Instruments Test Review Flashcards
Pilot Monitoring calls out deviations of ____ knots or more airspeed, and ____ ft or more desired altitude
5 knots
100 ft
Control performance concept: Steps 1. 2. 3. 4.
- Establish pitch/power using control instruments
- Trim
- Crosscheck using performance instruments
- Adjust by starting over with ESTABLISH
Control Instruments?
Fuel Flow
Performance Instruments?
VSI MSI EHSI Altimeter AoA gauge
Navigation Instruments?
Glide Slope
Correcting HDG and ALT deviations?
ALT: adjust pitch to get VVI ~2x the the altitude deviation
HDG: # of degrees off to correct, not to exceed 30*
Steep turn parameters
45* bank
Unusual Attitudes parameters
recovery steps
Max power: MCT to prevent over boosting
Altitude: 5,000 AGL (VMC)
Max bank: 45*
Recovery steps: Recognize, Confirm, Recover
Vertical S parameters
start direction
- 160 KIAS
- 1,000 fpm
- Start either UP or DOWN
A: constant HDG
B: constant bank
C: change bank direction on descent
D: change bank direction when vertical direction changes
NAVAID identification
Morse code always
NAVAID info transmitted
NDB: non-directional radio beacon. non-directional signal only
VOR: VHF Omni-directional Range. course/radial only
TACAN: Tactical Air Navigation. Azimuth and range
Station passage:
NDB: First swing thru 90* to inbound course for initial passage
VOR: TO/FROM indicator flips
TACAN: Range stops decreasing
Inbound intercept:
max intercept angle
min intercept angle
max: 90*
min: greater than the # of degrees off, not to exceed 90
outbound immediately after station passage
1st turn and intercept angle
first turn: parallel the course outbound, regardless of wha navaid is doing
Intercept angle: # of degrees off, not to exceed 45
Lead point for an arc? (formula)
(Ground Speed/60) - 2 = turn radius
Lead point off arc to radial? (formula)
(60/arc DME)*(turn radius)
Correcting off an arc:
outside arc
inside arc
outside arc: head of bearing pointer 10* above 90*index for every 0.5NM off
inside arc: head of bearing pointer 5* above 90*index for every 0.5NM off
Steps for Fix-to-Fix?
- set radial in course window
- Initial turn between two heads
- Use a method to get an exact HDG
- Update continuously
PM mandatory calls for assigned altitudes?
1,000 ft below assigned altitude when climbing or descending
HDG and altimeter must be within what allowed deviation?
HDG: 5*
Altimeter: 75 ft
Instr. T/O procedures
no change in normal procedures
Level off procedures:
moderate climb/steep climb
< 2,000 vsi: 10% of vsi
> 2,000 psi: cut pitch picture in half, then 10% of vsi
non-published minimum climb gradient
200 ft/NM
Army or Civilian departure procedure
cross rwy end height, 35 ft AGL
Published Departure procedure, when to make first turn?
at least 400 AGL unless directed otherwise
If vectored off SID, is it considered cancelled?
Yes, including associated departure procedures routes and altitudes
SID: told to maintain or climb and maintain,
departure route still applies, but altitudes are cancelled
When planning on holding, when must you get ATC instructions
at least 5 min prior to clearance limit
When planning on holding, when must you slow to holding speed?
3 min prior
Holding patterns: how long do you time inbound?
at or below 14,000: 1 minute
above 14,000: 1.5 minutes
When do you start timing inbound for holding?
When do you start timing outbound for holding?
over or abeam the fix outbound (or wings level if unable to determine abeam)
Standard holding turn direction
Right. Use standard if none specified
What types of navaids can you hold over?
YES: VOR, NDB, VOR portion of VORTAC
NO: TACAN, ADF is not a navaid
How to compute descent GRADIENT?
(Alt to lose) / (distance remaining)
How to compute descent RATE?
Gradient * (GS/60)
Procedural tracks consists of …
courses, arcs, radials
For enroute descent, what is the max speed when below 10,000 ft?
250 KIAS
gradient required for non-DME teardrop penetrations?
800-1000 ft/nm
teardrop approaches associated with which NAVAIDs?
VOR or NDBs, not TACANs
For low alt. approaches, what is your config prior to the IAF?
180 clean
When do you start configuring for a non-precision approach?
flaps 10 gear DWN 3-5 miles from FAF
How to calculate VDP?
While on an ILS, do not descend below localizer mins if greater than ___ dot(s) below or ____ dot(s) above glideslope
1 dot below
2 dots above
For a localizer back course, which course do you dial into course select window?
front course
Approach speeds?
30 flap
10 flap
0 flap
30: Vapp = Vref
10: Vapp = Vref +10
0: Vapp = Vref +20
ASR approaches provide what kind of guidance?
course and range
ASR approaches can be up to ____ ft to the side of the runway at the MAP and still be on course
500 ft
PAR approaches provide what kind of guidance?
course, range to touchdown, and glidepath
For PAR approaches, when must you be configured?
Configured and at Vapp prior to glidepath intercept
For a No-Gyro approach, what turns rates do you use prior to final and on final?
Prior to final: Standard rate
On final: 1/2 standard rate when told to do so
How often must you hear from a controller on a radar approach?
Prior to final: 1 minute
On final: PAR 5 sec
ASR 15 sec (including no-gyro)
ICAO: 3 types of procedures?
Course reversal
Race track
Procedural tracks
ICAO: For race tracks, max teardrop angle? max tear drop timing?
1.5 minutes ( unless 1 min leg)
ICAO: types of turn reversals
Base turn
Race track
ICAO: Entry cone for turn reversals?
+/- 30* each side (60 total)
unless coming from a feeder facility
When to set 29.92 for transition altitude vs Flt Lvl
whichever direction the V points
Mandatory PM calls on approach?
non-prec: 100 above MDA, minimums, VDP, RWY in sight, go around
Prec: 100 above DH, Land/go around/continue
Last point to lower full flaps on approach?
250 AGL
Problems associated with “duck under”?
High sink rate leading to short/hard landing
MAP: how is it defined for non-precision approaches?
- Timing
MAP: how is it defined for precision approaches?
DH as defined by barometric altimeter, not radio altimeter
When to go missed approach, non-precision?
- At MAP and rwy not in sight, or not in a safe position to land
When to go missed approach, precision?
- At DH and rwy not in sight, or not in a safe position to land
Normal T/O rotation?
Single engine?
When are you allowed to raise the gear?
Positive rate of climb
Should you plan to circle from a precision approach?
Use circling mins for the intended landing rwy or from the approach rwy?
approach rwy