Late Ottoman Palestine and Arab Nationalism Flashcards
What does Tamari argue was in a turning point in Arab-Ottoman relations?
Revival of derogatory epitaphs towards Arabs - revival in ethnic tensions
Who launched an anti-Arabist campaign?
Cemal Pasha
Who challenges the argument that there was no specific campaign against Arab nationalism, but rather a centralising and modernising campaign, as reflected in Turkification of state schools and institutions of higher education?
What is the motivation of Arab nationalists in their anti-Ottoman historiography?
‘Othering’ and positioning themselves on the right side of history - internalised Western, anti-Ottoman discourse.
Which two historians reflect the ‘neo-Ottomanism’ trend?
Tamari and Doumani
What is the motivation behind the revive interest in Palestine’s Ottoman past?
Part of writing Ottoman Palestinians back into history - cannot start in 1917. Also due to failure of pan-Arab nationalism
How many were in the Ottoman Empire in 1914 and what was the confessional breakdown?
1914 - 20 million, 80% Muslim - rest very mixed.
The control of which three cities was central to the standing of the Ottoman Empire? Why?
Hijaz, Jerusalem, Damascus - needed to control Islamic holy cites and pilgrimage roots
Other than its religious significance, why was Palestine important to the Ottoman Empire?
Commercial significance - tax revenues
What was the religious breakdown of Palestine in 1904?
89% Muslim, 10% Christian, 1% Druze.
By how many people did the population of Palestine increase from 1908-14? Why?
Over 74,000. Better security, nutrition, public health, steady economic growth
What are examples of ‘technologies of change’ in late Ottoman Palestine/OE?
Hijaz railway, telegraph (17,000miles of telegraph lines), water pumps, identity papers
When was an Ottoman land law introduced?
What are two reasons the land law failed?
Assumption that fellahin would register lands; that land registry would be impartial and effective
What law was introduced in 1864? What was one of its main consequences?
Wilayat Law - creation of provinces, districts, subdistricts. Shifted role of tax collection from rural sheikhs to urban notables
What were two main links which enabled Palestine to stay connected to the rest of the Empire?
Trade links e.g. to merchants in Aleppo and Damascus and seaports. Pilgrimage too. Cultural links - AUB, magazines, dailys, books published in Beirut and Damascus
How were local political bonds created?
Ottoman Parliament and Arab political societies in later years
What were four main ways that the West ‘intervened’ in the OE/Palestine?
Consulates in Jerusalem; exploration e.g. 1865 Palestine Exploration Fund; photographers; construction and tourism
What did Lord Kitchener complete in the 1870s?
Survey of Western Palestine
What is a succinct summary of whether there was a ‘Palestinian identity’ in this period and the meaningfulness of this question?
There was a local identity but whether it qualifies to be called nationalism is not so interesting anyway - obviously Palestinian nationalisms developed when borders were decided
When was Jerusalem established as an independent Ottoman district? (mutasarrifiyya)When does it become an administrative unit?
- 1887.
When did Palestinian deputies raise the issue of Zionist land purchases in the Ottoman Parliament?
What was founded in 1911?
What was the significance of the creation of an independent Jerusalem administrative unit?
Framework which allowed emergence of an elite which could promote the idea of a nation. Representative.
When was there a civil war in Nablus? What was it about?
1841-58. Positions of civil governor and shaykh
What enabled an increase in notable power in the late Ottoman period?
Needed them to implement new legal codes and new taxing procedures - consolidated power bases and roles as patrons of villages
What was the name of the school founded by Sakakini? When was it founded? What was significant about it?
al-Dusturiyyeh. 1909. First secular, non-state school - radical in its politics. Humanist.
What suggests the Ottoman affiliation of Sakakini’s school?
Uniform had Ottoman flag
Who has emphasised the autonomy and power of elites in this period?
What should we emphasise about the influence of colonialism in this period?
Not victims of colonialism - could make the most of Western and Zionist intervention e.g. Sakakini as translator for Zionist activists.
When did a commercial bourgeoisie begin to form?
After Crimean War - esp. after 1867.
To what does Scholch attribute economic growth in this period?
EU economic penetration of south/easts Med periphery; incorporation into global economic system; improved security situation after 1850s.
What three roles were played by local and foreign merchants?
Landowners, moneylenders, tax farmers
What were the major crops in this period?
Wheat, sesame, olive oil, barley
How many factories were there in Palestine before WWI and how many were owned by Arabs?
- 75%.
Who settled in Haifa, when?
350 Templars - after 1867
What did the Ottoman Map from 1914 show?
Palestine as an administrative unit - was not - mutasariflik of Jerusalem
What did the ottomans publish in 1915? What was it?
Filastin Risalesi - official army publication/handbook
What has Tamari pointed out about the 1915 ottoman map?
Includes towns beyond the M of J - Akka, Nablus, Galilee region
Who argues that the Naqab is excluded from the 1915 ottoman map because the area south of Beersheba was considered wilderness?
What does Doumani argue about the different historiographies of the ottoman Period?
Operate within a single discourse - narrow, similar periodisation, agreement on active forces of change
What has Campos stressed existed for most of this period? What happens by wwi?
Civic ottomanism - pressures begin to unscramble the omelet