Exposure Control Manual Bottom to Top Flashcards
<p>The exposure contorl manual provides information on what areas?</p>
<p>Care and cleaning</p>
<p>bio waste</p>
<p>Who gets notified of exposure to communicable ds.?</p>
<p>EMS captain and notify Medical services division.</p>
<p>What MUST be obtained on a vehicle accident?</p>
<p>A police report AND obtain insurance from other driver</p>
<p>Who gets notified for vehicle accidents?</p>
<p>Employees filling forms for PTSD fill out what forms?</p>
<p>The same as employee injury</p>
<p>When filling out risk management forms supervisors must sign forms using what?</p>
<p>Full first and last names AND employee ID</p>
<p>When are risk management reports due?</p>
<p>By the end of shift and forwarded to the appropriate party</p>
<p>When treating a possible TB patient what should happen ?</p>
<p>N95 on employees<br></br>Oxygen to patient or if not needed N95 for patient <br></br>Air vents open -no recirculating</p>
<p>What are the most likely transmission routes from TB?</p>
<p>Persistent cough >2 weeks with one of the following<br></br>-Anorexia<br></br>-weight loss<br></br>-fever<br></br>-hx of drug use<br></br>-night sweats<br></br>-bloody sputum</p>
<p>Who ensures confidentiality with exposure reports for the employee?</p>
<p>EMS captain <br></br><br></br>Exposure control officer</p>
<p>A report of the department’s exposures are sent to who and how often?</p>
<p>Wellness coordinator- Annually.</p>
<p>What cases are mandated to be reported to the CDC?</p>
<p>Contagious ds<br></br>AIDS<br></br>HBV<br></br>TB</p>
<p>Time frame for post exposure prophylaxis?</p>
<p>Within 2 hours</p>
<p>A written exposure treatment opinion includes what ?</p>
<p>Results of the medical evaluation <br></br><br></br>Verification that the employee has been informed about any medical condition resulting from the exposure.</p>
<p>A post exposure treatment written statement is to be completed by what time frame?</p>
<p>Within 15days</p>
<p>Post exposure treatments are for which diseases?</p>
<p>AIDS, HIC, Hep B, Hep C, Menningcoccal meningitis, TB</p>
<p>Follow up testing from exposure is done at what intervals?</p>
<p>Initially, 3mo, 6mo, 1 year</p>
<p>Written documentation of follow up testing for an exposure should follow when ?</p>
<p>Within 48hours</p>
<p>When it is deemed necessary to have follow up testing who contacts the employee and when?</p>
<p>EMS captain , Exposure control officer, or OHC within 24 hours</p>
<p>When should post exposure testing occur?</p>
<p>1-2 hours preferably at the OHC or Hospital</p>
<p>Definition of “Verification” for exposure?</p>
<p>Determining whether a reported exposure is and “Actual” or perceived health threat.</p>
<p>EMS captains responsibilities for exposure?</p>
<p>Make sure that employee is source tested<br></br>Make sure state mandates are followed at the ER<br></br>Notify the Exposure control officer as soon as possible during working hours or if unusual or receives treatment have paged<br></br>Contact facility for F/U instructions<br></br>Contact the OHC to make arrangements for F/U or as soon a possible for testing<br></br>Ensure Exposure form is filled out and turned in by the end of shift <br></br>Forward the exposure to the Exposure control officer</p>
<p>Ryan White act notification is for what time frame?</p>
<p>Within 48hrs of notification of patient diagnosis</p>
<p>If the hospital or the physician do not comply with state mandates for exposure testing what happens?</p>
<p>Contact the EMS captain who will contact the medical director if necessary.</p>
<p>Right to know is applicable for the source patient if?</p>
<p>Patient was transported to the hospital <br></br><br></br>Blood drawn for routine medical need.</p>
<p>Washing mucous membranes from significant exposure how?</p>
<p>Irrigate with normal saline or water for 10-15min</p>
<p>For percuteanous needle sticks how to care for them?</p>
<p>10 min washing with soap and water or 10% iodine or chlorine compounds until soap and water are available</p>
<p>Exposure to an Airborne contagion other than TB should be documented on ?</p>
<p>FR exposure form</p>
<p>A significant exposure is deveined as :</p>
<p>Needle stick or sharps:<br></br>Blood or fluid containing visible blood<br></br>Semen<br></br>Vaginal fluids<br></br>CSF<br></br>Synovial fluid<br></br>Peritoneal fluid<br></br>Pleural fluid<br></br>Pericardial Fluid<br></br>Amniotic fluid <br></br>Mucous membranes<br></br>Abrased or abraded skin<br></br>Airborne contagions</p>
<p>The exposure control officer works under who?</p>
<p>Chief of training and safety division</p>