Large bowel Flashcards
How is the large bowel structured?
Large bowel consists of colon, caecum, appendix, rectum and canal
What is the caecum?
A blind pouch just distal to the ileocecal valve- larger in herbivores
What is the appendix?
A thin, finger-like extension of the caecum- not physiologically relevant in humans
What are the principle functions of the large bowel?
Reabsorption of electrolytes and water
Elimination of undigested food and waste
How long is the colon?
1.5m long, 6cm in diameter
How is the colon structured?
Ascending colon is on the right side of the abdomen, runs from the caecum to the hepatic flexure (turn of the colon by the liver)
Transverse colon runs from hepatic flexure to the splenic flexure (turn of colon by spleen). Hangs of the stomach, attached by a wide band of tissue called the greater omentum (posterior side, mesocolon)
Descending colon runs from splenic flexure to the sigmoid colon
Sigmoid colon runs from descending colon to the rectum
What supples the colon with blood?
Proximal transverse colon is suppled with blood from middle colic artery
Distal third of transverse colon is perfused by inferior mesenteric artery
This division reflects the embryological division between the midgut and hindgut. Region between the 2 is sensitive to ischaemia
What are features of the wall of the colon?
Peritoneum carries fatty tags (appendices epiploicae) and muscle coat has 3 thick longitudinal bands (taeniae coli). The gut wall is pouched in appearance (haustra)
Structural or functional purpose of appendices epiploica is unknown (perhaps protective function against into-abdominal infections)
Taenia coli necessary for large intestine motility
Nodules of lymph tissue are common in the walls of the distal small intestine (Peyer’s patches) and large intestine (solitary nodules)
How are haustra formed?
Taenia coli are shorter than in small intestines
This causes the formation of pouched ovoid segments called haustra (single is haustrum)
What are functions of the colon?
Colon absorbs electrolytes and water
More in proximal colon
Na+ and Cl- absorbed by exchange mechanisms and ion channels
Water follows by osmosis
K+ moves passively into lumen
Large intestine can reabsorb approx. 4.5 litres water (usually 1.5L). Above this threshold causes diarrhoea
What is the rectum?
Distal part of the alimentary canal
Its histology is similar to the colon but its distinguished by transverse rectal folds in its submucosa and the absence of taenia coli in its muscularis externa
What is the anal canal?
Terminal portion is the anal canal
Its surrounded by internal (circular muscle) and external (striated muscle) anal sphincters
What is the mucosal structure of the large bowel?
Innermost first: Mucosa: - epithelium - lamina propria - muscular mucosae
- connective tissue (containing nerve plexus)
- smooth muscle (containing nerve plexus)
Serosa/ adventitia:
- connective tissue +/- epithelium
What kind of cells are found in the mucosal structure of the large bowel?
Like the small intestines:
Enterocytes and goblet cells are abundant
Abundant crypts
Stem cells are found in the crypts
How is the mucosa organised?
Mucosa appears smooth at the gross level because it has no villi (smaller SA than small bowel)
Enterocytes have short, irregular microvilli- primary concerned with the reabsorption of salts
Crypts dominated by goblet cells
Glycocalyx are also found on apical membrane
How are goblet cells structured?
Higher number of goblet cells than small bowel
More prevalent in the crypts than along the surface, number increases distally towards rectum
Apical ends are packed with mucus filled secretion granules
Mucus- facilitates the passage of the increasingly solid colonic contents and covers bacteria and particulate matter
Acetylcholine (parasympathetic and enteric NS) stimulates goblet cell secretion
What cells are not found in the large bowel?
No paneth cells
Enteroendocrine cells are rarer than in the small bowel
How does the dominant cell of small bowel compare with large bowel?
In large bowel enterocytes are still the dominant cell facing the lumen but mucus-secreting goblet cells dominate crypts
What are microvilli?
Make up the brush border
Several thousand microvilli per cell
Surface of microvilli covered in glycocalyx
What is glycocalyx?
This is rich in carbohydrates
Serves as a protection from digestional lumen yet allows absorption
Traps a layer of water and mucous known as “unstirred layer”
Regulates rate of absorption from intestinal lumen
What muscles are found in the large bowel?
Like the small bowel muscularis externa consists of inner circular and outer longitudinal layer
Circular muscles segmentally thickened
Longitudinal layer concentrates in 3 bands- taenia coli
Between taenia, longitudinal layer is thin
Bundles of muscle from the taenia coli penetrate the circular layer at irregular intervals
Taenia coli form haustra which can contract individually
How does the large bowel produce motility?
Colonic contraction (usually segmental) are minimally propulsive: 5-10cm/hr
This promotes the absorption of electrolytes and water
In the proximal colon, ‘anti-propulsive’ patterns dominate to retain chyme
In the transverse and descending colon, localised segmental contractions of circular muscle called Haustral contraction cause back and fourth mixing
Short propulsive movements occur every 30 mins. These increase in frequency following a meal
What is mass movement?
1-3 times daily there is mass movement (high amplitude propagated contractions)- it resembles peristaltic wave
It can propel contents 1/3- 3/4 of length in large intestine in a few seconds
Food that contains fibre promotes rapid transport through the colon
How is the large bowel controlled by nerves?
Parasympathetic: ascending colon and most of transverse colon is innervated by vagus nerve. More distal innervated by pelvic nerves
Sympathetic: lower thoracic and upper lumbar spinal cord
External sphincter controlled by somatic motor fibres in the pudendal nerves
Afferent sensory neurones detect pressure