2021 EMS Protocols Flashcards
Who is allowed to deviate from the protocols?
Ems captains and Trauma hawk Personnel
In mutual aid circumstances whose protocols should be followed?
The transporting agency.
Oxygen is to be administered only when?
maintain sp02 of 95% all patients
90% for COPD and asthma.
ET tubes shall be confirmed how? 3 methods.
esophageal intubation detector (if available)
continuous EtCo2
Ventilatory rates are the following?
Adults- Pulse 1 q6
No pulse 1 q10
ICP 30-35mmhg
Pediatrics Pulse 1 q3
No Pulse 1 q6
ICP- 30-35mmHg
EtCO2 monitoring will be performed on which pts?
Respiratory distress
ventilatory support
Sedated / pain medication
seizure pts
ketamine pts
which pt’s are required to have a 12 and 15 lead performed?
chest, Arm, neck, back, jaw, shoulder, epigastric pn or discomfort
syncope, lightheadness, general weakness, fatigue
SOB, CHF, or hypotension
unexplained diaphoresis or nausea.
12 lead cables will remain on the pt until when?
turned over the ED staff when transporting.
12 leads will be repeated how often?
q 10min
Which pt’s shall have a BGL checked?
cardiac arrest
A complete set of v/s consists of what and done how often?
Pulse,- Rate rhythm quality
Respirations-Rate and Quality
Pulse ox
BP- cap refill
Priority 3 - at least 2 sets
Priority 2- q 5min.
Adult hypotension is defined as?
systolic BP> 90.
When should manual BP’s be taken?
Initially and to confirm any abnormal or significant change in an automatic BP.
Pt’s that have not reached puberty shall be classified as how?
pediatric pts.
When using the Hand Tevy method, what is used for the PRIMARY reference point?
What type of pts’ meeting trauma alert criteria transported by AIR to St. mary’s?
Pregnant (visibly pregnant or by hx of gestation >20wks)
All intubated interfacility transfers must be ______ and ______ by the sending facility.
paralyzed and sedated.
If the sending facility physician refuses to administer paralytics for a trauma transfer then what?
Crew must contact the EMS Captain and follow the advanced A/W protocol, and accompany pt to the receiving facility.
What type of alerts go by air if ground transport is greater than what time?
Decompression Sickness
Stroke pt with transport times greater than 20 min go where?
depends- if all other criteria are met;
1. transport time to comprehensive is > 20 min
2. onset time < 2hr
3. no tpa exclusions
4. no severe headache
Primary center, if not all met, comprehensive center.
Pediatric pts are age what?
less than 18.
Where do decompression CO, H2S and CN poisonings go?
Hyberbaric chamber @ st mary’s hospital.
Where are psychiatric pts transported?
stable- closest facility
unstable- closest ED for stabilization.
What are the criteria for someone to request a “Free Standing” ED?
Stable Patients
informed if admitted they will be transferred.
sign “Emergency Transport Disclaimer”
What are the Air Transport time criteria?
STEMI / Stroke >40min
Trauma > 25min
Extrication >15min
Response time >10min
When can air transport NOT be used?
Pt weighing > 500lbs or 227kg
Pt that cannot lay supine
combative and cannot be physically restrained
Hazmat contaminated pts
What does MICCR stand for?
Minimally Interrupted cardio-cerebral resusitation
Cardiac arrest pt’s with the use of a “Lucas” device will be placed on what?
Scoop stretcher and elevated 15 degrees.
All IVP medications for an arrest are followed by what?
10ml saline Flush
Termination efforts can be done when?
EMS captain OS
persistent asystole for 15 min
Etco2< 10mmHg
No hypothermia
1 defibrillation @ 360j.
500ml NS
All ALS interventions have been completed and reversible causes
Social support group is in place for family if needed.
What is considered a “SECONDARY” arrest?
CHF, drowning, FBAO, OD, Hanging, lightning strike- DC current., Trauma, CN, 3rd Trimester pregnancy
When does a ResQpod get placed?
all cardiac arrest patients that are greater than 1yr old.
