Large Intestine, Liver, Gallbladder, Pancreas Digestion Flashcards
How does blood run through liver?
Liver gets blood via two sources:
1. Hepatic Portal Vein
2. Heaptic Artery
Blood returns to the venous system through hepatic system through heaptic veins which empty into the inferior vena cava
Hepatic Portal System
The hepatic portal vein receives the blood from the pancreas, stomach, small intestines, and spleen carries to liver
- Braches of hepatic portal system and the hepatic artey meet in spaces between lobules. Mixing in venous and aterial blood , after hepatocyte processing the blood empties into a central vein which leads to right and left hepatic veins.
- heart send blood through artery to capillary bed then back to veins and heart (general circulation)
- Blood from arteries reaches primary capillary bed attached to pan, stomach, spleen ( toxins, drugs put into blood) and nutrients , toxins absorbed. Then leads to hepatic portal vein which will go to the liver. Once reaches liver comes to another second capillary bed and everythiing filtered out. Clean blood gets returned to the vein and heart.
- then go to second capillary bed , back to heart
Microscopic Liver Anatomy
- Filled with lobules
- Each lobule has central vein and surronded by heptacoytes
- space between plates hepatic sinouids lined with epithelium and brush boarder
Function of Hepatocytes
- Absorb glucose, amino acids, iron, vitamin, metabolsium
- Absorb and remove waste (drugs , toxins, hormones, bile pigaments)
- Secrete: lipoproteins, clotting proteins, angiotensiongen, albumin degradation
- Glycogen–>glucose
Kupffer Cells
Devor bacteria and clean out blood in liver
Story of Bile in Liver
- Hepatocytes secrete bile -> bile canaiculi –> empty into bile ductules–> right and left hepatic ducts –> common hepatic duct which joins with the cystic duct fro gallbldadder to form the common bile duct –> pancretic duct in expanded space called hepatopancretic ampulla–> hepatopancretic sphincter –> regulates amount of bile and pancretic juice into the dupdenum
Bile Components
Choldestrol, bile acids, neutral acids, minereals
- Emuslification of fat via mechanical digestion to allow for increased SA
- Bile pigament: bilrubin (RBC byproduct)–> urobilogen–> sterocobulin (feecs color)
Gallbladder and bile
- Gallbldadder sereves to store and concentrate bile
- Bile acids aid in lipid breakdown
- Bile enters the gallbladder by first filliing up bile duct and overflowing into gallbladder
- Majoirty of bile is reused
How is bile recycled ?
- Bile salts are secreted into the duodenum
- Bile salts travel through small intestine, allow for lipid digestion and absorbtion
- 95% bile are reasborbed ia illeium
- Reabsobred bile salts travel via hepatic portal vein back into the liver , where it is then recycled.
- High soluble fibers bind to bile salts and are not then reabsobred so they pass into small inte. prevents reabsobrtion of bile which lowers body cholesttrol and lower LDL.
- Is concidered to be an endocrine and exocrine gland
-It is endocrine as it secretes insluin and glucogon - Exocrine mainly as it secretes pancretic juice ( water, enzymes, zymogens, bicarbonate) and conists of cells
Cells of the pancreas
- Acinar cells: secrete enzymes , mucins
- Duct Cells: secrete buffer to chyme make bicarbonate
Pancretic Juice Secretions: Protein Zymogens
- Entereopeptidase converts trypsinogen into trypsin ( trypsin hydrolses peptide bonds and activiates pancretic zymogens
- Just as pepsiongen needs to be activated by HCI to produce pepsin, Enteropeptidase converts trypsiogen to trypsin
- key enzyme to digest proteins Zymogens:
1. Trypsinogen–> becomes trypsin to digest proteins
2. Chymotrysinmogen–> chymotrypsin–> breakdown protein
3. Procarboxypeptidase–> carboxypeptidase to remove amino’s
Breakdown of elastin
Pancretic Lipase
Breakdown lipids
Pancreatic Amylase
Breakdown carbohydrates.