory head of triceps, lateral head of triceps, and anconeus
identify 1-5
- Accessory head
- Long head
- Lateral head
- Long head
- Accessory head
- Medial head
Ex case: Gus, 2yr, MI pittie with non weight bearing right forelimb for about a week, painful, swollen caudal elbow, unknown hx of trauma.
The following X-ray was taken what is wrong
Fracture to olecranon process, after break the triceps will pull olecranon out of place
Ex case: waits, 5yr, NM mix breed with 2-3 month hx of of weight bearing lameness, worsens after exercise, improves with rest. Patient was painful on flexion of shoulder and hyperextension of elbow. What could be injured
Bicep muscles
What does the musculocutaneous nerve innervate
What does median and ulnar nerve innervate in antebrachium
Carpal flexors (superficial digital flexor, deep digital flexor, flexor carpi ulnaris, flexor carpi radialis)
What does radial nerve innervate in antebrachium
Carpal extensors (ulnaris lateralis, lateral digital extensor, common digital extensor, extensor carpi radialis)
What muscle is hammer targeting? What respond should this elicit? What nerve function does it test
Muscle: triceps
Response: elbow extension
Nerve: radial
what muscle is the hammer targeting? What response should this elicit? What nerve is this testing?
Muscle: biceps
Response: elbow flexion
Nerve: musculocutaneous
What muscle is the hammer targeting? What response should this elicit? What nerve is this testing?
muscle: extensor carpi radialis
Response: carpal extension
Nerve: radial
Ex case: Bubba, 2yr, NM Siamese got out of house came home non-weight bearing but has sensation in foot. What would be your next steps to determine what is wrong
Test reflexes with hammer: start with Extensor carpi radialis (because loss extension), then test triceps and then biceps
Ex case Bubba cont: Extensor Carpi radialis- no response, triceps, no response, biceps- reflex present. What nerve is damaged?
identify 1-2
- Cephalic vein
- Accessory cephalic vein