11-2T-1V3 Flashcards
When briefing from the briefing guide thoses items covered by written squadron standards and understood by all participants may be briefed as “standard”.
Only debrief sorties if you feel areas need debriefing.
On every flight you do not have to carry the performance part of the Dash-1 if you’ve done all that’s needed on the ground.
If actual cruise time will be of short duration (approximately _____ minutes), the cruise checklist does not have to be accomplished. If aircrews are transiting between different airfields locatd in close proximity to each other (approximately ______minu
The Dash-1 does not have to be carried on local transition rides if you carry the hand held checklist.
List the 5 things aircrews are required to carry, according to 11-2T-1V3, on every flight.
operational flashlight, air navigation computer (CPU26A/P) or electronic substitute, siutable terrain chart to cover proposed route, current T.O.’s, and required flip
For overwater flight, a liferaft is not required if the only overwater portion of the flight is dudring the departure or approach phase or if the aircraft remains within gliding distance of land.
You are not allowed to use the tie down in the jump seat to tie down the Dash-1.
Personnel may enter and exit the crew entrance door with the right engine operating (and the left engine shut down).
Normal taxi spacing behind other aircraft is ______ feet.
Limit power during ground operations to approximately _____ in congested areas.
70 %N2
What is the only object allowed on the glare shield.
flight gloves
Large items of cargo will be carried in the cargo compartment, using tiedowns or secured in a passenger seat
For aircrew to enter through the crew entrance door, both engines must be shut down.
As long as you are careful, food and drink may be passed over the center console.
Do not taxi with less than ____ feet of wingtip obstacle clearance nless you are using a marshaller in conjunction with a wing walker at each affected wingtip. (this does not apply to home station when fixed taxi routes are marked and provide a minimum of
Never taxi with less than ___ feet of wingtip obstacle clearance.
If at Fort Smith, AR we can taxi with less than 25 feet wingtip clearance without a wing walker as long as we at least have 10 feet clearance.
If you are in a hurry you can refuel with the engines running.
Declare minimum fuel as soon as it can be determined that your fuel at touchdown will be less the ______ pounds.
Declare emergency fuel as soon as it can be determined that your fuel at touchdown will be less the _____ pounds.
You only have to declare min fuel once. Do not continue to add your fuel statis to subsequent controllers.
The T-1 will not be flown in areas of forecast or known _____ turbulence.
Do not cruise or conduct multiple patterns in moderate turbulence.
The T-1 will not be flown in areas of forecasted or reported ______ icing or in freezing rain or drizzle.
What limitation do we have against patterns or multiple patterns in moderate icing conditions.
Do not cruise or conduct multiple pattern operations in aactual moderate icing conditions.
What is the max bank angle in IMC, unless safety of flight dictates.
The minimum climbout factor for all takeoffs is _____.
Reference zero will occur no later than the departure end of the runway for all initial takeoffs and touch-and-go departures.
The minimum runway length for the T-1 takeoff is _________
6000 feet, critical field length (CFL), or distance to reach ref zero by departure end of rnwy, whichever is greater
The minimum runway length for full-stop landings is ________.
6000 feet or computed landing distance, whichever is greater.
At other than home field, intersection takeoffs are authorized as long as the runway remaining is at least 6000 feet or CFL, whichever is greater. (Performance data restricitons apply)
You can still take of if CFL is less than runway availabe if you use a split bug takeoff and do an acceleration check.
Single-engine tactical overheads are permitted if needed for training.
_______ and _______ tactical overheads are prohibited (simulated or actual).
On downwind you must maintain at least 160 KIAS until you start to configure.
false (11-247 has different wording)
Minimum airspeed to begin the closed pullup is 150 KIAS.
Plan not to exceed _____ degrees of bank in the final turn or on final. Plan not to exceed ____ degrees of bank anywhere else in the traffic pattern.
You should at least complete one no-flap full-stop landing in the transition phase as a demo to the students.
Do not practice single-engine circling approaches or low-closed patterns.
At AETC bases, plan to land on the runway center line with _______ spacing behind other aircraft.
What is the minimum altitude to initiate a practice single-engine go-around.
100 feet AGL
Maximum crosswind: day ____ wet____ icy_____
Do not perform any after landing checklist item until clear of all runways.
The minimum altitude for seat changes is _____ feet AGL during a noncritical phase of flight.
Flight glove will be worn below 5000 feet AGL at all time.
Complete approach to stalls, traffic pattern stalls, slow flight, and all other maneuvers or demonstrations above _______ feet AGL.
Maximum pitch attitudes for unusual attitudes is ______ nose up and ____ nose down.
Use _____ feet and on the taxiway center line when taxiing at night.
Traffic patterns stalls is one manuever we can practice at night.
All simulated emergency approaches and patterns and circling approaches may be flown at night if the ceiling is at or above ______ feet AGL and the vis is at least _____ miles
______ and/or_______ guidance must be available and used by the aircrew for all off-station night landings.
visual/instrument glidepath
VASIs are not legal as guidance at night for night landings. You must have instrument glidepath to do a landing.
You can file to and use a field as your destination at night without glide-path guidance, as long as you are familiar with the field.
Do not file to a destination at night if a circling approach is the only available approach.
To file an (IFR) alternate at night, the field must have an operational instrument straight-in approach.
Aircrews may perform en route descents (at night) at facilities with no glidepatth guidance if the descen no lower than _______.
What is the rule that allows us to file to home field (VANCE) when the forecast is below PWC and approach mins.
2 or more suitable alternate available and enough fuel for the most distant alternate.
For local flying operations, aircrews do not have to designate an alternate if: (list the 3 requirements)
1) departure and destination airfield same 2) IP or EP on board 3) Ceiling a vis reported ETE plus 2 hours above 1,500 and 3 4) rule doesn’t apply with winds forecast out of limits
Do not begin a penetration, en route descent, or approach unless both ceiling and visibility are PWC or published mins (whichever is greater).
After commencing a penetration or approach, if weather is reported below the required PWC or published minimums (ceiling or visibility) you must discontinue approach.
When fying instrument approaches in VMC, if rfeported weather is _______ feet and ____ miles or better, pilots may set published minimums in their flight instruments - rather than PWC minimums
The T-1 aircrews may use GPS as the primary navigational source while flying under IFR in the NAS.
Use _____ feet and on the taxiway center line when taxiing at night.
Traffic patterns stalls is one manuever we can practice at night.
All simulated emergency approaches and patterns and circling approaches may be flown at night if the ceiling is at or above ______ feet AGL and the vis is at least _____ miles
______ and/or_______ guidance must be available and used by the aircrew for all off-station night landings.
visual/instrument glidepath
VASIs are not legal as guidance at night for night landings. You must have instrument glidepath to do a landing.
You can file to and use a field as your destination at night without glide-path guidance, as long as you are familiar with the field.
Do not file to a destination at night if a circling approach is the only available approach.