L7: Neck Swelling Flashcards
The Neck is a complex anatomical area comprised of ……
Thorough anatomical knowledge of the area is essential for safe clinical and surgical practice.
what are general swellings?
DDx of Midline Neck Swelling
DDx in Swelling in suprasternal (Burns’s) space
DDx of Lateral neck swelling
DDx of swelling in Submandibular triangle
DDx of swelling in Posterior triangle
DDx of swelling in carotid & Mascular triangle
Rule of 7 In the Neck
Rule of 80 In the Neck
What are fistulas & sinuses of the neck?
Site of Thyroglossal Fistula
Opening of Thyroglossal Fistula
Track of Thyroglossal Fistula
Number & Site of Tuberculous Sinus
Edge of Tuberculous Sinus
Margin of Tuberculous Sinus
Discharge of Tuberculous Sinus
Site of Sinus of hyoid bursitis
Shape of Sinus of hyoid bursitis
Discharge of Sinus of hyoid bursitis
Number of Cervicofacial actinomycosis
Discharge of Cervicofacial actinomycosis
Etiology of Thyroglossal Cyst
Lining of Thyroglossal Cyst
Site of Thyroglossal Cyst
Content of Thyroglossal Cyst
Wall of Thyroglossal Cyst
Malignancy of Thyroglossal Cyst
Complications of Thyroglossal Cyst
Number of Thyroglossal Cyst
Site of Thyroglossal Cyst
Shape of Thyroglossal Cyst
Surface of Thyroglossal Cyst
Edge of Thyroglossal Cyst
Consistency of Thyroglossal Cyst
Movement of Thyroglossal Cyst
Tenderness of Thyroglossal Cyst
Track of Thyroglossal Cyst
Special tests for Thyroglossal Cyst
Investigations for Thyroglossal Cyst
TTT of Thyroglossal Cyst
Etiology of Thyroglossal Fistula
Track of Thyroglossal Fistula
Discharge of Thyroglossal Fistula
Inflammation in Thyroglossal Fistula
Internal Opening of Thyroglossal Fistula
External Opening in Thyroglossal Fistula
Discharge in Thyroglossal Fistula
Hx in Thyroglossal Fistula
Movements of Thyroglossal Fistula
Characterestic Signs in Thyroglossal Fistula
Track of Thyroglossal Fistula
TTT of Thyroglossal Fistula
What is Another name of Cystic Hygroma?
Etiology of Cystic Hygroma
Site of Cystic Hygroma
Structure of Cystic Hygroma
age of Cystic Hygroma
Surface of Cystic Hygroma
Consistency of Cystic Hygroma
Size of Cystic Hygroma
Special Characters of Cystic Hygroma
Complications of Cystic Hygroma
TTT of Cystic Hygroma
Origin of Branchial Cyst
Site of Branchial Cyst
Age of Branchial Cyst
Pain in Branchial Cyst
Surface of Branchial Cyst
Consistency of Branchial Cyst
Special Characters of Branchial Cyst
Pathology of Branchial Cyst
Lining of Branchial Cyst
Cyst Wall in Branchial Cyst
Complications of Branchial Cyst
Investigations of Branchial Cyst
TTT of Branchial Cyst
Etiology of Congenital Branchial Fistula
External Opening of Congenital Branchial Fistula
Internal Opening of Congenital Branchial Fistula
Discharge of Congenital Branchial Fistula
Type of Patient of Congenital Branchial Fistula
Symptoms & Signs in Congenital Branchial Fistula
Investigations in Congenital Branchial Fistula
TTT of Congenital Branchial Fistula
Etiology of Acquired Branchial Fistula
External Opening in Acquired Branchial Fistula
Internal Opening in Acquired Branchial Fistula
Discharge in Acquired Branchial Fistula
Type of Patient in Acquired Branchial Fistula
Symptoms & Signs in Acquired Branchial Fistula
Investigations for Acquired Branchial Fistula
TTT of Acquired Branchial Fistula
Etiology of Zenker’s Diverticulum
Site of Zenker’s Diverticulum
Structure of Zenker’s Diverticulum
Complications of Zenker’s Diverticulum
Signs of Zenker’s Diverticulum
Investigations of Zenker’s Diverticulum
TTT options of Zenker’s Diverticulum
Cricopharyngeal myotomy (Heller’s operations)
Endoscopic division of septum
Normal Carotid Body
What is carotid body tumor pathologically?
