Jung: Analytical Psychology Flashcards
a separate theory of personality which rests on the assumption that occult phenomena can and do influence the lives of
everyone. (CARL JUNG)
analytical psychology
Some elements of the collective unconscious become highly developed and are called (CARL JUNG)
what is Jung’s term for certain emotionally toned experiences inherited from our ancestors. (CARL JUNG)
collective unconscious
Carl Jung birthdate
July 26, 1875
what kind of images are those that are sensed by the ego? (CARL JUNG)
conscious images
the center of personality that is largely unconscious (CARL JUNG)
it embraces all repressed, forgotten, or subliminally perceived experiences of one particular individual
contains repressed infantile memories and impulses, forgotten events, and experiences originally perceived below the threshold of our consciousness (CARL JUNG)
personal unconscious
Contents of the personal unconscious are called
hint: is an emotionally toned conglomeration of associated ideas (CARL JUNG)
complex or complexes
It represents Jung’s most controversial, and perhaps his most distinctive, concept
has roots in the ancestral past of the entire species (CARL JUNG)
collective unconscious
are ancient or archaic images that derive from the collective unconscious
similar to complexes in that they are emotionally toned collections of associated images but whereas complexes are individualized components of the personal unconscious, ________ are generalized and derive from the contents of the collective unconscious (CARL JUNG)
Jung’s definition of an instinct
an unconscious physical impulse toward action and saw the archetype as the psychic counterpart to an instinct
main source of archetypal material (CARL JUNG)
the archetype of darkness and repression represents those qualities we do not wish to acknowledge but attempt to hide from ourselves and others
consists of morally objectionable tendencies as well as a number of constructive and creative qualities that we, nevertheless, are reluctant to face (CARL JUNG)
what is the unconscious representation of a man’s feminine side
is the feminine side of men and is responsible for many of their irrational moods and feelings.
hint: the mouthpiece of the unconscious (CARL JUNG)
the anima
What is the masculine archetype in women called
is responsible for irrational
thinking and illogical opinions in women.
hint: is symbolic of thinking and reasoning (CARL JUNG)
the animus
represents two opposing forces -
fertility and nourishment (sustaining life) on the one hand
and power and destruction (neglect offspring) on the other (CARL JUNG)
great mother archetype
this is the archetype of wisdom and meaning, symbolizes humans’ preexisting knowledge of the mysteries of life.
This archetypal meaning, however, is unconscious and cannot be directly experienced by a single individual.
this archetype is the intelligent but deceptive voice of accumulated experience. (CARL JUNG)
wise old man archetype
This archetype is represented in mythology and legends as a powerful person, sometimes part god, who fights against great odds to conquer or vanquish evil
but is often undone by a seemingly insignificant event or person
unconscious image of a person who conquers an evil foe but who also has a tragic flaw (CARL JUNG)
hero archetype
an inherited tendency to move toward growth, perfection, and completion
archetype of archetypes (CARL JUNG)
the self