Head and Upper Muscles Deck (P2) Flashcards
The cell bundles in muscle tissue are referred to as…
Muscle fibers
Name the 5 functions of the muscular system.
1) Move bones
2) Posture
3) Stabilize joints
4) Produce body heat
5) Support (areas w/o bones)
Muscle fibers are wrapped in { }, which also extends past the muscle and connects { } to { }.
1) Connective tissue
2) Muscle
3) Bone
What is the difference in shape between tendons and aponeuroses?
Tendon - long, cable-like
Aponeurosis - broad, sheet-like
What are the 5 ways to name a muscle?
1) Location/bone attached to
2) Size/shape
3) Direction of fibers
4) Action/function
5) Number of origins
Skeletal muscles must have at least 2 ends. What are these 2 ends?
Origin and insertion
What is the difference between a muscle’s origin and insertion?
Origin - end attached to the less moveable bone
Insertion - end attached to the more moveable bone
Identify facial muscles 5, 6, 12, 20, 13, 17, 14, and 10 (anterior view).
5) Frontalis
6) Temporalis
12) Nasalis
20) Mentalis
13) Orbicularis oris
17) Zygomaticus major
14) Zygomaticus minor
10) Orbicularis oculi
Identify head and neck muscles 14, 17, 15, 16, 28, and 96 (lateral view).
14) Zygomaticus minor
17) Zygomaticus major
15) Buccintor
16) Masseter
28) Sternocleidomastoid
96) Trapezius
Identify head and neck muscles 7, 28, 9, and 96 (posterior view).
7) Temporalis (Same as #6)
28) Sternocleidomastoid
9) Occipitalis
96) Trapezius
Name neck muscles 1, 2, and 3 (lateral view).
1) Platysma
2) Sternocleidomastoid
3) Trapezius
Name trunk muscles 1-7 (anterior view).
1) Pectoralis major
2) Internal intercostals
3) External intercostals
4) Serratus anterior
5) Internal oblique
6) Rectus abdominis
7) External oblique
Name trunk muscles 1-4 (anterior view - deep to superficial).
1) External intercostals
2) Transversus abdominis
3) External oblique
4) Pectoralis major
Name muscles 1-3.
1) Serratus anterior
2) Internal intercostals
3) External intercostals
Name posterior trunk and arm muscles 1-7.
1) Trapezius
2) Latissimus dorsi
3) Triceps brachii
4) Teres major
5) Teres minor
6) Infraspinatus
7) Deltoid
Name arm muscles 1-7 (superior view).
1) Extensor carpi radialis
2) Brachioradialis
3) Biceps brachii
4) Deltoid
5) Tricepts brachii
6) Extensor carpi ulnaris
7) Extensor digitorum
Name arm muscles 1-8 (inferior view).
1) Deltoid
2) Biceps brachii
3) Pronator teres
4) Brachioradialis
5) Flexor carpi ulnaris
6) Palmaris longus
7) Flexor carpi radialis
8) Tricepts brachii