Infectious Disease -- STDs Flashcards
Name the organism in Chlamydia
C. trachomatis
Most Chlamydia cases are reported in which gender?
Three causes of non-gonococcal urethritis
Mycoplasma hominis
Mycoplasma genitalium
How is Chlamydia visualized?
It is intracellular, so look in the vacuoles with a Giemsa stain
Two forms of chlamydia
Elementary Bodies – Infectious Form
Reticulate Bodies – Replicative Form
Chlamydia has serotypes…
D thru K
Histology seen in Chlamydia infection
Inclusions in epithelial cells
Chronic Immune Response to intracelluar infection is an important component of disease
Chlamydia is associated with enhanced transmission of ______
Pathology of Chlamydia
Epididymitis, prostatitis, PID, pharyngitis, proctitis
Virtually identical to Gonorr. except discharge
Describe the discharge from a chlamydia patient
No organisms visible
Self-limited suppurative conjunctivitis can be cased by Chlamydia exposure in….
Birth Canal
Swimming Pool
What is Trachoma?
Chronic Suppurative keratoconjunctivitis causing blindness in many parts of the world. This can even spread by direct contact in under-developed nations
What is Lymphogranuloma Venereum in Chlamydia?
A suppurative infection of regional lymph nodes with buboe formation.
Complication of Lymphogranuloma Venereum?
Rectal stricture
Describe the development of Lymphogranuloma Venereum.
Chronic, ulcerative disease w/ involvement of LN
Begins w/ small papule
Growth of organism and host response result in swollen, tender, draining LN
Stellate abscesses
Potentially fibrosis and anal strictures
What are stellate abscesses
Mixed granulomatous and neutrophilic inflammation
How to treat Chlamydia?
1g Azithromycin orally in a single dose
100 mg doxyorally BID for 7 days
What matters about C. pneumoniae?
Cause of URT and pneumonia in adults
Associated with Atherosclerotic vascular disease
Possible co-factor in atherosclerosis development
What matters about C. psittaci?
Rare “Atypical pneumonia” transmitted from birds
In men, gonorrhea urethritis can spread to involve…
Seminal vesicles
Chronic –> urethral strictures, sterility
What is granuloma inguinale?
A Chronic, Venerally transmitted disease with ulcerating and granulating lesions of the genital skin and mucosa
What causes granuloma inguinale?
Calymmatobacterium donvoni
Hemophilus ducreyi is assocaited with what other illnesses
Ulcers facilitate HIV transmission
Trichomoniasis is typically caused by…
Trichomonas vaginalis
A protazoan which causes superficial lesions of urethral surfaces
Symptoms of Trichomoniasis?
Men – Non-gonococcaal urethritis
Women – Itching, Profuse, watery vaginal discharge
On physical exam of Trichomoniasis patient, what does the affected mucosa show
Stawberry Mucosa – Small blisters or papules
Syphilis chancres are infiltrated with what immune cell?
______ is central to the pathology of all Syphilis
Describe the infiltrate found at site of spirochete invasion
Describe what happens in primary syphilis obliterative endarteritis
Vessel wall infiltrates
Endothelial proliferation
Intimal fibrosis
Difference between condylomata lata and condylomata accuminata?
lata – syphilis – elevated broad plaques
accuminate – venereal warts
Do secondary syphilis lesions hurt?
Describe cardiovascular syphilis
Damage to proximal aorta/aortic root
Obliterative endarteritis – tree barking
Aneurysms and dissections
Coronary Insufficiency
Syphilitic gummas tend to be found…
Describe a syphilitic gumma
Peculiar rubbery, gummatous necrosis
Describe the histology of a syphilitic gumma
Central necrotic debris
surrounded by palisading macrophages+fibroblasts
Surr. by mononuclear leukocytes (mostly plasma cells)
Which stage of syphilis is most assocaited with congenital syph?
What is Hutchison’s Triad?
Hutchison’s Teeth
Interstitial keratitis
CN8 deafness