What are the contraindications for the “ResQpod”
Pt less than 1 yr old
Pt’s with a pulse
Cardiac arrest due to trauma
during passive oxygenation
If a rhythm converts back after electrical therapy was used what setting should be used ?
the setting that was successful in converting the rhythm.
Medications should be delivered when in cardiac arrest ?
ASAP after rhythm check and circulated for 2 min
What is the dose of MGSO4 in Torsades?
adults- 2g in 50 ml 60gtts wide open
pedi- 40mg/kg in 50ml 60gtts wide open
primary and secondary arrest pt’s go to which facilites?
primary- STEMI facility
secondary- Closest faclility
Spinal motion restriction for what criteria?
focal neurologic deficit
pain to the neck or back
distracting injury
AMS w/ an MOI
intoxication w/ MOI
Sager splints are used on what type fx?
Closed Mid shaft femur only
What are the oral hypoglycemic medications
Glipizide, Glyburide, Glimepiride
indications for Hyperkalemia for CaCl2?
Peaked T waves
Sine wave
Wide complex QRS
severe bradycardia
high degree blocks
it is more important to maintain what levels for COPD and asthma patients?
SPo2 at 90%
Auto PEEP is what?
When Air goes in before a patient is allowed to exhale.
Differences in Croup and Epiglottitis?
Chonic vs Acute
sick for a few days vs Sudden onset
low grade fever vs high grade fever
not toxic looking vs drooling and tripod
Ketamine for seizures is what and what contraindications?
Adults :100mg- pregnancy
penetrating eye
non traumatic chest pain
Pedi >3yrs: 1mg/kg
Sepsis alert criteria?
Adult not pregnant
suspected or documented infection
Tachypnea - RR>22 or ETco2 < 25mmHg
Which patients receive fluids despite having rales?
Septic pneumonia patients
What is the tine frame for not considering a stroke not an Alert
Witnessed greater than 24 hours
What are the precautions with Ketamine in seizure patients?
Respiratory distress- need for an advanced airway
What is the criteria for unstable Afib/ flutter
Hypotension only
Bradycardia is defined as?
< 50 BPM
Unstable bradycardia is defined as?
Adult: >50 BPM w. hypotension
Pedi: >50 w/ AMS and age hypotension
For both adult and peds with pacing, what can be given if normotensive and no IV?
Versed- 5mg IN/IM only
0.2mg/kg IN/IM only
Pacing for a peds starts at what?
80 BPM
What is the initial treatment for bradycardia in peds?
Oxygenation / Ventilation
Neonate: 1 q 3 for 30 sec
Infant: 1 q 3 for 1 min
Which extremity is to be avoided with vascular access in chest pain?
Right hand and wrist.
STEMI alert criteria?
2mm elevation smiley face concave in any leads
2mm elevation frown face convex on V2 and V3
1mm elevation frown face convex in any leads
What are STEMI disqualifiers?
Early Repolarization
Pacemaker with QRS > .12
When does NTG get withheld in CHF patients?
febrile patients or nursing home with pneumonia
Stable SVT treatment is?
Adults 12mg Adenosine
Pedi- 0.2mg Adenosine
Unstable SVT treatment is ?
Adult 100, 200, 300, 360J
Pedi: 0.5J/kg and 2J/kg
Vtach is defined as?
No p waves
QRS > .12
Concordance in all leads
Neg QRS V6
Neg in 2, 2, AVF and positive in AVL, and AVR
Vtach stable treatment?
Adult : Amiodarone 150mg in 50 15gtts
Pedi: 5mg/kg in 50 15 gtts
Unstable Vtach
Adult : Cardio version 100, 200, 300. 360J
Pedi : 0.5J/kg and 2j/kg
What makes a Vtach patient unstable?
Contraindications to Amiodarone:
Sinus bradycardia
2/3 degree blocks
cardiogenic shock
QTC >500
RRWCT is defined as?
> 0.20 or 5 boxes
Treatment for RRWCT is?
Stable :Adult 1g cacl2
100mg bicarb
Pedi: 20mg/kg cacl2
1meq/kg bicarb