Lecture 12 - How can we identify out dominant motivational orientation - October 15 Flashcards
what is the equation for the Complexity of Personality (David McClelland’s 1981Model)
Behavior = Function of
Person and Environment
for The Complexity of Personality (David McClelland’s 1981Model), what is payed attention to for person
moties traits schemas values skills
The Complexity of Personality (David McClelland’s 1981Model) what is payed attention to for environment
does David McClelland’s believe that personality has correlations in predicting outcomes
Multiple correlation in predicting important outcomes
Personal Qualities Needed to Be an Effective Clinician?
-Motives -> intimacy and power
- Traits -> agreeableness, extraversion (neuroticism?) ++ Value -> helping people in distress
+ Skills -> empathy, decoding emotional expressions, listening skills
what are Schwartz theory of basic values
has to do with what you consider important
rank order a given lis of about 10-12 items in order of what is most important to you
define benevolence
preservation and enhancement of the welfare of people whom one is in frequent personal contact
how to test if someone is good at interpersonal
interpreting pictures
reading the mind in the eye (expressions)
How strongly do the implicit motives (three) relate to other personality measures (big 5)?
traits and motives are independent
Traits versus Motives (from McAdams)
“Needs interact with dispositional traits. In general, the way in which a person achieves a goal may be partly determined by traits, such as extroversion-introversion. But the nature of the goal itself is more likely to be determined by needs. Traits and needs therefore fulfill different functions in personality: needs establish goals, traits describe the behavioral means by which goals are met. In a sense, needs tell us why a person does what he does; traits tell us how.”
what are the two types of motives
implicit anf explicit
define implicit motives
Recurrent, non-conscious desires for certain goal states.
define explicit motives
Conscious, cognitively elaborated images of the self as oriented toward particular goal states
what are the measures fo r Implicit Motives
Picture Story Exercise: Operant
what are the measures for Explicit Motives
Standard Questionnaires: Respondent
what are the incentives for Implicit Motives
Activity: Naturally occurring behavior that is valued for its own sake.
what are the incentives forExplicit Motives
Social: Motiveisrelatedtobehaviorthatisin keeping w social norms or expectations.
what is the developmental timing for Implicit Motives
Very early childhood:pre-verbal
what is the developmental timing for Explicit Motives
Middle Childhood
Achievement Motive and Sports Participation: Gropel et al., 2016
what actually predicts how much the person did their sport
Implicit n Ach
NOT just self describing report of nAch
motives seem to be associated with what
the goals we have/what we strive for
How do motives and goals work together?
goal progress relates to higher well being
(if someone is high nAch and they are making process on their achievement goals they feel great, if they are making progress with their power goals but aren’t his nPow then it doesn’t really make them feel better…)
How can I tell what my implicit motives are?
Uncorrelated with self-report motives. Uncorrelated with traits.
Difficult to have motives assessed
Moderately correlated with personal goals.
Possible to construct description from research correlates– e.g, interests,
friendship style.
Personal Qualities Needed to Be
an Effective Scientific Researcher
+Motives -> Achievement Motive
+ Traits -> Conscientiousness, introversion (data / people)
Questions of the day?
+ Value ->
+ Skills ->
importance of advance in knowledge divergent thinking, identifying patterns