Introduction to Musculoskeletal Flashcards
What is the function and 2 parts of the Skeleton?
1) Support/protect organs 2)a) Axial: Skull, T&S Cavity b) Appendicular: Limbs
Which 3 planes are body divided into?
Sagittal(Mid),Coronal(F&B), Axial(Waist)
Name the Anatomical Positions (10)
1) Sup: Top
2) Inf: Bottom
3) Med: Closer to ML
4) Lat: Closer to R/LHS
5) Ant: Front
6) Post: Back
7) Superficial: Surface
8) Deep: Further inside
9) Prox: Close to origin Dist: Further away
Terms for sides? (2)
Ipsilateral: Same side
Contralateral: Opposite side
Definition and Types of Joints? (3)
Connection between 2/more bones
Fibrous, Cartilaginous, Synovial
Other joint types? (6)
1) Planar: 2 Flat
2) Hinge: 1 S and 1 Round(1D)
3) Condylar: 1 Curve (F&E)
4) Saddle: Wide range in L-A
5) B&S: LA Movement
6) Pivot: Vert rot in 1D
Which 3 bones comprise the Knee and joint type?
Patella, Femur, Tibia, (Synovial)
Shape of 2 Knee bones and contact type?
Femur: Condylar
Tibia: Flat
Join to make small contacting surface (Meniscus CD)
Types of Collateral Ligament and function?
1)LCL: Lat Ep Femur & Head of Fibula
2) MCL: Med EpC Fem and Tibial Plateau
Stops the knee coming apart
Cruciate name? And from where to where?
Cruciate as cross. From An to Po CL (F&B Motion)
Which of the 3 muscles types are striated, and which is under conscious control?
Striated: Cardiac and Skeletal
Conscious: Skeletal
Where is Smooth muscle found?
Walls of several hollow organs: E.g. Bowel, Bladder, Uterus, Blood vessel
Types of Skeletal Muscle? (5)
Porto Football Club Fans Suck
1) Fusiform (Fib parallel but larger muscle belly)
2) Pennate (F cont at angle to d of muscle)
3) Circular (Opening and closing e.g. around eye)
4) Fan (Parallel & Flat)
5) Strap (Parallel and long fibre- shorten and motor cont)
What are the 10 actions of muscles?
Bonus: Lateral Flexion does?
1) Flexion
2) Extension
3) Circumduction
4) Abduction (Away)
5) Adduction
6) Opposition (Thumb and digits)
7)Pronation (FA back)
8) Supination (FA rotate forward (palm on top)
9) Protraction: Body out
10) Retraction: Move body in
(Bonus: Bend body sideways)
Feet Sole movements?
Eversion and Inversion
Why are the upper and lower limbs similar?
Both embryologically develop similarly
Function of U and L Limb:
U: ^ Movement and Dexterity
L: Locomotion and Weight bearing
How do the limb socket sizes compare:
Lower limb sockets are larger so greater stability/weight bearing, BUT: Reduced rotation
Why is more muscle distally found in foot?
Greater ankle stability, as F&T fused together so more muscle needed for weight bearing
Quantity of each type of Vertebrae? (4 types) + Bonus
7 Cervical 12 Thoracic 5 Lumbar 4 Sacral (Fused to form Sacrum) (Bonus 4 further used to make coccyx)
Terms for Backward C&L), and Forward (Th) curvature?
Backward: Lordosis Forward: Kyphosis
Terms for C1 and C2
C1: Atlas: Support weight of Skull
C2: Axis: Joined with C1 –> Odontoid Peg