11-247 Flashcards
Verbiage for transferring A/C control
“(Co)Pilot, you have the A/C”
“(Co)Pilot has the A/C”
Transferring A/C control with intercom out
The PF will alternate pushing the individual rudder pedals and point to the PM. The PM will acknowledge with a head nod and will assume the controls with a rocking of the yoke. The old PF will then hold up their hands to indicate relinquishing the controls.
Seat Swap inflight
During a noncritical phase of flight, the IP will take control of the aircraft. The crewmember in the jumpseat will unstrap and move the seat out of the center position. The other crew member will unstrap and move out of the pilot or copilot seat. The original front seat crew member will now be in the jumpseat. The original jumpseat crew memberwill take the new position in the pilot or copilot seat. At all times there will be a qualified T-1 pilot at a set of controls during a seat swap.
Seat Swap on the ground
Taxi to an area that is clear of obstructions or traffic. Unfamiliar aircrew should reference the local airfield diagram contained in Flight Information Publications (FLIP). A pilot may request “progressive” taxi instructions from ground control at a strange or unfamiliar field. The aircrew will normally accomplish the Full-Stop, Taxi-Back Checklist. With engines in idle, the pilot will apply the parking brake and verify that the brakes are holding. The crew will swap seats. (If only two pilots are on board, a seat swap will not be conducted with the engines running.) When the exchange has been completed, the crew will ready the aircraft for takeoff, using the appropriate
Takeoff and Landing Data (TOLD): Airspeed bugs on the ground
PM: S1
PF: Vco
PF will direct the crew on how to clear and challenge, “clear left (right),” as appropriate.
Radio Procedures
PF will be directive about radios.
PM is responsible for set frequencies, and make transmissions
T/O options: Static T/O
80% N1 “Engines and flight instruments checked pilot,” “Checked copilot.” Brake release, approx. TRT "Set Power" "80 knots" "S1 rotate"
T/O options: Rolling T/O
RWY alignment
approx. TRT (1-3 sec)
continue as normal…“Set PWR” … etc
climbing after T/O procedures
2 positives "Gear up" "Gear is up" 400 AGL and Vco+10 "Flaps up, pattern checklist" 10* NH
climb power
set approx. climb power
Call for MCT
fine tune every 5,000 ft
“moderate climbs” 10% of VSI for
“Steep climbs” cut pitch in half at 1,000 ft prior, then 10% of VSI
Transition: AOB in turns
30 or less AOB for turns < 30 hdg change
30 AOB max for turns >30* hdg change
power and back pressure increase with AOB
Correcting inadvertent nose-low attitudes
Reducing the AOB with coordinated spoiler and rudder pressure while simultaneously correcting pitch with control column back pressure.
Roll out lead point
30-degree AOB turn is approximately 5 degrees; the rollout lead point for a 45-degree AOB turn is approximately 10 degrees.
Steep turns: AOB, speed, power?
160, 200, 230 KIAS
pwr varies with altitude and gross weight
Asymmetric thrust demo
- 220 KIAS (then 150 KIAS)
- point toward landmark
- both engines idle
- one throttle MCT
- rudder opposite of yaw
- 5* bank into operating engine
- Recover by smoothly matching throttles
Yaw damper fail demo
- YD disengage
- rudder deflect to side, rapid release
- mild but persistent Dutch roll when disturbed from straight and level flight
Flap retraction demo
- Config w/ gear and flaps 30m V_app - 5
- retract flaps to 10
- observe loss of lift and increased airspeed
- reconfig to flaps 30 and V_app - 5
- retract flaps up
- slow flight recovery procedures
TP stalls/ Approach to stall parameters
- YD off
- AoA 1.3
- airspeed bug to V_app
- N_1 indic. to MCT
- clear the area
TP stalls/ Approach to stall recovery
“Max, Relax, Roll”
- Relax column pressure (0.8 - 0.85 AoA)
- Roll wings level
- Set PWR to MCT
“Flaps 10, set PWR”
“Flaps UP” at V_ref + 20
TP stalls/ Approach to stall procedures (OVERSHOOTING)
- Gear extended, flaps set
- Final turn 30-45 degrees
- increase back pressure
TP stalls/ Approach to stall procedures (UNDERSHOOTING)
- Gear extended, flaps set
- Final turn 10-20 degrees
- Pitch high than normal
- increase back pressure
TP stalls/ Approach to stall procedures (FINAL APPROACH)
- Gear extended, flaps set
- Landing flare attitude
Slow Flight parameters
- Gear extended
- Flaps as req’d
- AoA 1.3
- V_app - 5
- 10-20 degrees AoB
- Two turns, 30 degree HDG change each
Unusual attitudes (VFR NOSE HIGH)
- Pwr to MCT if A/S is low
- release back pressure
- roll to nearest horizon ( not to exceed 45 AoB)
Unusual attitudes (VFR NOSE LOW)
- IDLE if appropriate
- Speed brakes if needed
- Roll wings level
- Back pressure (not to exceed G-limits)
- Monitor AoA
Standard VASI slope and RWY intercept point
2.5 to 3.0 degree slope
750 ft past runway threshold
NON-Standard VASI slope and RWY intercept point
3.5 degree slope
450 ft short of runway threshold
Calculating V_app (flap setting, weight reduction, single engine, AoB, gusty)
- 30 flap: 118 KIAS
- 10 flap: V_ref + 10 128 KIAS
- 0 flap: V_ref + 20 138 KIAS
- (-2 KIAS) for every 500 lb reduction
- Single engine: V_ref + 10
- (+10 KIAS) for turns greater than 15 AoB
- Add half the gust spread up to 10