Lecture 16 Generativity in Midlife: A Win/Win Personality Style November 1 Flashcards
what is generativity
Definition: An adult’s concern for and commitment to the well being of youth and future generations, as evidenced by teaching, mentoring and other activities aimed at passing a positive legacy to the next generation
what is Fidelity:
Faithfulness to a person, cause, or belief, demonstrated by continuing loyalty and support.
What is generativity and why is it important in development?
A concern and investment in the growth and development of others
Challenges of the generativity stage
To engage effectively in multiple social spheres;
To extend oneself to others;
To provide leadership and
To support the next generation
so they develop trust, autonomy, initiative, industry and identity
what is the main task of generatively
to establish and guide the next generation through one’s acts of care
what are the Three Components of McAdam’s model of generatively
– Generative Concerns;
– Generative Acts;
– Generative Strivings or Commitments
explain Generative Concerns
“I try to pass along knowledge I have
gained through my experience.” “I have made and created things that
have had an impact on people.” ”If I were unable to have children of
my own, I would like to adopt
“I have a responsibility to improve the
neighborhood in which I live.”
“I have important skills that I try to teach to others.”
generative acts include; 1. Read a story to a child;
- Taught somebody a skill;
- Donated blood;
- Attended a community meeting; 5. Produced a piece of art or craft; 6. Gave money to a charity.
- Assumed a leadership position in a group.
what are Generative Commitments (Strivings
“make my job more interesting” “be more open to others”
”figure out what I want to do with
my life”
“be a good person”
“enjoy life”
“avoid uncomfortable situations” “be well liked”
“be a pos. role model for young people”
“help my son work through teenage experiences”
“provide for my mother to the best of my ability”
“be helpful to those in need of help”
when is Gen concerns highest
age 37-42
what is Gen actions highest
age 37-42
when is ten strivings highs
age 67-72
what are McAdams recent conclusion re development of generativity (2013)
“Erikson was broadly correct in supposing that midlife is a prime time for the expression of generativity. However, it is probably claiming too much to assert that generativity is neatly situated within a discrete midlife stage. “
Research on Individual Differences in Generativity: Parenting
- (Unrelated to being a parent). More involved in schooling
– Homework
– Parent-teacher association
– Attendance at school fx’s
– Knowledge of academic and social aspects
of school
Effective parenting style
– Authoritative combination of high structure plus high support of autonomy.
Generative Parents and Their College Age Children, Peterson 2006
Higher scores on A & C
Greater positive emotions in daily life
Greater involvement in politics and religion.
explain the Prospective Study of generativity:
Generativity assessed in 100 50-year old women followed up 10 years later.
Satisfaction with life
Successful aging
Identity certainty
Less concern about aging
Positive Personality Development
Increased A
Increased O,
decreased N
how does generatively relate to well being
“Adults in their 60’s who feel more generative are less likely to show increases in physical disability or to die as they age into their 70’s. “
Why does generativity lead to better life outcomes for ourselves?
more social supports