Incident management guide REVERSE Flashcards
NFPA 1561
Presidential directive 5
The IMS manual meets what national requirements?
The coordination and administer logistic functions
Only 1 per incident
The staging of resources prior to entering on a high rise fire
“Base’ is defined as ?
Level having Functional, geographical, or jurisdictional responsibilities
Is between Section and division/ group in the operations section
Uses Roman numerals or by functional area
‘Branch” is defined as?
Ordinary construction where the interior structural elements are entirely or partially of wood OF SMALLER DIMENSIONS
Type III construction is what?
Heavy timber- interior structures are made of SOLID or LAMINATED WOOD
Type IV construction is?
Wood Frame- structural elements are made of ENTIRELY wood.
Type V construction is?
Safety officer
command staff advisors
The command STAFF positions are?
A geographical area
Is between the Branch and unit levels
“Division” is defined as?
Lx W / 3 x % involved
What is the fire flow formula?
Operations Chief
Planning Chief
Logistics Chief
Finance/ Admin Chief
Intelligence/ investigation Chief
The GENERAL STAFF is made up of?
Functional areas
Is between a branch and unit
“Group “ is defined as?
12-24 hours
An IAP planned operational period is how long?
Finance/ Admin
The ICS 5 major functional areas are?
Statements of guidance and direction that are specific , measurable , attainable etc for the selection of appropriate strategies and tactical direction of resources.
Incident objectives are defined as?
Command and management
Resource management
Communications and info management
Supporting technologies
Ongoing management and maintenance
NIMS components are?
One of the 5 major functional areas under the NIMS system
IS between command and branch areas
“Section” is defined as?
Set time
Transfer lessons learned
Hi note
STEALH stands for?
Resources of the “SAME” Kind and TYPE
“Strike team” is defined as ?
Resources that are DIFFERENT in kind and type
“Task Force” is defined as ?
Pre- incident planning
The cornerstone to managing an emergency incident is?
Technical specialists
Distinguished from officers because they lack authority to direct incident activities.
Command staff advisors are?
to determine the cause or source of the incident
Intelligence / Investagtory function purpose is what?
Collecting and analyzing and sharing information
Informing incident operations to protect live and safety of response personnel
Interfacing with counterparts outside the ICS to improve situational awareness,
Duties of the intelligence/ inv branch are?
Command staff - Staff advisor
Planning section as a unit
Operations section as a branch
General staff as a section
Where can the intelligence /inv function fit into the the ICS system ?
Divisions and group persons who are in charge are termed what?
The person in charge of a “branch “ is termed what?
The number of subordinates for which a supervisor is responsible for
Ratio of supervisors to individuals
Acceptable spread is 3-7
Span of control is defined as?
On a situation in which is NOT under control yet the ICS should have no more than how many personnel operating under them ?
What is the command staff person in charge termed as?
What is the “Section” person in charge title?
The person in charge of a “unit” is termed?
A “Strike team or Task force “ person in charge is termed?
Boss or Leader
A single resource unit is termed ?
A technical specialist in charge is termed?
Safe action plan:
Size up
Rescue profile
Risk assessment
Rules of engagement for an IC is to conduct a n initial risk assessment and implement what and how?
Notifying the IC
Who can effect a change in incident management in extreme situations - who , why and How?
At the lowest level within the organization
Orders and decision making shall be performed where?
Any functions within the ICS that remain un delegated remain with whom?
Carry yourself
Command presence is conveyed how?
The IC role is a position of ?
2- TWO
The Command post should be set up so the IC has how many views of the incident?
Assumption , confirmation, and positioning of incident command
Initiate and monitor personnel accountably
Situation Evaluation which means “SIZE UP”
Initiate , maintain band control the communications process
Develop and IAP
What are the 5 mandatory functions of incident command?
Non collaborative/Face to face
Radio communications of “assuming command”
Assuming command can happen by what 2 means?
Mode of operations
Current situation
Current unit locations
Current assignments
What has been done
What is planned
The transfer of incident command what items?
Communications center
General staff members
Command staff members
All incident personnel
Upon transferring of command the IC notifies who?
As the emergency escalates
Demobilization phase
At what two stages of an incident should transfer of command be utilized?
