Important Names In Cognitive Psychology Flashcards
Divided intelligence into fluid intelligence and crystallized intelligence and looked at how they change throughout the lifespan
Investigated the role of schemata in memory; concluded that memory is largely a reconstructive process
Distinguished between the surface structure and deep structure of a sentence; studied transformational rules that could be used to transform one sentence into another
Collins & Loftus
Devised the spreading activation model of semantic memory
Craik & Lockhart
Developed the levels-of-processing theory of memory as an alternative to the stage theory of memory
Studied memory using nonsense syllables and the method of savings
Proposed the theory of multiple intelligences that divides intelligence into seven different types, all of which are equally important; traditional IQ tests measure only two of the seven types
Devised divergent thinking test to measure creativity
Kahneman & Tversky
Investigated the use of heuristics in decision-making; studied the availability heuristic and the representativeness heuristic
Studied eyewitness memory and concluded that our memories can be altered by presenting new information or by asking misleading questions
Used the water-jar problem to study the effect of mental sets on problem-solving
Macoby & Jacklin
Found support for gender differences in verbal ability
McClelland & Rumelhart
Suggesting that the brain processes information using parallel distributed processing
Found that the capacity of short-term memory is 7 (+/-2) items
Proposed dual-code hypothesis
Smith, Shoben, & Rips
Devised the semantic feature-comparison model of semantic memory
Suggested that individual differences in intelligence were largely due to differences in amount of a general factor called “g”
Studied the capacity of sensory memory using the partial-report method
Used factor analysis to study primary mental abilities – factors more specific than “g”, but more general than “s”
Hypothesized that language determines how reality is perceived