IST226Test2Review Flashcards
Use__________ the CSS property to configure the cellpadding of a table.
When do you need to use a fully qualified URL in a hyperlink?
when linking to a page on an external website
Which of the following CSS3 pseudo-elements could be used to apply styles to the last row of a table?
What term is used to describe image file that contains multiple small graphics?
Choose the item below that is not an HTML5 element:
article, wrapper, footer, figcaption
The _____ is an attribute of the tag that provides for accessibility.
The _________ HTML5 element is used to configure the main navigation area on a web page.
Select a recommendation for mobile web design from the choices listed below.
Use single column, large images, pt for fonts sizes, none of these
Use single column
The box model consists of a content area surrounded by:
padding, border and margin
The W3C’s concept of “One Web” relates to providing a single resource that is configured for optimal display on multiple types of devices.
Choose the example below that configures a comment in CSS.
Use the ___ or ______ property to clear a float.
clear or overflow
The ______ attribute indicates if a style sheet configures for screen display of the printed page.
Use the ___________ property along with the left, right, and /or top property to precisely configure the position of an element.
Which of the following configures a margin for an element with the folloing values: top margin 30 pixels, left margin 150 pixels, right margin 0 pixels, and bottom margin 0 pixels
margin:30px 0 0 150px
Is it possible to use CSS to configure page breaks in a printed web page.
The _______ pseudo-class configures the appearance of the hyperlink before it is clicked.
the ______ HTML5 element is used to configure the top logo area on a web page.
To apply a style to one or more elements on a web page, configure a CSS
How would you link t the named fragment #school on the page resume.html from the home page of the site?
a href=”resume.html#school”>Educational Background /a
Use the __________ tag pair to begin and end a table row.
tr /tr
Use ______ element to indicate column or row headings.
Include the keyword _________ in a media query to cause older, non-supporting browsers to ignore the media query.
An HTML table is comprised of _____ and ________.
rows and columns
Which of the following CSS3 pseudo-elements will be useful when configuring every other row of a table?
Which pseudo-element can be used to generate content that precedes an element?
The __________ property is used to modify the stacking order of elements on a web page.
From the choices below select the correct order to code CSS pseudo-classes.
link, visited, hover, active
A hyperlink with the phone: scheme may cause a web browser on a mobile device to initiate a phone call.
The CSS to create the class called myfloat that floats to the right of the other page content, has a 10px margin, and a solid border is:
.myfloat { float: right; margin: 10px; border: 1px solid #000000; }
To define the distance between the edges of each cell in a table use the __________ attribute.
A table with a width set to 600 pixels will look ______ on a monitor with resolution set to 640 x 480 than on a monitor set to 1024 x 768.
the same
The HTML5 element is used to tangential or supplemental content
___________ will cause an object not to display.
display: none;
The purpose of the _________ element is to describe the contents of a table.
Which of the following CSS3 properties position the caption of a table?
The _________ is the area between the content and the border.
Use the _________ attribute on a element to associate it with a table heading cell.
The default value for the border property for an element is:
0 pixels
Select the item below that lists elements used in an HTML table:
table, tr, td
Use the __________ property to configure an image to use as a bullet point in an unordered list.
To define the distance between the cell text and the cell border in a table, use the _______ attribute.
Use __________ positioning to slightly change the location of an element in relation to where it would otherwise appear when rendered by a browser.
The _______ pseudo-class configures the styles that will apply when the mouse is on a hyperlink.
Which of the following CSS3 properties configure the alignment of text within a table?
Select the example below that could be used to clear a right float.
clear: right;
Set list-style-type to the value ________ to hide the display of the list markers on an ordered list.
The _______ attribute of the anchor tag can cause the new web page to open in tis own browser window.
Use the ________ tag pair to configure a table head row group.
thead .. /thead
Use the headers attribute on the ______ tag to correspond to the id attribute on a _________ tag.
td or th
A benefit of using the CSS Sprites technique is to decrease the number of HTTP request calls to the web server.
Use the _____ tag pair to configure a table footer row group.
tfoot .. t/foot
Choose the HTML5 element below that is used to configure an area on a web page that can stand on its own and could potentially be syndicated.
mobile web pages should contain exactly the same content as web pages intended for display on desktop browsers
Use an id to configure a style when:
the style will apply to only one element on a page
Use the ______ tag pair to configure table headings.
th /th
choose the example below of a descendant selector that configures the anchor tags with a div assigned to the navigation id.
div#navigation a
What is the purpose of the :content pseudo-element?
to generate content that is added to the web page document
Is the following CSS code valid?
table { border: 2px #000000 solid; border-collapse: collapse; }
The CSS border-spacing property can be used to configure the horizontal and vertical spacing of table borders.
_________ will configure a class called blog to stack on top of other elements that have a z-index of 3?
To configure the table cells to share a common border and eliminate the default space between table cells configure ______.
border-collapse: collapse;
Use the ______ property in the HTML link tag to associate a web page with a style sheet for printing.
_____ flow displays the elements on the page in the order they appear in the web page source code.
Select the example that configures a container to clear all floated elements that are within the container.
overflow: auto;
The CSS vertical-align property can be used to configure the vertical alignment of the contents of a table cell.
If an element is configured with ________ the other content on the page will appear to its left.
Is the following HTML code valid?
How would you define a fragment identifier at the top of a page, called “top”?
div id=”top”
Select a recommendation for mobile web design from the choices below.
Use percentage or em units for font sizes
A ________ determines the capability of the mobile device, such as screen resolution, and directs browsers to CSS
media query
Use the ________ attribute to configure the width of a table border.
When using the box model, the _______ is always transparent.
The ________ meta tag configures scale and dimension on mobile web page display.
When configuring the background color of an element, the background color is applied to both the content and ______ areas.
The attribute indicates if a style sheet configures for screen display or the printed page.