L21: Pancreatic Neoplasm Flashcards
Classification of Pancreatic Neoplasm
Incidence of Endocrine Pancreatic Neoplasm
Origin of Endocrine Pancreatic Neoplasm
CP of Endocrine Pancreatic Neoplasm
Epidemeology of Pancreatic Carcinoma
Most Pancreatic Carcinoma are …..
Site of Pancreatic Carcinoma
Risk Factors for Pancreatic Carcinoma
Risk Factors for Pancreatic Carcinoma
- General
Risk Factors for Pancreatic Carcinoma
- Life-Style
Pre-Cancerous lesions for Pancreatic Carcinoma
Site of Pancreatic Carcinoma
Size of Pancreatic Carcinoma
Types of Pancreatic Carcinoma
- Macroscopically
Scirrhous Pancreatic Carcinoma
Medullary Pancreatic Carcinoma
Microscopic picture of Pancreatic Carcinoma
- Duct cell Origin
Microscopic picture of Pancreatic Carcinoma
- Acinar cell origin
Spread of Pancreatic Carcinoma
Spread of Pancreatic Carcinoma
- Direct
Spread of Pancreatic Carcinoma
- Lymphatic
Spread of Pancreatic Carcinoma
- Blood
Spread of Pancreatic Carcinoma
- Transperitoneal
Staging of Pancreatic Carcinoma
- T
Staging of Pancreatic Carcinoma
- N
Staging of Pancreatic Carcinoma
- M
Compare Between Carcinoma of the Head & Carcinoma of the body & Tail
Compare Between Carcinoma of the Head & Carcinoma of the body & Tail
- Presentation
Compare Between Carcinoma of the Head & Carcinoma of the body & Tail
- Pain
Compare Between Carcinoma of the Head & Carcinoma of the body & Tail
- Jaundice
Compare Between Carcinoma of the Head & Carcinoma of the body & Tail
- Others
General Signs of Pancreatic Carcinoma
Abdominal Signs of Pancreatic Carcinoma
Complications of Pancreatic Carcinoma
DDx of Jaundice
Compare between Stones in CBD & Carcinoma Periampullary/Head of Pancreas
Compare between Stones in CBD & Carcinoma Periampullary/Head of Pancreas
- Age
Compare between Stones in CBD & Carcinoma Periampullary/Head of Pancreas
- Sex
Compare between Stones in CBD & Carcinoma Periampullary/Head of Pancreas
- Duration of symptoms
Compare between Stones in CBD & Carcinoma Periampullary/Head of Pancreas
- Pain
Compare between Stones in CBD & Carcinoma Periampullary/Head of Pancreas
- Fever
Compare between Stones in CBD & Carcinoma Periampullary/Head of Pancreas
- Jaundice
Compare between Stones in CBD & Carcinoma Periampullary/Head of Pancreas
- Stool
Compare between Stones in CBD & Carcinoma Periampullary/Head of Pancreas
- Pruritis
Compare between Stones in CBD & Carcinoma Periampullary/Head of Pancreas
- Loss of Weight & Appetite
Compare between Stones in CBD & Carcinoma Periampullary/Head of Pancreas
- Jaundice
Compare between Stones in CBD & Carcinoma Periampullary/Head of Pancreas
- Anemia
Compare between Stones in CBD & Carcinoma Periampullary/Head of Pancreas
- Abdominal examination
Compare between Stones in CBD & Carcinoma Periampullary/Head of Pancreas
- Metastasis
DDx of Epigastric Mass
Epigastric Mass
- Carcinoma Stomach infiltrationg the Pancreas
Epigastric Mass
- Carcinoma Transverse Colon
Epigastric Mass
- Para-Aortic LN Mass
Compare between Carcinoma Body of Pancreas & Carcinoma Stomach
Compare between Carcinoma Body of Pancreas & Carcinoma Stomach
- Position in Relation to Peritoneum
Compare between Carcinoma Body of Pancreas & Carcinoma Stomach
- Presentation
Compare between Carcinoma Body of Pancreas & Carcinoma Stomach
- Movement with respiration
Compare between Carcinoma Body of Pancreas & Carcinoma Stomach
- Mobility
Compare between Carcinoma Body of Pancreas & Carcinoma Stomach
- Knee-Elbow position
Compare between Carcinoma Body of Pancreas & Carcinoma Stomach
- Percussion
Investigations for Pancreatic Cancer
Investigations for Pancreatic Cancer
- LFTs
Investigations for Pancreatic Cancer
- Tumor Markers
Investigations for Pancreatic Cancer
- Tumor Markers (CA19-9)
Investigations for Pancreatic Cancer
- Tumor Markers (CEA)
Investigations for Pancreatic Cancer
- Abdominal US
What is the first Imaging Examination to use in OJ?
Significance of Abdominal US in Pancreatic Carcinoma
Investigations for Pancreatic Cancer
- CT
Investigations for Pancreatic Cancer
- Type of CT
Investigations for Pancreatic Cancer
- Findings of CT
Investigations for Pancreatic Cancer
- Needle Biopsy
Investigations for Pancreatic Cancer
Investigations for Pancreatic Cancer
- EUS (Advantages)
Investigations for Pancreatic Cancer
TTT of Pancreatic Cancer
Indications of Stenting of Pancreatic Cancer
Procedure of Stenting of Pancreatic Cancer
……. are better than plastic stents
Self-Expanding metal stents
…… is superior to stenting
Surgical Bypass
Possible Risk of Surgery in OJ Patinets
Possible Risk of Surgery in OJ Patinets
-Excessive Hge
Possible Risk of Surgery in OJ Patinets
- Septic Cholangitis
Possible Risk of Surgery in OJ Patinets
- Septicemia
Possible Risk of Surgery in OJ Patinets
- Renal & Hepatic Failure
Pre-Operatice Preparation of Jaundiced Patients
Pre-Operatice Preparation of Jaundiced Patients
- Aim
Pre-Operatice Preparation of Jaundiced Patients
- Vitamin K
Pre-Operatice Preparation of Jaundiced Patients
- Oral Bile Acids
Pre-Operatice Preparation of Jaundiced Patients
- Prophylactic antibiotic
Pre-Operatice Preparation of Jaundiced Patients
- Fluid
Pre-Operatice Preparation of Jaundiced Patients
- mannitol Osmotic
Pre-Operatice Preparation of Jaundiced Patients
- Sugar-Rich food
- First Step
- Procedure of Choice
Indication of Radical
Pancreatico Duedenectomy (Whipple)
Percentage of Patinets suitable for Radical
Pancreatico Duedenectomy (Whipple)
Pancreatico Duedenectomy (Whipple)
- Structures Removed
Pancreatico Duedenectomy (Whipple)
- Anastomoses
Pancreatico Duedenectomy (Whipple)
- Prognosis
Pancreatico Duedenectomy (Whipple)
- Chemo & Radio
Triple Bypass in Pancreatic Cancer
TTT of Carcinoma body & Tail
TTT of Carcinoma body & Tail
- If very small & Early
TTT of Carcinoma body & Tail
- If Late
Carcinoma body & Tail
- Prognosis
TTT of Pancreatic Cancer
- Palliation