Military order model
Radio transmissions use what model?
14A/ 15A with a radius of 1mile
What are considered the fire ground simplex channels?
Compatible systems
Dissemination of radios
Merging of companies
During multi-jurisdictional incidents how can communication be accomplished?
By a company that has an immediate communication
Imminent danger while in the exclusion zone
Changing modes of operation from offensive to defensive or vice versa
Emergency traffic can be used with what 3 situations?
Evacuation of a scene or area in imminent danger
Emergency Evacuation is for?
Emergency evacuation - all clear
What term is used to declare the scene is clear of all personnel of an area that was in imminent danger?
Air emergency
Serious injury
In need of immediate help
The term MAYDAY should be used when a FF is?
Strong command presence
Self control
Self discipline
In order to manage a MAYDAY, the IC has to maintain what?
RIG supervisor
Mayday FF
The only persons to communicate during a mayday emergency are?
Nothing showing
Smoke showing with - light, moderate, or heavy
Flames showing
Working fire
Reporting fire conditions are what 4 types?
Primary complete - ALL CLEAR
Secondary complete- ALL CLEAR
Water on fire
Fire under control
What are the 5 fire operations benchmarks?
Strategy and tactics
The mode of operations at a fire is defined by _________ and _______ and represents the _________ of the scene.
Offensive mode
Defensive mode
What are the 3 modes of fire operations?
When changing from an offensive to defensive mode.
What is the most dangerous time during a fire incident?
Salvageable life
No evidence of structural failure or hostile fire event
Offensive mode should be used when ?
10 minute benchmarks are used under what conditions?
Building to stay together
Victim survivability
FF air supply when working
The 10 min benchmark is based on what 3 scientific factors?
Consider switching to “DEFENSIVE MODE
If fire conditions have not improved after the 10min benchmark. What should happen ?
The 10 min benchmark timeframe include what 3 things?
Directly into the fire compartment
Directed at the ceiling
No more than 15 sec
Used with a solid or straight stream pattern
Exterior water application from the exterior during offensive operations should done how?
General course of action or direction to accomplish incident objectives
Strategy is defined as?
Deploying and directing resources to an incident to accomplish objectives
Tactics are defined as?
Statement of command to include command name , location, and mode.
The “S” in CANS arrival report means?
The front
Or address side
When referring to the structure the Alpha side is considered ?
Using a hundred block number or some other designator
When two or more incidents are on the same street then how are they differentiated?
10 min
The communications center shall announce benchmarks every?
Actions that are being taken
Actions that. Have been completed.
“CAN “ Progress reports should briefly detail ?
TO have an effective progress report , the report need to be ?
Incident priorities
Situation evaluation
Evaluation of IAP
The command sequence consists of:
Life safety
Incident stabilization
Property conservation
Evidence preservation
What are the incidents priorities?
Mode of operation
Tactical priorities
Scene control
Development of the IAP includes?
The tactical priorities are:
Situation evaluation
What is the other term for “Size up”? It is part of the command sequence
What is the other term for Tactical Priorites? Part of the development of the IAP
Incident priorities
The IC is responsible for ensuring that assignments during an incident are based on what?
Critical incident factors
The Situational Evaluation or “Size Up” is based on what?
Critical incident factors include which mnemonics?
Which critical incident factor mnemonic is used for the “INITIAL “ Situation evaluation
Which critical incident mnemonic is used for the “ONGOING”fire ground operations
Ability to line up incident factors in priority based on consequences
What make critical incident factors critical?
Do not risk FF lives for lives or property that cannot be saved
Extend vigilant and measured risk to protect and rescue lives
Limited risk to protect salvageable property.
Risk Benefit Analysis is 3 components?
Signage for Roofs and truss floors to indicate construction type that is “LIGHT FRAME TRUSS “
The Aldridge-Benge FF safety act in Florida instituted what?
LIght weight construction
Anything with exposed wood or metal supports in regards to constructions is considered?
3 minutes
A lightweight floor construction exposed to fire becomes unstable in how long?
Incident priorities which include LIPE
The development of the IAP is based off of what?
Strategies are _______ and equivalent to _________.
Tactics are __________ and _________.
