Camp David and the end of the peace process Flashcards
How strong was Barak’s hold on power in Israel?
Not very - lost majority after three parties left his coalition
What percentage of the WB would remain in Israeli hands?
What has Said said about Israel’s/Barak’s approach to CD?
Not inclined to visions of coexistence of equality - separation not integration
What has Shlaim argued about Arafat at CD?
Critical juncture in his people’s history but lacked courage and statesmanship
Which two key figures have argued that Clinton sided with Barak?
Malley and Agha
Which Israeli academic has stressed that CD was far from generous and reflected diminished realities imposed on Palestinians in 1990s?
Why does Roy argue that CD was inevitably going to fail?
Because the Occupation would have remained structurally intact - upheld Oslo and its fundamental principles
How much money was earmarked for settlements under Barak in 2001?
How many housing units did Barak begin constructing in 2000?
What was only vaguely mentioned in Barak’s offer?
Resolution 242
What percentage of settlers would have been annexed?
How many Palestinians were living in the settlement blocs to be annexed?
In what way was Camp David a watershed?
Watershed in terms of momentum and popular support esp. on Israeli side
What are the two paradigmatic frameworks through which to assess the failure of Oslo?
Structural or historical
When was Rabin assassinated?
November 1995
How many were present at the peace rally when Rabin was assassinated?
When had negotiations to determine final status been due to commence?
4 May 1996
What was the name of an unofficial peace agreement drafted in 1995?
Beilin-Abu Mazen/Stockholm Accord
What were the proposals included in the Stockholm Accord? Why did it fail?
Annexation of 6% of WB; only recognition of WJ as capital. Rejected by Peres
What was the context of the Hebron Protocol?
Violent clashes following blasting open of tunnel near Al Aqsa
What did the Wye Agreement offer the Palestinians?
Full or partial control of 40% of WB
After how many hours of debate was the Wye Agreement ratified by the Knesset?
7 hours - approved 75 s. 19
What did the Wye agreement ban either side from doing
Unilateral actions
How many conditions were imposed on the Palestinians before the second pullback in the Wye Agreement would be implemented?
What was Israel’s sole obligation detailed in the Wye Memorandum, that it failed to keep to?
Transfer of 5% of territory in WB to joint control
What does Gelvin criticise Arafat for failing to do?
Bring opponents of Oslo into line - carried along by events rathe than the one shaping them
By how many votes did Peres win his ‘vote of confidence’?
What was Peres’s vision?
‘New Middle East’
By how much did Bibi win his first election?
1% - but first directly elected PM
How far ahead was Peres in the polls at the start?
Why did Peres’s election campaign fail?
Lacklustre - refused to focus on twin dangers of religious fanaticism and political extremism. Failure to emphasise election was a choice between Labor’s peace policy and Likud’s Greater Israel policy
What percentage of the votes did Barak win in 1999?
What was the maximum amount of the control the PA had of the WB in the 1990s?
Who has pointed out the expansion in the number of settlers in the 1990s?
What does Masri point out re. settlements?
More approved in Barak’s first year than in Netanyahu’s (65%)
According to the World Bank, what fraction of Palestinians lived on less than two dollars per day in 2004?
What was the drop in GNP per capita during Oslo?
What was the level of unemployment in the post-Oslo period?
When was the first closure of the WB imposed?
March 1993
Who argues that CD was a defining event in the history of P-I relations and the whole middle east?
What three narratives are there of the collapse of CD?
Orthodox, Revisionist, Determinist
Name some advocates of the ‘Orthodox’ approach
Barak, Ben-Ami, Ross, Seliktar
Why does Barak challenge the label of ‘Orthodox’ narrative?
Argues it was common sense
Who are advocates of the revisionist approach to the failure of CD?
Malley, Agha, Sontag, Hanieh
What is the Israeli revisionist narrative and who is one of its advocates?
Pundik - that Barak should have stressed the creation of a state rather than using euphemisms e.g. political entity
Which Palestinian historian argues that Israel was never serious with its proposals and that I/A negotiators behaved more like mathematicians than statesmen?
Al Abed
How many Palestinians would have been annexed to israel?
Who questions ‘which Jerusalem’ was being referred to in the talks given the expansion of municipal boundaries?
Who is in favour of the determinist narrative?
What did Reinhart say about CD?
Called it the ‘CD Fraud’
Who argues that Palestinians could never make a deal because of their refusal to accept Israel as a Jewish state, as highlighted by their insistence on the right of return?
Who does Dajani blame for the failure?
Both for not doing enough
Who has argued that America needed a quick rather than just deal?
Gresh and Clark
Who is Baroud very critical of and why?
Barak - so-called dove. Two faced. Open disregard for Palestinian rights.
What has Hanan Ashrawi pointed out?
No written proposal ever presented to Palestinians
What negotiations took place in 2008?
According to the Olmert-Abbas proposal, what would happen?
Partition based on 1967 with some land swaps including annexation of 4 main settlement blocs and all settlements in EJ; passage between WB and G under Israeli sovereignty; partition of Jerusalem with holy sites under international control; repatriation of 100-150,000 over 10-15 years. Acknowledge suffering but not responsibility whilst also mentioning Jewish/israeli suffering. Demilitarised.
What does Said argue about the second intifada?
Logical outcome of Oslo - same point made by Masri
What happened in April 1996?
Operation Grapes of Wrath
What happened in May 2000?
Retreat from South Lebanon
Which report crushed the argument that the second intifada was the result of instigation by the PA?
Mitchell Report
What does Nusseleh argue should have happened before CD?
Two part agreement in prep - one on issues over which there were no unbridgeable differences and another on remaining issues