Imaging of the lower limb Flashcards
What is the ischial tuberosity?
Bony section of bum, origin of hamstrings
What do flakes of calcification in bones indicate?
Tendon pathology
Features of the pelvis
Sacroiliac joint Hip joint Iliac blade Superior pubic ramus Inferior pubic ramus
What are the three compartments of the knee?
Features of the knee
Patella Tibia Medial/lateral tibial plateau Fibula head Femur Tibia and fibula
What does corticated bone indicate?
Old injury
Which bones make up the ankle joint?
Tibia and talus
What is the sub-tala joint?
Talus articulates with calcaneus
What is the talar-navicular joint?
Articulation between talus and navicular
Where is the fore foot?
Metatarsals onwards
Where is the mid foot?
Cuboid, navicular and cuneiform bones
Where is the hind foot?
Begins immediately below ankle
What are the two sesamoids?
Lateral and medial
Features of ankle
Tibia Talus Fibular Syndesmosis Medial/lateral malleolus
Bones in foot
Cuboid Lateral/middle/medial cuneiform Navicular Talus Calcaneus