Planning section chief
Who is responsible for a “FORMAL WRITTEN IAP?
24 hours
Operational periods should be no longer than ?
Specific assignments that are typically performed by one company or small group working together.
TASKS are defined as ?
Establishing a water supply
Advancing a hose line into a structure
Primary search
Vertical ventilation
Examples of “TASKS’ are?
The Highest INCIDENT Priority is = ________
The Highest TACTICAL priority is =_________.
Salvageable Life
A person known to be in the structure with conditions tenable for a person WITHOUT protective gear is termed what?
Location of reported victim
Most severely threatened area
Largest number of victims
Remainder of the fire area
Exposed areas
Primary search should be based on which areas in order?
Near fire building
Attached to fire building
Near but protected
Threatened by flying brands, heat or toxic gases
Examples of “EXPOSURES” are
Radiant head
Factors that influence potential exposures are?
30 ft
What is the distance to be considered an exposure?
2 1/2 ” and 200gpm
“INITIAL “ Exposure control requires what hose line and how much GPM?
Ground monitors
Mounted deck guns
Exposure protection should be accomplished with ?
The stopping of the progression of the fire
Confinement is defined as?
Preventing fires into un burned areas
Time to conduct a rescue
Protect exit stairways and corridors
Examples of the “CONFINEMENT tactical priority would be?
L x W / 3 x % involved
What is the fire flow formula?
L x W /3 x % involved = GPM/ min x number of floors
What is the fire formula for multiple floors?
- 75” line @ 150gpm for most initial fire or one room fire
- 5” line @ 200gpm for larger fires or have extended outside the room of Origin.
The Tactical priority of EXTINGUISHMENT requires?
The initial attack hose line
What factor has the most impact on the outcome of a fire incident?
Is the action taken to expose hidden fire and to assure complete extinguishment?
Term of : Designed to remove the products of combustion from a fire area and allow cool fresh air to enter?
What is the TACTICAL priority of protecting property from damage?
2 or more units assigned to an IDLH incident
When will the passport accountability system be utilized?
Formal process directed by the IC or Operations section chief where responding units are assigned a specific location in anticipation of future deployment.
LEVEL 2 staging is defined as:
Operations section chief
Who can establish a LEVEL 2 staging area?
8 spots
Approximately how many parking spaces does it take for each fire apparatus?
Multiple alarm incidents
Level 2 or greater MCI
Airport III index or greater
Other incident where multiple resources should be supervised
When should LEVEL 2 staging be established? 4 items.
Function or location
When 2 or mare staging areas are being used that are identified how?
2 floors below the fire floor
Hi rise operation staging is where?
What is the term used for the staging of resources prior to entering the incident scene?
The most distant control point for the incident.
Definition of Perimeter?
20 square blocks
What was the perimeter for the Oklahoma City bombing?
Secondary devices
Actions against responders
Implement PPE
Caution with tactical actions
Preserve evidence
Responders at an active shooter event should realize?
What resources are used to begin at a CBRNE incident?
What is the resource that uses the ERG and NIH combined for CBRNE?
Exclusion Zone- Risk outweighs benefit
Hot Zone- HI risk
Warm zone- Little risk
Cold zone- no risk
What are the control zones?
Potential to harm:
- Life
- Critical systems
- Property
Decision making for setting up isolation or control zones is based on :
The product is confirmed and additional references are used to confirm the distances.
The initial isolation zone becomes the hot zone when?
100 meters or 330 ft in all directions
Found on Guide 111.
According to the ERG for for an “UNKNOWN “ hazard is?
Protected in place
A protective action Zone is identified for what?
Risk assessment of the incident
Definition of Protection in place is based upon?
AT LEAST every 10 min
Evaluation of the IAP is done how often?
Release and Return of resources that are no longer needed.
Definition of “DEMOBILIZATION”
When the incident has de-escalated to a point where all units have returned to service.
When should incident command be terminated?
An analysis of the events that transpired during an incident and a review of the actions used to mitigate it.
Definition of an “After Action review “
Informal debriefing AAR
Informal Battalion AAR
Formal AAR
PBCFR used 3 types of After action reviews?
