Exposure Control Manual and Risk Mgt guide Flashcards
A significant exposure is deveined as :
Needle stick or sharps:
Blood or fluid containing visible blood
Vaginal fluids
Synovial fluid
Peritoneal fluid
Pleural fluid
Pericardial Fluid
Amniotic fluid
Mucous membranes
Abrased or abraded skin
Airborne contagions
The exposure control officer works under who?
Chief of training and safety division
Exposure to an Airborne contagion other than TB should be documented on ?
FR exposure form
For percuteanous needle sticks how to care for them?
10 min washing with soap and water or 10% iodine or chlorine compounds until soap and water are available
Washing mucous membranes from significant exposure how?
Irrigate with normal saline or water for 10-15min
“Right to know” is applicable for the source patient if?
Patient was transported to the hospital
Blood drawn for routine medical need.
If the hospital or the physician do not comply with state mandates for exposure testing what happens?
Contact the EMS captain who will contact the medical director if necessary.
Ryan White act notification is for what time frame?
Within 48hrs of notification of patient diagnosis
EMS captains responsibilities for exposure?
Make sure that employee is source tested
Make sure state mandates are followed at the ER
Notify the Exposure control officer as soon as possible during working hours or if unusual or receives treatment have paged
Contact facility for F/U instructions
Contact the OHC to make arrangements for F/U or as soon a possible for testing
Ensure Exposure form is filled out and turned in by the end of shift
Forward the exposure to the Exposure control officer
Definition of “Verification” for exposure?
Determining whether a reported exposure is and “Actual” or perceived health threat.
When should post exposure testing occur?
1-2 hours preferably at the OHC or Hospital
When it is deemed necessary to have follow up testing who contacts the employee and when?
EMS captain , Exposure control officer, or OHC within 24 hours
Written documentation of follow up testing for an exposure should follow when ?
Within 48hours
Follow up testing from exposure is done at what intervals?
Initially, 3mo, 6mo, 1 year
Post exposure treatments are for which diseases?
, HIV, Hep B, Hep C, Menningcoccal meningitis, TB
A post exposure treatment written opinon statement is to be completed by what time frame?
Within 15days
A written exposure treatment opinion includes what ?
Results of the medical evaluation
Verification that the employee has been informed about any medical condition resulting from the exposure.
Time frame for post exposure prophylaxis?
Within 1-2 hours
What cases are mandated to be reported to the CDC?
Contagious ds
A report of the department’s exposures are sent to who and how often?
Wellness coordinator- Annually.
Who ensures confidentiality with exposure reports for the employee?
EMS captain
Exposure control officer
What are the most likely transmission routes from TB?
Persistent cough >2 weeks with one of the following
- Anorexia
- weight loss
- fever
- hx of drug use
- night sweats
- bloody sputum
When treating a possible TB patient what should happen ?
N95 on employees
Oxygen to patient or if not needed N95 for patient
Air vents open -no recirculating
When are risk management reports due?
By the end of shift and forwarded to the appropriate party
When filling out risk management forms supervisors must sign forms using what?
Full first and last names AND employee ID
Employees filling forms for PTSD fill out what forms?
The same as employee injury
Who gets notified for vehicle accidents?
What MUST be obtained on a vehicle accident?
A police report AND obtain insurance from other driver
Who gets notified of exposure to communicable ds.?
EMS captain and notify Medical services division.
The exposure contorl manual provides information on what areas?
Care and cleaning
bio waste
who designates one or more members as the exposure control officer.
the department
exposures to airborne pathogens are doucumented on ?
exposure form
documentation for exposures protects who?
the employee
when does the patient have a right to refuse a blood test that might verify an communicable disease?
if blood was not drawn in the field for routine medical need.
the physican notification form is delivered to who and how?
Emergency room physician
hand delivered
who is responsible for ordering the HIV on the patient?
ER physican
when filling out the exposure form which section should be given special attention?
how the exposure occured
how does the Exposure control officer notify employees of a possible exposure from the hosptial?
the ryan white care act is what type of law?
florida statue
What does the ryan white care specify?
any licensed facility receving a patient who os subsequently diagnosed as having certain infectious diseases to notify the health care provider.
prophylaxis treatment post exposure is within what time frame?
1-2 hours
when does the exposure from need to be completed by?
prior to the end of shift
If receiving prophylaxis treatment when can an employee discontinue treatment?
when directed by the OHC
All completed documents with an exposure must be forwarded to who?
Exposure control officer
All exposure forms must include what?
an injury tracking number
The exposure control officer gets notified as soon as possible under what conditions?
emergency situation
receives post exposure treatment
Who contacts the hospital ICC to verify source patient testing?
Exposure control officer.
who is in charge to investigate an exposure?
Exposure control officer
if a competent patient refuses source testing where is this documented?
medical records of the individual sustaining the significant exposure
how are results of the HIV testing if performed at the hospital given to the employee?
person to person
mail to the OHC
medical treatment for a post exposure shall be conducted where?
counseling and or treatment is in according to who?
US public health service
what is the primary means of preventing occupationally HIV infections
prevention of blood exposures
What guideline is followed by PBCFRs PEP plan?
Center for disease control
public health service
contagious diseases that limit an employee to work with patient care or at a station are ?
exudative lesions
who is consulted on the limitations on an employee to work from an exposure?
employees private physican
legal counsel
medical director
how long are employee medical exposure records maintained for?
the duration of the employment plus 30 years
the transmission of what cuases TB?
what environmental factors increase the transmission of TB?
exposure of person in a small space- like a ambulance
close contact during procedures- ET, deep tracheal suctioning
PBCFRs TB infection program includes?
Annual PPD testing
additional PPD testing is done when ?
after a documented exposure
persons who miss the annual TB screening can make it up where?