Lecture 5 Flashcards
Define Cognition
Representation of knowledge, thoughts, beliefs, and these processes by which these representations are acquired and manipulated
Define Affect
General term for entire range of feeling states
Define Preferences
Subjective responses to people, objects, or events
Define Moods
Chronic, non-specific feeling states
Define Emotions
Specific, transient feeling states
How is basic emotion described? (discrete states)
As discrete states that evolved to mobilise the organism to deal with fundamental life tasks
What are the 6 basic emotions?
- Happiness
- Sadness
- Anger
- Fear
- Disgust
- Surprise
How do the 6 basic emotions transfer across cultures?
These emotions have cross-cultural signals, whilst other emotions (not one of the 6) are not recognised by other cultures
What did Darwin theorise about emotions?
Of emotions as adaptations. He said they were ‘left overs of functional behaviours related to those emotions’
When theorising the origin of remaining emotions, what are Emotion Families?
The 6 emotions are categories not states, they are the prototype but there is variation to it
When theorising the origin of remaining emotions, what are Emotion Blends?
The 6 emotions are building blocks but we can blend/combine them into different states
e.g. jealousy = anger + sadness
When theorising the origin of remaining emotions, what are Social Emotions?
Emotion interpretation is socially influenced. Can distinguish between basic emotions and social emotions
e.g. anger is the core but in a social context it is seen as jealously
Describe the theory between many emotive words and emotion
That there may be more words to describe emotion but it’s just core emotions described differently
In H.Aviezer et al’s study, they showed contrasting facial expression to body language. How was peoples’ description of emotion influenced?
People were less confident in describing emotion due to different social context that doesn’t align with the expression
Describe the idea of Dimensional Models of emotion
Models say we are always in some state, the state label depends on the culture and contest
What is the ‘Core Effect’?
Dimensions are the core of the emotional experience, labels are used to describe this experience
Niedenthal’s Embodied Emotion theory described emotions as what?
Emotion concepts are grounded in bodily simulations
- > Bi-directionality between behaviour and emotional state. If we embody and emotion we can experience it
- > Emotion follows from the behaviour/patterns associated with them
(Emotion as arousal + attribution)
In Schacter and Singers theory what were the two factors?
- Awareness of unexplained arousal
2. Interpretation of the arousal
(Emotion as arousal + attribution)
According to Schacter and Singers theory what do we need in order to predict emotion?
To predict emotion we need context/attribution as it allows us to define the experience
(Emotion as arousal + attribution)
In the confederate in the waiting room experiment what was the conclusion?
Participants reported experiencing emotion of the confederate, meaning they look at social context for attributional guidance
Emotions = you + way you think about the world
Define misattribution (arousal)
Attributing arousal to the wrong cause e.g. bridge and instructor call back
(Emotions as determinants of thought)
Explain content and process effect
Content effects are related to content of experienced emotion. Emotion is essentially a prime
(Emotions as determinants of thought)
Describe Mood Congruence
Emotions can change the way we process information. Positive emotional states tend to give more information to work work
(Emotions as determinants of thought)
What is the effect of positive states on stereotype use?
Despite lots of information, we fall onto stereotypes rather than individuating the information
What are the four types of Social Judgements?
- Direct Access
- Motivated Processing
- Heuristic Processing
- Substantive processign
(Social Judgements)
Describe Direct Access
Retrieval of a previously formed/stored evalutation
(Social Judgements)
Describe Motivated processing
Strong desire to fulfil the judgement will make us biased
(Social Judgements)
Describe Heuristic Processing
Using shortcuts to reach conclusion
(Social Judgements)
Describe Substantive processing
With great effort we reason out the interpretation we will make. Similar to normative methods
(Social Judgements)
More construction on the spot means…..
The higher impact emotions can have
In Smith and Lazarus appraisal model, describe what primary and secondary appraisals do
- Primary = generate emotions quickly and unconsciously
- Secondary = generates complex emotions slowly
(Affect infusion model)
What are the 4 mechanisms of social judgement that mood can affect?
- Direct access = direct access information stored in memory
- Motivated processing = formed based on specific motivation to achieve a goal or repair a mood. Makes us biased
- Heuristic processing = using short cuts
- Substantive processing = deliberate/careful construction from variety of information sources
(Affect infusion model)
What of the mechanisms are and are not affected by mood
- Direct and motivated are not affected by mood
- Heuristic and substantive processing are affected by mood
More deliberation over a topic will cause
Greater mood congruence effect