Digestion Part 1 intro-stomach Flashcards
What are the 5 stages of digestion?
The digestive system is the oragn system which processess food, extract nurit., eleiminate waste
1. Ingestion: intake food
2. digestion: mechanical and chemical breakdown of food into unesbale components
3. Absorbtion: uptake of usebale nuirtents into epithelia cells –> blood or lymph
4. Compaction: absobtion of water and consolidinating into feces
5. Defecation: eleimnation of feeces
Two types of digestion
- mechanical digestion: the physical breakdwon of food into smaller particles ( cutting and grinding of the teeth and by churning and pummeling from stomach and small intensine contractions)
- Chemical Digestion: sereis of hydrolysis reactions that breakdown complex molcules into useable components ( digestuve enzymes made by salivary glands, stomach, small intestine)
Digestive structures divisiosn
- The Digestive Tract: Mouth–> pharynx–> esophagus–> stomach–> small inte–> large int–> anus
- Acessory structures: Teeth, Tongue, Salivary Gland, Liver, Gallbladder, Pancreas ( not part of the contininous tube)
Layers of the digestive tract
- Mucosa (innermost)
- Epithelium: straified squamos from mouth to epsophagus and lower anal canal –> Simiple Columnar (globelt cells)–> stratified squamos (anus)
- Lamina Propia: loose areolar tissues
- Muscularis interna/mucosa: smooth muscle - Submucosa ( Irregular connective tissue: glands , nerves, blood vess, nereve plexus, secreete mucus)
- Muscularis Externa:
- Innermost cirular muscle for peristalsis
- outermost longitutional muscle for squeeze push - Serosa:
- Areolar (thin)
- Surronded by simiple squamos
Can operate outside: plexuses isolate inflammation
What are the mesenteries and omenta tissues?
- Mesenteries help to prevent the digestive tract from twisting itself and provides clear passgeway for nerves and vessles, lymph nodes
- Stomach and intestines suspended in mesenteries
- Created from pariteal perotenum tuns inward toward mideline form posteior mesenetry - Omenta: fatty blanklets that cover the intestines:
- Tow omenta in stomach
- Greater omnetum hang from greater curvature and over small intes.
- lesser omentum extends liver to lesser curvanture+ stomach.
- Omenta adere to inflammed areas , immune cells, isolate infections that could cause periotnitis
- Oral and vacity functions in ingestion, taste, chemical digestion, smallowing, speech, respiration
- Lined with stratfied squamos epithelium that is kertanized for high absration (gums, cheek, hard palate)
- Cheeks and lips retain food , push back for chewing
- Frenulum: connections
- The tongue functions to manipulate food between teeth and is senistive
- Covered by non-kertanized stratified squamos epithelium
- projections called Linguinal Papillae (taste buds) functions to increase surface are for food contact and move bolus.
- Liguinal glands secrete part of salvia
1. Filiform: no taste buds but touch
2. Fungiform: mushroom like with tast buds
3. Foliate Papillae: short vertical folds and present on each side of the tongue
4. Circumvallate Papillae: dome shape structures that are where 1000s taste buds are
What are parts of palate?
- Palate sepreates nasa cavity from oral cavity and has two structures.
1. Hard palate is supported by ant. maxilla and palatine. (Tranverse ridges callled palatine ruage )
3. Soft palate is muscular and spongey- the uvula retains food until ready to swallow
Stucture of teeth
- teeth serve to mechanically, break food into smaller pieces and aid in swallowing and increase surface area for digest. enzymes to react. 32 adult teeth , 20 deciduous teeth replaced by 32 adult teeth
- Tooth sits in the alveolus socket: the alveolus is lined by the periodontal ligament ( keep connected)
- Crown above the gum and root below
Malocclusion and Impacted
Impacted refers to tooth unable to grow in right angle while malocculsion is teeth not aligned.
- Osteopororsis can lead to tooth loss.
Functions of Salvia and its components
- Moisten and clean the mouth
- Inhibit bacterial growth
- Dissolve molecules for taste bud stimulation
- digest straches and fats
- Bind the bolus together and lubricate for swallowing
- Salvia is a hypotonic solution of 98% water and ph at 7 containing solutes, mucos, electrolytes, lysozyme, IgA, salivary amylase, lingual lipase
Salivary Glands
- Intrinsic Salivary Glands: are a number of small glands which reside in other oral tissues: They secrete salivia at a constant rate despite eating or not.
- Extrinsic Salivary Glands: three pairs of larger , more discrete organs located outside the oral mucosa
- Partotid Glands: located just beneath the skin antieor to earlobes ( mumps orgin) ( secretions enter through parotid duct).
-** Submandibular glands**: located just haflway along mandible. Enters into mouth at papille under tongue
- Subliingual glands: located in floor of mouth and have mutliple ducts that empty into stomach under the tongue behind submandibular papillae.
Extinsic salivary glands produce saliva due to food ingestion.
Parasympatheic stimuli: stimulate the glands to produce lots of salivai with enzymes.
Sympatheic: stimulate the glands to produce less salivia thick with mucos
Structure of the pharynx
- Muscular Funnel that connects the esophagus and nasal cavity to the layrnx ( digestive meets respiriatory)
- Two layers:
1) Deep layer of Longitudinal Muscle
2) A superfical layer of circular muscle ( these are pharyngeal constictors which food is forced down during swallowing)
Components of Pharynx
Divided into three regions
1. Nasopharynx: recieves the eustachain tubes from middle ear and contains pharyngeal tonsil ( destory pathogens). It is located above where food enters and is covered by the uveula during swallowing. Lined with pesudostratified columnar ( pasas air )
2. Oropharynx ( starts to become startfied squamos for protection) Space between the post. soft palate and epiglottis. As the nasophaynx bends into oropharynx the psedu. –> stratifed to protect from abrasion. Contains tonsils palatine and ligunial tonsils ( pass air/food)
3. Layrnngopharynx: posteior to laynx moving from epiglottis to the cricoid cartilage and to esophagus. Also lined with startfied sq. ( pass air and food)