Tail board or FS
handled at the comany level
moderated by the Company officer/ chief
Simple discussion
Battalion HQ or FS
Handled at the company or Chief officer level
moderated by the Company officer of chief
held within a few shifts of immediately after
Battalion HQ or HQ
CQI or Chief
Detailed and analysis
Scheduled with 30-90 days post
Definition of a “FORMAL AAR”
Final report
Set time
Lessons learned
Transfer lessons
Hi note.
A STEALTH report is the ________ _________ and stands for?
Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
The county established a framework to ensure PBC is prepared to respond and recover from hazardous incidents?
Severe Weather- Hurricane, tropical storm, lightening
Agricultural pests and ds.
Communicable ds. - H1N1, Eboli
Examples of Natural hazards are?
Transportation incidents
Hazardous materials
Nuclear power plant
Dike failure
Examples of Technological Hazards are?
Domestic security
Workplace/ School violence
Mass migration
Human Caused Hazards are:
Mass fatality / MCI
General population shelters
Continuity of operations plan
An incident Support plan is for what type of incidents?
Hazard specific plan that outlines a mitigation strategy for 12 hazards
The definition of an HSP?
Severe weather
Agricultural pests ds.
Communicable ds
Transportation Incidents
Nuclear power plant
Dike failure
Domestic security
Workplace/ school violence
Mass migration
What are the 12 hazards outlined by the HSP?
10,000 or more in a defined geographical area.
A special or campaign event is a planned and organized activity or contest with how many people?
The Emergency Operations Area is divided into how many geographical areas?
To oversee management of multiple incidents handled by separate ICSs
Very large incidents that involve multiple ICSs
Same area and same type
An area command is established when ?
Oil spills
Wildland fires
For Area command of the same type and same area with 2 or more what are the examples?
Unified Area Command
What is the term used for incidents under the authority of an area commander that are multi- Jurisdictional ?
Support functions and resource support.
Area command oversees management of ___________while an EOC coordinates__________ ___________ and _______________ _________.

Draw out the command sequence
Buidling construction
Extent of fire
life safety
water supply
The intinial Critical incident mnumonic is and stands for ?
An all hazard level 3 IMT is made up of how many people
An all hazard level 2 IMT is made up of how many people
An all hazard level 1 IMT is made up of how many people
who serves as the primary Multi-agency coordination center (MACS) for palm beach county?
on a biennail basis
It is recommended that future revisions be completed how often?
Face to face
when transferring command the prefered method is ?
multi unit residential with 3 untis or more
Floridas light-frame truss type law is applicable to who?
to protect FF who are performing fire arttack.
the purpose of a back up line is?
total xtinguishment of all smoldering fires
checking for all hidden fire and extention
Extinguishing all hidden and extension
overhaul includes which acions?
arrival and stagging location
upoin arriving in lelvel 1 stagging what shall units announce?
the IC will base the intial isolation zone based from what resources?
what is the only way to detect the presence of radation?
evacuation or protact in place
the protective action zone determines what to factors?
whichever offers the lesser degree of danger to the public
the decison to evacuate or protectin place is made upon?
information on public health
What is an example of the PIO disseminting acurate and timely information?
Joint infoirmation system
the PIO serves as a link to who?
tropical storms
what are considered examples of natrual hazards?
Formal and Robust
the Hazard specific plan ubder the CEMP is described as?
written and short
the incident support plan for the CEMP is described as?
Field incident commnad posts
EOAs are _______ and are under the direction and control of the ______.
Type 5 and 4 : 7-10 people 1 operational period
Local and regional
Type 3: 10-35 people multiple operatinal periods
All Hazard
Type 2: 20-35 people multiple operational periods
manages 200-500 persons
All Hazard and Wildland team- self contained
GACC, NIFC, NWCG - operate through US forest service
Type 1: 35-50 people multiple operational periods
manages 500-to over a 1000 perons
GACC, NIFC, NWCG- operate through US forest serivce
18 teams exist.
What is the breakdown for incident mgt Teams?
agency administrator
public offical with juristictional responsibilty
who makes the decision to establish and area command?
bio terrorism
oil spills
wildland fires
Need for Area command examples are :
incidents that do not have similar resource demands are usually handled by who?