L1:The animal–human–environment health interface Flashcards
What is the role of the EU committee for vets?
Standing committee on plants, animals, food and feed
What is the role of the EU Commission?
EU’s executive body - represent EU’s interest, propose and enforce laws
What is the role of the Council of the EU?
A council of ministers (legislators)
Who is on the European council?
Heads of member states
What do the EU produce that are binding?
Regulations, directives, decisions, delegated/implementing acts since Lisbon Treaty
What do the EU produce that are non-binding?
Resolutions, opinions, recommendations
What is the structure of a UK regulation?
Contents, Paragraphs, Subparagraphs, Schedules
What is the structure of a UK order?
Interpretation, Regulations, Articles, Paragraphs, Subparagraphs, Schedules
What is the structure of a UK act?
Parts, Schedules, Sections and Subsections
What are the parts of an EU regulation (not in order)?
Recital, Chapter, Article, Annex, Section, Point, some have title with numbered Article
Where is the Recital found?
At the beginning
What does the Recital explain?
What it is about, what could not be agreed
What kind of numbers are in the Chapter?
What kind of numbers are in the Article of an EU regulation?
What do the Chapters and Articles of an EU regulation explain?
The scope, responsibilities and definitions
Which parts of an EU regulation are more specific?
Annexes, Sections, Chapters and Points