Ch. 25 & 27 - Populations and Communities Flashcards
This is a group of individuals of the same species in the same place and time
What are the two types of population growth?
Exponential and logistic
What is the equation for exponential growth?
dN/dt = rN
What does N stand for in the exponential growth equation?
Population size
What does r stand for in the exponential growth equation?
Intrinsic rate of increase
What is the intrinsic rate of increase?
The inherent ability of an animal to reproduce
What are seven factors of the intrinsic rate of increase of a species?
- Animal size; 2. Natality (birth rate); 3. Mortality; 4. Fecundity; 5. Age of sexual maturity; 6. Sex ratios; 7. Length of gestation
What is the equation of logistic growth?
dN/dt = rN (K-N/K)
What does K stand for in the logistic growth equation?
Carrying capacity
This is the maximum number of individuals that a habitat type can support
Carrying capacity
What are five types of resources that affect carrying capacity?
Nutrients, water, nesting, forage, denning
What are the two types of population regulation?
Density-independent and density-dependent population regulation
In this type of population regulation, a population grows no matter how large or small it may become
Density-independent population regulation
What are two types of mammals that come closest to experiencing exponential growth and have density-independent populations?
Rodents and ungulates
What are two factors that can regulate density-independent populations?
Catastrophic events, habitat destruction
What are four examples of catastrophic events that can regulate density-independent populations?
Fire, flood, storms, drought
In this type of population regulation, population size directly affects the birth rate or death rate of the population
Density-dependent population regulation
Do most mammals have density-dependent population regulation?
What are six density-dependent population regulation factors?
- Intraspecific competition; 2. Social aggression; 3. Predation pressure; 4. Increased stress; 5. Increased parasite load; 6. Disease
This occurs when two or more individuals/species attempt to utilize a common essential resource at the same time
What are the four types of competition?
Intraspecific, interspecific, exploitive, and interference competition
In this type of competition, conspecifics compete for resources
Intraspecific competition
Can intraspecific competition be socially intense?
Is intraspecific competition low in density-dependent populations?