L13: Obstructive Jaundice Flashcards
Def of Obstructive Jaundice
Jaundice that occurs due to obstruction to the outflow of bile.
Another Name of Obstructive Jaundice
It is also called Surgical Jaundice, Since these cases are managed by surgical intervention.
Indications of surgery in Jaundice
Obstructive Jaundice & Some Hemolytic Jaundice require spleenectomy
Causes of Obstructive Jaundice
Lumen Causes of Obstructive Jaundice
Wall Causes of Obstructive Jaundice
External Causes of Obstructive Jaundice
Benjamin Classification of Biliary Obstruction
Type 1 (Complete Obstruction)
Type 2 (Intermittent Obstruction)
Type 3 (Chronic Complete Obstruction)
Type 4 (Segmental Obstruction)
CP of Obstructive Jaundice
From the clinical point of view, 90% of cases of obstructive jaundice are due to either
- Stones.
- Periampullary carcinoma or carcinoma of the head of the pancreas.
Charcotβs Triad & Reynold Pentad in Obstructive Jaundice
Courvoisier Law
Exceptions to Courvoisierβs Law
Clinical Features of Gall Bladder Mass
DDx of OJ
Differentiate between stone in the CBD & Periampullary Carcinoma/Cancer head of pancreas (See Pancreatic Neoplasms Lecture Page 7).
Lab INVx in Obstructive Jaundice
- LFTs
- Others
LFTs in Obstructive Jaundice
Why prothrombin time is prolonged in obstructive jaundice?
How to Correct prothrombin time in obstructive jaundice?
Parenteral administration of vitamin K (deep intramuscular) For 5-7 days will correct prothrombin time in patients with OJ.
Urine Urobilinogen in OJ
HB% in OJ
Decrease in malignancy
TC & DC in OJ
Increase in Infections
Other Labs in OJ
Imaging in OJ
- Abdominal US
- Triphasic CT
- Angiography
- FDG PET Scan
- Laparoscopy
Significance of US in OJ
Indications of US in OJ
The initial test should be an abdominal ultrasound
Advantages of US in OJ
The most useful, noninvasive, reliable & quick investigation For obstructive jaundice
Role of US in Evaluation of OJ
Dilated Biliary Radicals by US in OJ
- Both intrahepatic and extrahepatic can be demonstrated.
- Itβs First clue in obstructive jaundice
Stones by US in OJ
What is US sensitive to in OJ? and what is it not sensitive to?
Pancreatic Lesions by US in OJ
Liver Lesions by US in OJ
US can detect muitiple secondaries in the liver, thus,
favoring the diagnosis of malignancy.
LNs By US in OJ
Endosonogram can detect lymph nodes also.
Indications of Triphasic CT in OJ
- For Painless jaundice, since the suspicion for malignancy is high, the next study of choice is a βtriple-phaseβ abdominal CT scan as ultrasound cannot rule out pancreatic lesions.
Phases of Triphasic CT
Triple phase CT captures images during three phases of contrast:
1. Arterial phase
2. Early venous phase
3. Late venous phase.
Clinical Findings by Triphasic CT in OJ
What Indicates Operability in Triphasic CT in OJ?
- Obliteration of fat plane between the mass and superior mesenteric vessels which decides the operability.
- It can also detect coeliac nodes, presence of which is a contraindication for radical resections.
Limitations of Triphasic CT in OJ
CTscan cannot differentiate head mass of carcinoma FROM chronic pancreatitis (PET scen may differentiate).
Precaution of Triphasic CT in OJ
Take precautions Against contrast induced nephropathy.
Indications of MRCP in OJ
It is the investigation of choice in cases of obstructive jaundice or of high strictures and cholangiocarcinomas.
Advantages of MRCP in OJ
- It is non-invasive.
- Delineates the bile ducts very well so that a biliary bypass can also be planned.
Disadvantages of MRCP in OJ
Biopsy is not possible with MRI.
- While Brush cytology is possible while doing ERCP
Findings in MRCP in OJ
Advantages of EUS in OJ
Significance of EUS in OJ
EUS is a useful adjunct that is utilized in some centers
If CT/EUS does show a pancreatic mass suspicious for malignancy, FNA/biopsy is β¦β¦β¦ if patientis a surgical candidate
not necessary
Indications of ERCP in OJ
Routine ERCP is not indicated in patient with obstructive jaundice due to carcinoma head pancreas or periampullary carcinoma
Interpretation of ERCP in OJ
Complications of ERCP in OJ
Uses of ERCP in ERCP in OJ
Uses of ERCP in ERCP in OJ
- Stones
Uses of ERCP in ERCP in OJ
- Cholangitis with OJ
Uses of ERCP in ERCP in OJ
- Biliary Strictures
Uses of ERCP in ERCP in OJ
- Chronic Pancreatitis
Role of Preoperative Biliary Stenting
Indications of Preoperative Biliary Stenting
- Cases require palliation of jaundice in advance cases.
