Integumentary System Deck (P1) Flashcards
What are the 4 major functions of the integumentary system?
1) Protection
2) Temperature regulation
3) Water loss regulation
4) Housing sensory receptors
What are the 3 major structural regions of the integumentary system?
1) Epidermis
2) Dermis
3) Hypodermis
These cells comprise the epidermis.
What is keratinized stratified squamous epithelium?
Will you find vascularity (a blood supply) in the epidermis?
Another name for hypodermis.
What is subcutaneous?
Why isn’t the hypodermis considered part of the skin?
It does not serve the same function as the more superficial layers do
What type of tissue primarily comprises the hypodermis?
What are the 5 layers of the epidermis from superficial to deep?
1) Stratum corneum
2) Stratum lucidum
3) Stratum granulosum
4) Stratum spinosum
5) Stratum basale
Where will you only find the stratum lucidum?
In thick skin, such as the feet & palms
You find granules of { } in the stratum granulosum.
The stratum spinosum has a { } appearance.
Spiny, star-like
You’ll find a single layer of cell shapes ranging from { } to { } in the stratum basale.
1) Cuboidal
2) Columnar
Cell division occurs most frequently in this layer of the epidermis.
What is the stratum basale?
What specialized cells will you find in the stratum basale?
What are the 2 distinct layers of the dermis?
1) Papillary
2) Reticular
What is the purpose of the papillary layer?
To bind the epidermis to the dermis
What distinctive identity characteristics do the larger dermal papillae form?
What type of tissue is predominantly found in the papillary layer of the dermis?
Areolar connective
The papillary layer contains { } endings.
What type of tissue is predominantly found in the reticular layer of the dermis?
Dense irregular connective
You will find { } structures in the reticular layer.
Which layer of the dermis is vascular?
The papillary layer of the dermis is { } to the reticular layer.
What are nails made of?
Dead, keratinized epithelial cells
What is hair made of?
The same as nails; dead, keratinized epithelial cells
Hair grows out of a…
Which region of the integumentary system are hair follicles produced from?
The dermis
What are the 3 parts of a hair follicle?
1) Shaft
2) Root
3) Bulb
The hair shaft is the { } part of the hair.
The hair root is located { } the skin.
The hair bulb is located at the { } of the root.
The arrector pili muscle is an { } muscle located just beside each { }.
1) Involuntary
2) Hair follicle
When it gets cold, the arrector pili muscles are responsible for…
What is the purpose of the sebaceous glands?
Secrete sebum into hair follicles
Merocrine (eccrine) sweat glands are found { }, mostly in places such as the { }, { }, and { }.
1) All over the body
2) Palms
3) Soles of feet
4) Forehead
Apocrine sweat glands are most abundant in the { } and { } regions.
1) Groin
2) Axillary
At what stage in life do the apocrine glands become active?
Blood vessels are only found in this structural region of the integumentary system.
What is the dermis?
What type of receptor is the tactile corpuscle?
What type of receptor is a free nerve ending?
What type of receptor is the lamellated corpuscle?
Cells in the stratum granulosum are { } but are in the process of { }.
1) Alive
2) Dying
What is the key characteristic that the stratum corneum, stratum lucidum, and stratum granulosum have in common?
They are all keratinized
What is the purpose of the papillae?
To protect cells from shearing force
What are the 4 structures of the nail?
1) Free edge
2) Nail bed
3) Lunula
4) Cuticle
Sebum helps regulate { } loss.
The { } sweat glands are responsible for body odor.
What are the 2 roles of blood vessels in the dermis?
1) Provide nutrients to the skin
2) Regulate body temperature
A receptor that looks like these cherry tomatoes.
What is a touch receptor?
A receptor that looks like this nostalgic green sticky hand toy.
What is a free nerve ending?
A receptor that looks like some lima beans.
What is a pressure receptor?