Lecture 16 Flashcards
Findings of research must be…?
- Reliable = same results when repeating the measurement
2. Valid = study measures what it’s meant to
What is inter-rater?
To ensure reliability in qualitative research, need 2 people to rate the data. This is because qualitative methods use subjective ratings
What does the acronym WEIRD represent and refer to?
Western Educated Industrialised Rich Democratic
-These types of participants are the majority in psyc research and therefore the research only represents this population
What % of psyc study’s pass the replication test and why is this?
- Under 40%
- Different results can be due to context
Where is the focus of results on in qualitative vs quantitate research?
Focusses more on outliers/extreme values
Significance depends on many factors, including…
- Sample size
- Effect size (correlation can indicate and effect but how practical is this?)