Lecture 27 Flashcards
what is the study of motor development
the study of the products and underlying processes of motor behaviour changes across the life span
Change in motor behaviour resulting from the interaction
of biological processes and the environment
what are the characteristics of development change in motor capacity
what is meant by sequantial
The simple right through to complex
what is meant by cumulative characteristic of developmental change
all the little things we learn as we grow, they build upon one another
what is meant by multivariate characteristic of developmental change
huge numbers of things that are changing
what is meant by individual characteristic of developmental change
we are all developing at different rates
What to assess? Key terms
✓ Assessment
✓ Measurement
✓ Evaluation
✓ Norm and criterion references
Types of assessment
✓ Product and process
Where and why to assess?
✓ Important considerations
✓ Newborn assessment
✓ Infant, toddlers and children
✓ A New Zealand Context
what Motor performance might you want to asses that will give you information development proceeding
- Retention
-MRI scans
Comprehansive physical motor assesment
We need to be selective about the most important things
- It would take for ever to take all of the measurements on someone
Measurement +evaluation
Measurement =
collection of information
determining the worth or value of measurements made
Norm-referenced standards
hierarchical ordering
- who is performing the best and who is performing the worst
Criterion-referenced standards
performance relative to external standard (e.g., level of development)
Physical / motor competence can be assessed in two ways:
✓ Product (outcome) oriented
✓ Process oriented (looks at technique
Where and why do we assess physical and motor development?
e.g hospitals, sports clubs, schools
Research, diagnosis, determine status
Important considerations when assessing motor development
Are you measuring what you want you want to measure?
Is the assessment tool able to give the same results
across multiple measurements?
APGAR scale stands for
Appearance (skin color)
Pulse (rate)
Grimace (reflexive
grimace initiated by
stimulating the plantar
surface of the foot)
Activity (muscle tone)
Respiratory effort
(amount of respiratory
APGAR scale is …
The first scale that parents are exposed to = NERVE-RACKING!
90% of babies score 7+
Score <4 = immediate
assistance needed
how could you measure anaerobic capacity
Wingate tests
how could you measure anaerobic power
squat jump = measure jump height
- maximum vertical leap
how could you measure flexibility
sit and reach test
two ways to measure agility
SEMO test
Illinois test
how could you measure posture
standing on one leg on the force plate
the Movement Assessment Battery for Children is what orientated
product orientated
what are the intents of process orientated assessments
are to identify an individuals current movement qualities and compare the actions to an established developmental sequence
the Movement Assessment Battery for Children is described as an assessment tool for ….
identifying developmental coordination disorder
what does NMSSA stand for
National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement