Kielinuppu Flashcards
How do you feel?
Miltä tuntuu sinusta?
Let’s learn the numbers!
(use passive form)
Numeroita opitaan!
opitaan = passiivi
We are building the Sampo miracle machine.
(use passive form)
Rakennetaan Sampoa ihmekonetta.
We are measuring with a measure.
(use passive form)
Mitataan mitalla.
We are nailing with a hammer.
(use passive form)
Naulataan vasaralla.
We are screwing with a screwdriver.
(use passive form)
Ruuvataan meisselillä.
We are gluing with glue.
(use passive form)
Liimataan liimalla.
We are drilling with a drill.
(use passive form)
Porataan poralla.
We are tying with string.
(use passive form)
Sidotaan narulla.
We are sawing with a saw.
(use passive form)
Sahataan sahalla.
What is even bigger?
Mikä on vieläkin suurempi?
What is quite big?
Mikä on aika suuri?
What is the biggest of all?
Mikä on kaikkein suurin?
The turtle is even slower.
Kilpikonna on vieläkin hitaampi.
The hedgehog is quite slow.
Siili on aika hidas.
The snail is the slowest of all.
Kotilo on kaikkein hitain.
kotilot/gastropods = snails & slugs from saltwater, freshwater and land
The rocket is the fastest of all.
Raketti on kaikkein nopein.