IFSTA: Safety and Health (Ch 10) Flashcards
2004 Stat: fire and emergency responder injuries during emergency operations
- 80,000 incidents
- Half of the total reported that year
- Trauma, cuts, bruises, burns, thermal stress, asphyxiation
- 2000 were life threatening
- Majority occurred during fire attack and search and rescue
- EMS: sprains, strains, back injuries, exposures
FF deaths per year
- 2005: 106
- 2004: 117
- 1978 (high): 171
- 1992 (low): 77
- 2000-2006: 107 average
- MVA’s and AMI’s
- 2005: 40% of all LODD’s were stress-related
- Emergency incident fatalities: 20% since 1977
EMS related fatalities
- 3% of total
- Trauma = 50%
- 38% AMI’s
Training injuries & fatalities
- 10% of annual FF LODD
- AMI’s leading cause, then trauma
- AMI and CVA’s only 1% of total in 2003
- 1987-2003 training-related injuries increased by 21%
- 7000 in 2001
Safety Initiative name
Everyone Goes Home
EGH goals
- Reduce FF fatailities by 25% over 5 years
- Reduce FF fatalities by 50% of 10 years
EGH objectives
1. Define and advocate need for cultural change (all levels)
- Enhance personal and organizational accountability for safety and health throughout the fire service
- Integrate risk management with incident management at all levels
- Empower all FF to stop unsafe practices
- National standards for training, qualifications, and certifications
- National medical and physical fitness standards
- National research and data collection system that relates to the initiative
- Utilize available technology to increase H&S
- Thoroughly investigate all FF fatalities, injuries, and near misses
- Grant programs that support safe practices
- National standards for emergency response policies and procedures
- National protocols for violent incident responses
- Access for FF and families to counseling and support
- More support for pub-ed
- Increase advocacy of codes and home sprinklers
- Ensure safety is a primary consideration in apparatus and equipment design
Safety and Health program components
- Accident, injury, and illness prevention
- Medical infection and exposure control
- Comprehensive phyiscal fitness and wellness program
Workplace location divisions
- Emergency scene
- En route to and from emergency scene
- Facilities
NFPA 1581
Standard on FD Infection Control Program
Accident definition
- An unplanned, uncontrolled event resulting from unsafe acts and/or unsafe occpational conditions, either of which may result in injury, death, or property damage.
- May be the restult of advserse conditions in the environment, equipment/material malfunction, or the result of human error
Reasons to investigate workplace accidents
Identify and document the following:
- Behavior/condition that caused (root cause)
- Previously unrecognized hazards
- Apparatus/equipment defects or design flaws
- Additional training needs
- Improvments needed in safety policies and procedures
- Facts that could have a legal impact on an accident case
- Historical trends
Human factors that contribute to accidents: 3 categories
- Improper attitude (fixed through counseling, training, or discipline)
- Lack of knowledge or skill
- Pysically unsuited
Accident investigation: information collected
General info (items):
- Date, time of incident
- Type of incident, illness, injury, fatality
- Location and response type
- Names of witnesses and their accounts of the event
Employee characteristics (participant):
- Name and unit
- Age & gender
- Rank/function
- PPE and equipment
Environmental information (items):
- Weather and temp
- Day or night
- Noise and visibility
- Terrain
Apparatus/equipment information (items):
- Type of equipment involved
- Age and condition
- Location
- Maintenance history
- Distinguishing characteristics
Narrative description