Allport: Psychology of the Individual Flashcards
what does Allport call the study of the individual?
morphogenic science
(Allport) methods that gather data on a single individual
morphogenic methods
(Allport) methods that gather data on groups of people
nomothetic methods
what is Allport’s 50th definition of the personality?
the dynamic organization within the individual of those psychophysical systems that determine his unique adjustments to his environment
(Allport) this term implies an integration or interrelatedness of the various aspects of personality
dynamic organization
(Allport) this term emphasizes the importance of both the psychological and the physical aspects of personality.
(Allport) general characteristics held in common by many people
common traits
(Allport) a generalized neuropsychic structure (peculiar to the individual), with the capacity to render many stimuli functionally equivalent, and to initiate and
guide consistent (equivalent) forms of adaptive and stylistic behavior
personal disposition
(Allport) what are the eminent characteristics or ruling passion so outstanding that it dominates their lives
cardinal dispositions
(Allport) dispositions that would be listed in an accurate letter of recommendation written by someone who knew the person quite well.
central dispositions
stylistic dispositions ____ actions
motivational dispositions ______ action
those behaviors and characteristics
that people regard as warm, central, and important in their lives
(Allport) motives that reduce a need
peripheral motives
(Allport) strivings that seek to maintain tension and disequilibrium
propriate strivings
represents a theory of changing rather
than unchanging motives and is the capstone of Allport’s ideas on motivation
functional autonomy
(Allport) refers to those self-sustaining motives that are related to the proprium
propriate functional autonomy