DASH 1 Sec 3: Emergency Procedures Flashcards
Air minimum control speed, Vmca is ______ and Ground minimum control speed, Vmcg is ___.
The pilot’s responsibilities during emergency ground egress are:
throttles- cutoff; parking brake - as required; battery - off
There are ____ hand held fire extinguishers on the T-1.
Securing a failed or on-fire engine should not be accomplished prior to ____ feet, or clear of obstructions.
If, during an engine fire during flight, the fire switchlight goes out you should.
test the fire warning system
normal oil pressure is _____.
60 to 83 psi at speeds above 60% N2
A popped fuel system circuit breaker can be reset _____.
You should not reset popped BUS FDR circuit breakers.
For the trim interrupt and autopilot disengage switch to work, both pilots must push the red button.
You can use up to ____ degrees of bank during an emergency descent.
In a crew environmental emergency with all occupants breathing oxygen, attempt to keep the cabin at or below ______ft, but in no case allow it to exceed ______ft.
18000; 25000
During loss of airspeed indication the Dash-1 wants you to maintain an AOA of .2. This equates to about what airspeed.
During a single engine go-around, rotate to approximately ____ degrees nose high.
Do not attempt an actual single engine go-around after _______.
selecting 30- degree flaps
Ideally, you should arrive at high key during a forced landing with no power at _____KIAS and ____ feet AGL.
160; 4000
During ditching you should unstrap before you hit the water.
An illuminated HYD LEVEL LO annunciator indicates there is less than _____ gallons of hydraulic fluid in the reservoir.
The glide ratio for the T-1 is about _____miles for every 1000 feet AGL.
If you are flying over Vance at 11,000 feet when both engines flame out the maximum glide distance is _____.
about 22 miles
Primary egress after a ditching is through the .
emergency escape hatch
A no flap landing will increase your 30-flap landing distance by _____ %
If you have zero hydraulic pressure, your computed 30 degree flap landing distance will increase by ____%.
Consider recycling the gear handle during a gear malfunction only with.
A and C
The maximum airspeed for emergency gear extension is ______.
When emergency extending the landing gear, they should down lock in approximately ____ seconds.
Anti-skid protection is not available during emergency braking.
If ice accumulation is visible on the wing leading edge, use ____ flaps for landing.
10 degree
An approach speed of Vapp+ _______ KIAS is required for ice accumulations of approximately 1.5 inches.
If the rudder boost is off during single engine operations, you will experience
higher than normal rudder pedal forces.
If the yaw damper fails, flight may be continued below.
With a dual RTU failure, _______ is the only comm/nav frequency that can be retuned
Nav 1
When you have a failure of a stall warning system you should avoid.
low indicated airspeeds at high altitudes
If the DOOR UNLOCK annunciator illuminates send the Jump or Copilot to check for “8 whites”
Momentarily holding the horizontal stab de-ice back up switch to manual energizes the system for ______. Repeat this procedure every ______.
30 seconds; 2 minutes
After prolonged flight in cold temperatures, followed by rapid descent, one or both ______ annunciators may illuminate momentarily when gear down is selected.
H PMP Press LO
If you inadvertently encounter icing, wait ____ between turning on engine anti-ice for the second engine.
1 minute
Anti-skid protection is available during emergency braking.
You can still use the parking brake even though you have lost hydraulic power.(not talking about setting parking break during ground ops.)
Air minimum control speed, Vmca is ______ and Ground minimum control speed, Vmcg is ___.
The pilot’s responsibilities during emergency ground egress are:
throttles- cutoff; parking brake - as required; battery - off
There are ____ hand held fire extinguishers on the T-1.
Securing a failed or on-fire engine should not be accomplished prior to ____ feet, or clear of obstructions.
If, during an engine fire during flight, the fire switchlight goes out you should.
test the fire warning system
normal oil pressure is _____.
60 to 83 psi at speeds above 60% N2
A popped fuel system circuit breaker can be reset _____.
You should not reset popped BUS FDR circuit breakers.
For the trim interrupt and autopilot disengage switch to work, both pilots must push the red button.
You can use up to ____ degrees of bank during an emergency descent.
In a crew environmental emergency with all occupants breathing oxygen, attempt to keep the cabin at or below ______ft, but in no case allow it to exceed ______ft.
18000; 25000
During loss of airspeed indication the Dash-1 wants you to maintain an AOA of .2. This equates to about what airspeed.
For a single engine landing, normal landing distance will increase by ______ percent.
Set flaps to 30-degree for a single engine landing only if _______.
10-deg landing distance is greater than the runway available.
If selecting flaps to 30-degrees for a single engine landing, do so no later than _______.
300 feet AGL
During a single engine go-around, rotate to approximately ____ degrees now high.
Do not attempt an actual single engine go-around after _______.
selecting 30- degree flaps
Ideally, you should arrive at high key during a forced landing with no power at _____KIAS and ____ feet AGL.
160; 4000
During ditching you should unstrap before you hit the water.
An illuminated HYD LEVEL LO annunciator indicates there is less than _____ gallons of hydraulic fluid in the reservoir.
The glide ratio for the T-1 is about _____miles for every 1000 feet AGL.
If you are flying over Vance at 11,000 feet when both engines flame out the maximum glide distance is _____.
about 22 miles
Primary egress after a ditching is through the .
emergency escape hatch
A no flap landing will increase your 30-flap landing distance by _____ %
If you have zero hydraulic pressure, your computed 30 degree flap landing distance will increase by ____%.
Consider recycling the gear handle during a gear malfunction only with.
A and C
The maximum airspeed for emergency gear extension is ______.
When emergency extending the landing gear, they should down lock in approximately ____ seconds.
Anti-skid protection is not available during emergency braking.
If ice accumulation is visible on the wing leading edge, use ____ flaps for landing.
10 degree
An approach speed of Vapp+ _______ KIAS is required for ice accumulations of approximately 1.5 inches.
If the rudder boost is off during single engine operations, you will experience
higher than normal rudder pedal forces.
If the yaw damper fails, flight may be continued below.
With a dual RTU failure, _______ is the only comm/nav frequency that can be retuned
Nav 1
When you have a failure of a stall warning system you should avoid.
low indicated airspeeds at high altitudes
If the DOOR UNLOCK annunciator illuminates send the Jump or Copilot to check for “8 whites”
Momentarily holding the horizontal stab de-ice back up switch to manual energizes the system for ______. Repeat this procedure every ______.
30 seconds; 2 minutes
After prolonged flight in cold temperatures, followed by rapid descent, one or both ______ annunciators may illuminate momentarily when gear down is selected.
H PMP Press LO
If you inadvertently encounter icing, wait ____ between turning on engine anti-ice for the second engine.
1 minute
Anti-skid protection is available during emergency braking.
You can still use the parking brake even though you have lost hydraulic power.(not talking about setting parking break during ground ops.)