- When neoadjuvant chemotherapy is indicated before surgical treatment is considered.
Angiography is not routinely required in OJ, Why?
As good quality contrast CT scan may show any invasion of vessels by pancreatic growth.
Findings of Angiography in OJ
- Angiographic appearance of occlusion of celiac, superior mesenteric vessels or portal vein suggests non-resectability.
- Distortion of the vessels is commonly seen.
What is FDG PET Scan?
Fludeoxyglucose-18 (FDG) Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
Indications of FDG PET Scan
Advantages of FDG PET Scan
FDG PET scan combined with CT scan is able to differentiate between benign & malignant pancreatic lesion
Disadvantages of FDG PET Scan
Inflammatory lesion in pancreas may show false positive results.
Role of Laparoscopy in OJ
Indications of Laparoscopy in OJ
Experienced laparoscopists are also trying biliary and gastric bypass laparoscopically.
Role of Percutaneous Transhepatic Cholangiography (PTC) in OJ
Indications of Percutaneous Transhepatic Cholangiography (PTC) in OJ
More inuestigations to assess the patient for fitness for GA
Preoperative Preparation in OJ
Preoperative Preparation in OJ
- Anemia
The patient isusually anemic
- If Hb level < 10 gm%: correction of anemia by preoperative blood transfusion.
Preoperative Preparation in OJ
- ## Hepatocellular Dysfunction
Preoperative Preparation in OJ
- Chronic Dysfunction
Preoperative Preparation in OJ
- Impaired renal Function
Preoperative Preparation in OJ
- Prolonged PT
may be corrected with an injection of vitamin K for 5-7 days before the operation.
Preoperative Preparation in OJ
- Infection
Preoperative Preparation in OJ
- Malnourishment
Enteral or parenteral nutrition may be given preoperatively.
Preoperative Preparation in OJ
- Pulmonary Function
Algorithm of Managment of OJ
When to suspect OJ by labs?
Initial Radiological Study in OJ? and why is it used?
USG Abdomen
- for Cause & Level of Block
Look for any mass lesion in head of pancreas or evidence of chronic Pancreatitis by β¦.
Lesion in periampullary region is detected by β¦.
UGI Endoscopy
How to Conrirm Lesion in periampullary region?
Bx + CT
History of CBD Stones
Types Of CBD Stones (In terms of Site)
- Primary & Secondary
Site of Primary Stones
Nature of Primary Stones
Causes of Primary Stones
Nature of Secondary Stones
Site of Secondary Stones
Aim in Calcular Obstructive jaundice
- To relieve biliary obstruction by removal of stones from CBD.
- To remove the gall bladder (if present), that is usually the source of CBD calculi.
Managment options in Calcular Obstructive jaundice
Management Of CBD Stones With Cholangitis
Management Of CBD Stones Without Choiangitis
- If the GB Contains Calculi
Management Of CBD Stones Without Choiangitis
- If the Gallbladder Contains NO Calculi
- ERCP extraction.
- ESWL (Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy).
Management Of CBD Stones Without Choiangitis
- In case of retained stone
Management of Malignant Obstructive Jaundice
- Benign Strictures (Low CBD Obstruction)
Management of Malignant Obstructive Jaundice
- Benign Strictures (High CBD Obstruction)
Management of Malignant Obstructive Jaundice
- Periampullary Carcinoma
Surgical Treatment of periampullary carcinoma
Nonsurgical Treatment of periampullary carcinoma
Which Has better Prognosis, Periampullary Carcinoma & Carcinoma head of pancreas?
Periampullary Carcinoma
Management of Malignant Obstructive Jaundice
- Sclerosing Cholangitis
- Steroids in large doses.
- Cholestyramine.
- Stenting.
Management of Malignant Obstructive Jaundice
- Cholangiocarcinoma
- Stenting for relief of jaundice
- Chemotherapy: Not much helpful Klatskin tumor.
What is Klatskin tumor?
It is cholangiocarcinoma at the confluence of the hepatic ducts.
TTT of Klatskin tumor
- Treatment is similar to cholangiocarcinoma.
Management of Malignant Obstructive Jaundice
- Carcinoma Gallbladder
Post-Operative Managment of OJ