Heart & Cardiac Cycle Deck (P2) Flashcards
The upper chambers of the heart that serve as the holding chambers for blood
What are atria?
Thin-walled, earlobe-shaped appendages that increase the holding capacity of the atrium
What are auricles?
Thick-walled, lower chambers of the heart that pump blood
What are ventricles?
The internal partition that divides the heart into chambers
What is a septum?
Structures that open and close to control blood flow direction and prevent backflow
What are valves?
This vessel carries blood away from the heart
What is an artery?
This vessel carries blood toward the heart
What is a vein?
These vessels carry blood from the heart and into the cardiac tissue to feed the myocardium
What are coronary arteries?
These vessels carry blood back from the heart tissue to rejoin circulation
What are cardiac veins?
A term meaning “pertaining to the lungs”
What is pulmonary?
The apex of the heart is located near the { } intercostal space.
The first sound of the heartbeat, { }, can be heard at the heart’s apex.
The second sound of the heartbeat is the { } sound, which can be heard at the { } intercostal space
1) Dupp
2) 2nd
Which 2 values are closing at the first heart sound?
Tricuspid and bicuspid
Which 2 values are closing at the second heart sound?
Aortic and pulmonary semilunar
The first heart sound represents ventricular…
The second heart sound represents ventricular…
A single heartbeat equals…
1 full sequence of contraction and relaxation
The pacemaker of the heart
What is the sinoatrial (SA) node?
What is happening at the P wave of an EKG?
Atrial contraction
What is happening at the QRS complex of an EKG?
Ventricular contraction
What is happening at the T wave of an EKG?
Ventricular relaxation