L4: Surgical Anatomy of Stomach Flashcards
Site of Stomach
Shape of Stomach
Upper opening of Stomach
Lower opening of Stomach
Attachments to Lesser curvature
Special Structures in Lesser curvature
Attachments to Greater Curvature
Special Structures in Greater Curvature
surfaces of Stomach
parts o Stomach
Parts of pylorus
Surgical division of the stomach
Peritoneal covering of Surgical division of the stomach
Ligaments of the Stomach
Superior attachment of Lesser omentum
Inferior attachment of Lesser omentum
Attachment of Greater omentum
Layers of Greater omentum
Relations of Anterior (antero-superior) Surface of the stomach
Posterior (postero-inferior) Surface relations of the stomsch
Structures forming the stomach bed
What is another name of lesser sac?
Def of lesser sac
All these structures are separated from the stomach by the cavity of lesser sac except the spleen which is separated from the stomach by the cavity of greater sac.
Boundaries of lesser sac
Anterior wall of lesser sac
Posterior wall of lesser sac
Upper border of lesser sac
Lower border of lesser sac
Right border of lesser sac
Left border of lesser sac
what is another name of epiploic formanen?
Def of epiploic formanen
Site of epiploic formanen
Boundaries of epiploic formanen
How to identify the epiploic foramen?
Importance of Pringleβs maneuver
Procedure of Pringleβs maneuver
Origin of Celiac Trunk
Branches of Celiac Trunk
Arterial supply of the stomach
Venous Drainage of The Stomach
Lymphatic Drainage of the stomach
Nerve Supply of the stomach
Vagal Supply to the Stomach
Criminal nerve of Grassi
Types of Vagotomy
Surface anatomy of the stomach
Cause of Congenital infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (CHPS)
Features of Congenital infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (CHPS)
Cause of Thoracic stomach
Features of Thoracic stomach
Cause of Hour-glass stomach
Feautures of Hour-glass stomach
Cause of Transposition of the stomach to the right side
Types of Gastric atresia