Site of carotid body tumor pathologically?
Shape of carotid body tumor
Size of carotid body tumor
Capsule of carotid body tumor
Color of carotid body tumor
Consistency of carotid body tumor
Surface of carotid body tumor
Spread of carotid body tumor
Histology of carotid body tumor
Pain of carotid body tumor
Rate of growth in carotid body tumor
Site of carotid body tumor
Surface of carotid body tumor
Movement of carotid body tumor
Edge of carotid body tumor
Special Characters of carotid body tumor
DDx of carotid body tumor
Investigations in carotid body tumor
TTT of Carotid Body Tumor
Complications of surgery of Carotid Body Tumor
Def of Laryngocele
Extension of Laryngocele
Type of patient with Laryngocele
Site of Laryngocele
Surface of Laryngocele
Movement of Laryngocele
Size of Laryngocele
Consistency of Laryngocele
Special Characters of Laryngocele
Complications of Laryngocele
Dx of Laryngocele
TTT of Laryngocele
Def of Pneumatocele
Site of Pneumatocele
Auscaultation of Pneumatocele
Size of Pneumatocele
Special Characters of Pneumatocele
TTT of Pneumatocele
Etiology of SCM Tumor
Nature of SCM Tumor
Ages affected by SCM Tumor
Size of SCM Tumor
Site of SCM Tumor
Surface of SCM Tumor
Consistency of SCM Tumor
Tenderness of SCM Tumor
Adherence of SCM Tumor
Torticollis in SCM Tumor
Complications of SCM Tumor
TTT of SCM Tumor
Site of Neck Infections
Def of Ludwig’s Angina
Causative Organsim of Ludwig’s Angina
Spread of Ludwig’s Angina
Type of patients of Ludwig’s Angina
PPt Factors of Ludwig’s Angina
CP of Ludwig’s Angina
Complications of Ludwig’s Angina
TTT of Ludwig’s Angina
Def of Dermoid Cyst
Types of Dermoid Cyst
Origin of Tubulo alveolar dermoid cyst
Types of Tubulo alveolar dermoid cyst
Etiology of Sequestration Dermoid Cyst
Sites of Sequestration Dermoid Cyst
Structure of Sequestration Dermoid Cyst
Shape of Sequestration Dermoid Cyst
Consistency of Sequestration Dermoid Cyst
Surface of Sequestration Dermoid Cyst
Pain in Sequestration Dermoid Cyst
Edge of Sequestration Dermoid Cyst
Ftxation of Sequestration Dermoid Cyst
Age of Sequestration Dermoid Cyst
Special characters of Sequestration Dermoid Cyst
Complications of Sequestration Dermoid Cyst
Investigations for Sequestration Dermoid Cyst
TTT of Sequestration Dermoid Cyst
Etiology of Implantation dermoid cyst
Site of Implantation dermoid cyst
Structure of Implantation dermoid cyst
Type of Patient in Implantation dermoid cyst
Size of Implantation dermoid cyst
Course of Implantation dermoid cyst
Consistency of Implantation dermoid cyst
Pain & Tenderness in Implantation dermoid cyst
TTT of Implantation dermoid cyst
Def of Teratomatous dermoid cyst
Sites of Teratomatous dermoid cyst
Structure of Teratomatous dermoid cyst
TTT of Teratomatous dermoid cyst
DDx of LN Enlargment
Etiology of Tuberculous lymphadenitis
Site of infection by Tuberculous lymphadenitis
Site of LNs affection in Tuberculous lymphadenitis
Associations in Tuberculous lymphadenitis
TTT of Tuberculous lymphadenitis
Secondaries in Neck LNs
Def of Subhyoid Bursitis
Site of Subhyoid Bursitis
Surface of Subhyoid Bursitis
Consistency of Subhyoid Bursitis
Movement of Subhyoid Bursitis
Content of Subhyoid Bursitis
Rupture of Subhyoid Bursitis
TTT of Subhyoid Bursitis
DDx of pulsatile Neck swellings
Stages of tuberculous lymphadenitis
DDx of painful neck swellings
DDx of chronic neck swellings