Lecture 20 - Exercise in Hot and Cold Flashcards
What are the mechanisms of heat loss?
- radiation (directly to environment)
- convection (skin to air)
- conduction (direct contact)
- evaporaton (breathing or sweating)
What are the mild heat illnesses?
- edema
- rash
- syncope
- cramps
What are the major heat illnesses?
- exhaustion
- stroke
Heat edema
peripheral vasodilation to produce heat loss leads to pooling of fluid in the distal body parts (hands and feet)
normal core temp
Heat edema
- elevate hands/feet
- compressive stockings
- hydration and salt intake
- no diuretics
7-14 days
Heat rash
sweating saturates skin and clogs sweat glands - leakage of sweat inter epidermis or dermis
normal core temp
Heat rash
- cool skin and prevent sweating
- loose, light clothing
- shower in cool water, let skin air dry
- mild anti-inflmmatory lotion
heat syncope
orthostatic hypotension reuslting from peripheral vasodilatiion and venous pooling
normal core temp
heat syncope
low BP –> fainting
heat syncope
- supine position
- elevate legs
- hydration
- check injuries
- elevation of cardiovascular and CNS
heat cramps
not really understood (electrolyte depletion, sodim?)
normal or elevated core temp
prolonged exercise > 2 hrs
What are common muscle groups affected by heat cramps?
- thigh muscles
- calf muscles
- abdominals
- back
- shoulder
heat cramps
- removal from activity
- hydration
- light stretching or massage
- cooling with ice
Heat exhaustion
elevated core temp (37-40)
Heat exhaustion
Symptoms and signs
- malaise
- fatigue
- dizziness
- heavy sweating
- headache
- comiting
- weakness
- cold or clammy hands
- tachycardia or hypotension