Lab Test 2 Flashcards
How many species are in Order Carnivora?
How many Carnivora species are marine?
About how many carnivora species are native to Oklahoma?
More than 20
How many Carnivora families are native to Oklahoma?
This Carnivora family contains coyotes and foxes
What are the three Canidae species that are native to Oklahoma?
Coyote, red fox, grey fox
What is the scientific name of the coyote?
Canis latrans
What is the scientific name of the red fox?
Vulpes fulva
What is the scientific name of the grey fox?
Urocyon cinereoargentus
This Carnivora family contains bears
What is the only Ursidae species native to Oklahoma?
Black bear
What is the scientific name of the black bear?
Ursus americana
This Carnivora family contains raccoons
What is the only Procyonidae species native to Oklahoma?
What is the scientific name of the raccoon?
Procyon lotor
This Carnivora family contains mink and weasels
What are three Mustelidae species native to Oklahoma?
Mink, American badger, northern river otter
What is the scientific name of the mink?
Mustela vison
What is the scientific name of the American badger?
Taxidea taxus
What is the scientific name of the northern river otter?
Lontra canadensis
This Carnivora family contains skunks
What Mephitidae species is native to Oklahoma?
Striped skunk
What is the scientific name of the striped skunk?
Mephitis mephitis
This Carnivora family contains cats