L30: Abdominal Wall Flashcards
4 features of Sacrum. Also, what is exclusive about the dog’s sacrum?
- Pelvic area
- ~3-5 fused vertebrae
- Articulate with ilium at SI joint (S1 sometimes also S2)
- Rest of vertebrae form roof of pelvic cavity
Dog: 3 vertebrae form one block
What the auricular surface articulate with?
Ilium on either side
What structure does the hamstring muscle attach to?
Tuber Ischiarum (ischium)
Where is the structure where umbilical cord attaches?
What is the name of the surgical white line entering abdomen?
Linea alba
What are mammary glands? (2)
- Modified, much enlarged sweat glands
- Evolutionary modified to produce colostrum
What is colostrum?
- Modified milk produced immediately after parturition
- Has a role in the passive transfer of immunity to the newborn
What does each mammary gland have a compound of?
- Each gland is a compound tubuloalveolar gland that consists of secretory units grouped into lobules defined by intervening connective tissue septa
What are features of supernumerary teats?
- May be independent or attached to other, better developed glands
- May interfere with milking
- Often removed from the udders of cows and goats
What is the diaphragm a muscle of?
What is the function of the diaphragm?
Openings permit passage of blood and lymphatic vessels, esophagus and nerves between the abdomen and the thorax
The diaphragm consists of 3 major apertures. What are they and what do each permit passage of?
- Caval foramen
- Caudal vena cava - Esophageal hiatus
- Esophagus
- Vagal trunks - Aortic hiatus
- Aorta
- Azygous Vein
- Thoracic duct
Two groups of muscles of the abdominal wall- describe what specific muscles are in each group. What are they innervated by?
- Ventrolateral
- External abdominal oblique, Internal abdominal
oblique, transversus abdominis, rectus abdominus - Dorsal (sublumbar)
- Psoas minor, psoas major, Quadratus lumborum
–> Both innervated by ventral rami
In regard to the muscles of abdominal wall, what is the function of all four of the ventrolateral muscles?
- Compression of the abdominal viscera (abdominal press), aids in such vital functions as expiration, urination, defecation, and parturition
In regard to the muscles of abdominal wall, what is the function of specifically the External abdominal oblique, and rectus abdominus?
- Flexion of the vertebral column when fellow muscles contract; lateral bending of the vertebral column (unilateral)
What is the inguinal ligament?
Free edge of the external abdominal obliques
What is the superficial inguinal ring associated with and what is its function? (3)
- Associated with the inguinal ligament
- Opening between the abdominal and pelvic tendons of the external abdominal oblique
- Exit from the canal
What is the cremaster muscle?
A muscle slip detached from the internal oblique that passes onto the spermatic cord
What is the transversus abdominis?
The deepest muscle of the lateral abdominal wall (flank)
What is the common insertion for the abdominal muscles and the linea alba?
Prepubic tendon
What is the transversalis fascia?
A lining of fascia deep to the transversus abdominis that contacts the peritoneum of the abdominal cavity
In the rectus sheath of the abdominal wall, why is there a progressively weaker body wall caudal to the umbilicus and nearer to the pubis?
Caudally the aponeuroses of the internal abdominal oblique and transversus abdominis change their relative position to the rectus abdominis
What is the prepubic tendon and happens to this in some pregnant females?
- Common insertion for the abdominal muscles and the linea alba
- Sometimes ruptures in pregnant females during late pregnancy from painful edema in front of the udder
What is the deep inguinal ring? (3)
- A boundary and not a distinct anatomical structure
- Lies along the free caudal edge of the internal oblique muscle
- Slit-like
- Abdominal entrance
What is the inguinal CANAL? Function?
A natural passageway from the abdominal cavity out to the abdominal wall
- Function: Transmits the testis in males during development
Inguinal canal: Males vs both Male & Female (3)
Males only: Contains the spermatic cord and associated structures
Both genders transmits:
- External pudendal artery and usually vein
- Efferent vessels from the superficial inguinal lymph nodes
- Genitofemoral nerve
What is an abdominal hernia?
A displacement and protrusion of part of an organ through the walls of the body cavity
Two possible causes of abdominal hernia?
Can be congenital or acquired (trauma)
2 main types of abdominal hernias?
- Umbilical- abdominal contents protrude into the overlying subcutaneous fascia
- Inguinal- abdominal contents pass through the inguinal canal and my project into the scrotum in males
What innervates the abdominal wall? Explain.
Lumbar ventral rami: nerves pass through the transversus abdominis close to the tip of the transverse processes and then run deep to the internal oblique toward the ventral abdominal wall
What do the lateral and ventral cutaneous branches supply?
What are the nerves associated with the abdominal wall? *
- Last intercostal n
- Costoa-abdominal n.
- Iliohypogastric*
- Ilioinguinal n. *
- Genitofemoral n.*
In the Iliohypogastric, ilioinguinal, and genitofemoral n., where is the nerve located in a) species with 6 lumbar nerves, & b) speices with 7?
- Iliohypogastric* L1// L1 Cranial, L2 Caudal - Ilioinguinal n. * L2// L3 - Genitofemoral n.* L3-L4// L3-L4
What are the muscles of the dorsal abdominal wall? What is the action of each?
- Psoas major- Flex hip joint, draws pelvis limb forward
- Psoas minor- Flex the lumbar vertebral column
- Quadratus lumborum- Stabilize lumbar vertebral column; assist in lateral bending
What is the blood supply of the abdominal wall? How is the blood supply split in goats?
Abdominal aorta;
In goats the aorta splits into common iliac aa. which split into the external and internal iliac aa.