Anatomy of locomotion Flashcards
What is resting posture?
Minimal muscular activity
Feet splayed and slightly apart
Hips and knees extended
Which muscles make up the triceps surae?
Two headed gastrocnemius, soleus
What is static posture?
How you hold yourself when you’re not moving (sitting, standing, sleeping). Body segments aligned and in fixed positions. Usually achieved by coordination and interaction of various muscle groups
What does ITB do?
Locks knee in hyperextension (rigid support pillar, important stabilizer of knee in extension and partial flexion in walking and running
How does the popliteal contribute to resting posture?
Unlocks knee (lateral rotation of femur during stance, medially rotates tibia in swing). Posterior pull on lateral meniscus prevents crushing in knee flexion
Why is normal gait efficient?
Uses gravity and momentum, most energy in level walking is eccentric dorsiflexion after heel strike and plantar and toe flexion at push-off
What is a stride equivalent to?
2 steps
Process of walking
- Starts with ‘heel strike’ (heel on ground) and finishes with toe-off
- Hip and knee flex to draw limb forward
- Foot dorsiflexes immediately after toe-off so the foot clears the floor
- Hip abductors stabilize pelvic girdle and prevent pelvis dropping on contralateral side
Which muscle extends hip?
Gluteus maximus
Which muscles flex the knee?
Hamstrings (biceps femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus)
Which muscles do plantar flexion?
Gastrocnemius, soleus, plantaris, achilles tendon
Which muscles flex the hip?
Iliopsoas, rectur femoris, sartorius, pectineus, tensor dascia lata
Which muscles extend the knee?
Which muscles perform dorsiflexion?
Tibialis anterior, extensor digitorum/hallucis longus
How much of normal gait is stance?
How much of normal gait is standing?
Characteristics of toddlers walk
Slower, high cadence, flexed elbows