End Of Mandate Flashcards
When was the Anglo-American Committee? What did it conclude?
April 1946. Immediate admission of 100,000 Holocaust Survivors; abolition of restrictions on Jewish land purchases
What happened in May 1946?
Pan-Arabic Summit, Cairo - denounced Zionism
What fraction of the UN would have been made up of Arab States with the membership of TJ?
What did a June 1946 summit conclude in Syria?
Political, economic, cultural sanctions against USA and Britain if Anglo-American Committee recommendations implemented
Why does Karsh criticise the Arabs for imposing an indefinite boycott on the import of Jewish goods?
70,000 Arabs worked in Jewish industries
When was the Arab League created?
March 1945
What does Karsh argue about Arab unity?
Inter-Arab rivalries, hatred, ambitions
What was a major internal division between Arab States?
How does Karsh summarise Arab states’ attitudes or approach to partition/diplomacy?
Attitude of trying to get 100%, not giving 1%
What did Iraq warn other Arab States about?
Lack of political commitment and military preparedness
What demand was rejected in April 1946?
Backing for resumption of violence by Arab Higher Committee and for establishment of Palestinian government in exile
How many troops did the AHC request?
How much did the Arab States promise the AHC?
£250,000 - £7m today
What happened in December 1946?
22nd Zionist congress
What did the 1946 Zionist congress conclude?
Rejected any arrangement that might postpone the establishment of a Jewish state
What plan did the British propose in 1946?
Partition of Palestine into four autonomous but not independent entities
When did Bevin announce the decision to refer the Palestinian question to the UN?
February 1947
Who does Karsh accuse of scaremongering?
British - tried to warn of implications of establishment of a Jewish state
What evidence does Karsh use to suggest the veiled anti-semitism/aggressiveness of the Arab States?
Arab spokesperson at UN - warning of potential war between two races
Why does khalidi argue the comparison with India is not accurate?
More fair and equitable in India - between two peoples with own territorial bases
Which public figure was involved in both partitions?
sir Reginald Coupland
By end of 1940s, how many men/women could the haganah raise?
Which group focussed on assassinations?
Stern Gang
Why doeS Segev argue the British were unable to suppress Zionist terrorism?
Didn’t apply same level of brute force as against the Arabs - but also urban terrorism more difficult to suppress, more organised, intelligence not as good due to few Hebrew speakers
How can Britains intervention in the economy be summarised?
Non interventionist but intervened to the extent that it served imperial interests
What concessions did the British give the zionists?
Dead Sea works, salt production, electricity
What did the Anglo American committee recommend regarding partition?
Quashed idea completely
Name a British and American figure who supported the zionists in the Anglo American committee?
Crum (USA) and Cunningham (pro partition especially)
Who argues that partition was profoundly unpopular amongst British and a-a committee c.1946?
What was “truman’s victory”?
100,000 holocaust survivors to be sent to Palestine
In what ways was the Anglo-American committee vague?
Temporary continuation of Mandate until end of Jewish Arab enmity; trusteeship vague; actions to raise Arabs’ standard of living; demand JA cooperate to suppress terrorism and illegal immigration
What was an absolute PR disaster for the British?
Exodus - hamburg. 5000
What does Karsh argue about the British?
Argues they were hostile
How did Hall suggest the British could meet their commitments?
Local/provincial autonomy - continued authority of mandate
Why does Golani argue British opinions were important?
Determined policy but also influenced positions taken by Parties to the conflict
When was the UNSCOP vote?
27 November 1947
Why are the differences between the majority and minority UNSCOP recommends not so drastic?
Minority plan recommend federative system with large degree of autonomy. Major difference - immigration. Did not want two hostile states.
Who argues that the eventual partition plan was a compromise between two ideological strands?
What did UNSCOP prioritise in its thinking?
Rights over facts
Who has emphasised the impact of Exodus on UNSCOP’s conclusions?
What countries were threatened and intimidated into supporting the majority plan?
Greece and Liberia - foreign aid and rubber embargo
How did Cohen view UNSCOP?
Western civilisation’s gesture of repentance for holocaust
What percentage of the land was allocated to the Jewish State?
What was a major Zionist success in terms of the land allocated?
Inclusion of Naqab
How big was the Arab minority in the Jewish state?
40% - effectively binational state
Arab owned more land than Jews - but where and by how much?
In every district a majority and lend more land, including Jaffa (including TLV)
What % of land was owned by Jews and Arabs?
5.8% and 85%
What was UNSCOP honest about?
That Palestinian right to self-determination was subordinate to intention of creating a JNH
What did Arab representatives present as an alternative? What did UNSCOP dismiss it as?
Unitary state with democratic constitution and elected legislative assembly. “An extreme position”
How big was the Jewish minority in the Arab state?
10,000 out of 700,000
How many refugees were created as a result of the Indian partition?
Did the Arab States take UNSCOP seriously?
No - so many recommendations and committees - did not see it as anything different
How does W Khalidi view UNSCOP and the Zionists’ approach?
Green light to launch long-contemplated delayed conquest of Palestine
What disguised the zionists’ strength in the first phase of fighting?
Guerrilla warfare
What is the biggest legacy of UNSCOP?
Principle of partition as solution
Who blames the UN for the chaos that ensued?
Why was UNSCOP not a compromise?
Compromise involves mutual concessions - certain symmetry
What does khalidi use to suggest the expansionism inherent in zionists’ acceptance of UNSCOP?
1937 avvnir plan - haganah
Who argues that the Zionist had an aggressive mindset and self-confidence?
What is decontextualised in discussions of zionists’ response to partition plan?
Jewish terrorism of 1940s
What does Golani argue about the zionists’ acceptance of partition of Jerusalem ?
Continuation of single political concept which evolved post-Peel - could not be held at all costs, special problem requiring innovative solution, Control of Jerusalem key to Jewish sovereignty
Who emphasises the contacts between UNSCOP and the zionists?
Where did a meeting take place between Zionist representatives and UNSCOP members?
Shertok’s apartment in Tlv - 14 th July
What was the demographic breakdown of the Naqab?
100,000+ Arabs and 1000 Jews
Who argues that partition was “the public Zionist mainstream demand of the moment”?
Who points to Ben gurion’s doctrine of gradual implementation?
When did BG warn about the demographic threat posed?
Central Committee of Histadrut meeting days after
How does Shlaim argue the fake acceptance of unscop?
Met abdullah 12 days before UNSCOP decided fate
Who presented a minority report for a federal state?
Six Palestinians to Yugoslav UNSCOP rep
What legal objections did Arab delegations raise?
Requested that ICJ be asked for opinion on various subjects including whether partition was consistent with objectives and provisions of mandate, of UN charter
Who argued that UNSCOP plan could only be recommended by force?
US ambassador to UN Austin
What fraction of exports were citrus?
80% pre WWII
What percentage of Palestinian industry and major sources of electricity fell within the Jewish state?
Why does Bickerton argue some Arabs supported partition?
Didn’t trust motives of other Arab States
Who argues that partition loses popularity over the century?
What UN resolution advocated partition?
181 - 29 November
When was Israel admitted to the UN? What was discussed?
May 1949 A talks of repatriation of 100,000 triggers