LAD Theory Flashcards
Where can disposal of EO by BURNING take place?
A licensed burning ground
What is the …..for burning SAA and HD 1.4?
- minimum safety distance
- maximum NEQ
- 100m
- 100kg
What is the special precaution WRT Non-hydroscopic and Flashless Non-hydroscopic Propellants?
Pers are to earth themselves before undertaking another operation
What is the …..for burning propellants and less energetically burning items?
- minimum safety distance
- maximum NEQ
- 100m
- 500kg
2 methods to initiate a propellant burn? xx
What is the length of time for a misfire?
- Electrical (preferred)
- Propellant trail
- 30 minutes
What is the minimum length of a propellant trail? xx
2 metres long
How often can the same burn site be used when burning propellant?
What is the minimum distance between sites?
- once every 24 hour period
- 50m
What is the explosive limit for burning disposal of gunpowder?
Wet down with how much water? (for max kg / ratio)
8 L water / ~30%
What natures of SAA can be disposed of with burning?
- excluding what? xx
- What other natures?
SAA of all natures and calibre up to 20mm INERT
- excludes 20mm HE, HEI-T, similiar HE or incendiary fillings
Sig and Illum cartridges Primers SA cartridge Primers electric and percussion Primary cartridges Matches FBT
Disposal of SAA/Pyro/Primers
What is the limit for:
- Drum disposal?
- Trench disposal?
Distance between sites?
6,000 rds / drum
12,000 rds / square metre of trench at 0.6m depth
- 150m
What is the aim of disposal by DEMOLITION?
Completely destroy all
List the reasons why demolition should be conducted below ground level? (4)
- Minimise the effect
- minimise the fragmentation
- enhances the effect of the demolition charge
- Assists in the containment should a partial detonation occur
What is the purpose of tamping? (2)
- ensure ammunition remains in close contact
- Stabilises the stack during multiple detonations
What is the Post hole method used to dispose of?
Why used?
- disposal of large calibre projectiles
- used to reduce shock, blast and projection of fragmentation
What methods can be used to destroy fuzes? (4)
- PE method (6 fuzes per Cart.)
- TR1 Primer
- Charge Block
- Sheet explosive (thickness 3mm+)
Disposal of Press-fit Primers
- Method of prep? (3)
- What must be done after firing / before recovery?
- Arrange Cart cases in rows, upright or on side
- sufficient lengths of det cord (single strand)
- Position det cord over base of primer and tape down
- OIC to inspect primers have functioned
Disposal of Mortar Cartridges - what preparation should be completed?
- Primary and augmenting charges should be removed
- If fuze or plug cannot be removed, place a dem charge, moulded to the shoulder of the mortar cartridge
What is the “Gold Standard” when stacking projectiles for demolition?
An unprimed round should be in contact with at least 2 primed rounds
What principles / types of explosives should be placed in each layer for disposal of mixed items:
- bottom layer
- second layer
- third layer
- top layer and around the stack
- centre of the stack
bottom layer – ammunition containing a small quantity ofHE
2nd layer – heavy cased ammunition
3rd layer – light cased ammunition
top layer and around the stack – bulk explosive
centre of the stack – ammunition filled with smoke
What is LAD for? (2)
- the disposal of any unsatisfactory EO
- disposal of captured EO
What is the minimum rank for OIC or Safety Officer (SO) LAD?
What ECN qualification?
How appointed?
- ECN 401-4
- Appointed in writing
Range appointments required for activity
- Pit supervisors
- Demolition User
- Ammunition Safety Supervisor
- Medic
Phases of Demolition Practice (4)
Completion Phase
Label the Stuck Fast charge
- Charge withdrawal cord
- tape bridle
- styrofoam container
- blasting cap
- ejection charge
- tape wrap
- cap lead
- tape
- Dimension ‘A’
- water passage channels
RF Hazard distances
Field radio
Vehicle-mounted radio
Mobile phone
Radar equipment
Forms of Electrical Energy
lightning static stray currents Galvanic electricity (chemical reaction) Electromagnetic radiation
What demolition method is used to reduce shock, blast and projection of fragmentation with the disposal of large calibre projectiles?
Post Hole method
Methods of Disposal of SAA/Pyro/Primers by burning (3)
Disposal of WP / RP - Disposal Site Considerations
- WP/RP is not to be disposed of on a conventional
demolition ground - WP/RP demolition is to be considered as
contaminated ground and is to be marked - not to be used for the destruction of other natures
of ammunition - The radius of contamination will vary but the area
to be marked should not be less than 10 m
Disposal of WP / RP Special Precautions - Medical
- All personnel are familiar with the immediate
treatment of WP burns - A plentiful supply of water is always to be readily
available at the demolition area - A minimum of 20 L of sterilised water reserved
exclusively for the treatment of WP burns
Disposal of WP / RP Special Precautions - Before firing
- The retired position is to be upwind of the demolition site
- Open range safety distance is to be applied
Disposal of WP / RP Special Precautions - After firing
- Boots and implements are to be passed through a small fire
- Not to be approached until 10 minutes have elapsed after the last smoke is seen
- During the clearance phase, members are to remain standing
- DPCU with sleeves rolled down and fastened at the wrist
- Current in service gas masks and heavy duty leather gloves are to be worn when approaching the disposal site and while conducting the clearance
What are acceptable disposal methods for RP/WP? (5)
PE CE Primer Charge Block Sheet explosive Lengths of Det cord
Subsequent actions after firing WP/ RP? (3)
Wait what time?
What must happen to the ground?
Tools must be passed through ____ and thoroughly ____
- wait 10 mins after smoke has died down
- Ground to be raked over
- Pass rakes through fire
Can AT pers declare the weapon serviceable after conducting projectile removal?
2 distinct categories of stuck projectiles and the description for each
Simple Case - No shot travel
Anormal Case - Shot has been shot travelled and has become stuck
Stuck Fast.
Whos responsibility is it to deal with:
- Simple Case
- Abnormal Case (2)
Simple Case - unit responsibility.
- SATO/AT/ATO where ejection charge is required
- Artificer (gun) if no explosive risk
What is the purpose of the polystyrene foam former in ejection charges? (3)
Centres the PE4 charge
Minimises unequal pressure on the wall of the barrel
Provides an air cushion that slows the initial detonating velocity
Stuck Fast
At what distance is the ejection charge placed from the projectile, in the barrel?
18 inches
Process for Ejection Charge
- Place charge 18 inches from the projectile
- elevate barrel and fill with water
What is the purpose of filling the barrel with water for ejection charges?
- water between charge and projectile will cushion fuze
- Water above charge provides a resistant medium against initial pressure
What is the maximum width for loose propellant train?
What is the minimum width a point of initiation?
What is the maximum density?
1m wide
single stick
50kg / square metre
What is the maximum/minimum widths for bagged charges?
max 4m wide, reduced to 3 charges
What is the maximum density of the train for gunpowder
Where should pers be located (distance / loc)
- 7kg / metre
- 50m upwind
Disposal of Detonators
Maximum tiers in a stack?
6 tiers high in a stack
What must be removed to prep for disposal of HE projectiles by burning?
- Primary and augmenting carts
- tracers if screw fitted
- metal fuze well caps
- Red Phos smoke boxes
- Exploders or boosters
What HE projectiles can be disposed of by burning?