CBA Flashcards
Safety Committee
- 2 union members
- 4 total
- Meet at least quarterly
- Chairmanship alternates annually
- Make recommendations to Union or Employer
Labor Managment
- No OT
- Meet at least quarterly
- Make non-binding recommendations to union or employer
- Equal # of union reps or as mutually agreed
Dept. Seniority: definition
the length of an employee’s Continuous Employment in the Department measured from the date of employment in the Department.
Continuous employment definition
“Continuous Employment” means a continuous period of employment in the department that is unbroken by resignation, discharge or service retirement.
Leaves of absence, disability retirement, or military leaves shall not break continuous Employment.
Layoffs and reductions in rank pursuant to Article IX shall not break Continuous Employment until the expiration of the period during which the employee has a right to be offered re-employment or promotion pursuant to Section 9.2 of this Agreement.
Upon a break in Continuous Employment an employee shall lose all seniority.1
Discipline: 13.3 right to meeting review
Other than oral reprimands:
- Employee provided a copy of alleged violation charged
- Informed of right to meet with Chief or designee (of a higher rank than officer responsible for discharging the discipline) to:
- Discuss alleged violation
- Review documents of proof
- Have union rep present
- Employee shall request meeting or review of documents within 48 hours of notice.
Discipline: review board
- At request of employee or employer all discipline (other than oral reprimands) shall be subject to Disciplinary Review board procedure (Rules & Regs, Article XV)
Discipline: Oral reprimands records
- Shall not be maintained by employer, but supervisor who gives it may record date and subject matter in personal calendar or personal records.
- Shall be purched from all records after 1 year.
Discipline: 13.5 Role of B/C and FM
- BC and FM will carry out administrave responsibility in the conduct of business for the operation of the department.
- Unless BC or FM is grievant or subject of discipline they will act on Employer’s behalf in the discharge of discipline and in the steps provided in the grievance procedures.
Grievance: 14.1 definition
Grievences or disputes which may arise involving the interpretation or application of the CBA shall be settled according to ARticle XIV
Grievance: 14.3 timelines
- No more than 30 calendar days to initiate grievance procedure from the time the aggrieved party first became aware of the violations.
- In no event shal a grievance be filed or action initiated later than 90 days after the occurrence of the alleged grievance.
Grievance: 14.3 steps
- Employee submits in writing to union grievance committee all relevant facts. Committee has 14 calendar days to determine in a grievance exists. If they determine one does not, no further action.
- With 7 days of completion of Step 1, Union shall outline grievance in writing, all relevant facts, and present to employee’s supervisor. If immediate supervisor is a C/O concurrence of B/C, if MSO concurrence of D/C shall be obtained prior to submitting decision to the aggrieved employee within 9 calendar days from receipt of grievance.
- If not settled in Step 2, Union shall within 14 calendar days of completion of Step 2 present the grievance to the Chief or his designee. Chief has 14 calendar days to submit a written decision.
- If not settled in Step 3, Union shall submit grievance within 14 calendar days to the Mayor or rep. Mayor shall submit their written decision within 14 calendar days.
- (Optional) If not settled Union and Employer may mutually agree within 14 calendar days to submit the grievance to mediation. The 2 parties will have another 14 days to agree upon a mediator drawn from a panel of neutrals formally trained in grievance mediation.
- Mediator will attempt to assure all necassary facts are revealed but will not have authority to compel resolution.
- Parties not limited solely to the facts presented at earlier steps.
- No transcript or record of mediation conference will be made
- No formal rules of evidence will be followed
- If not settled in mediation, grievance may be appealed to arbitration in accordance with Step 6.
- Mediator may not serve as arbitrator
- Neither party may reference the fact that a mediation conference was or was not held.
- Nothing said or done by mediator may be referenced or introduced into evidence at the arbitration hearing
- Nothin said or done by either party for the first time in mediation may be used against it in arbitration.
- If grievance not settled either party shall give notice within 14 calendar days of their intent to submit to arbitration.
- Union rep and employer rep shall meet within 10 calendar days and attempt to agree on neutral chairman on a single arbitrator or panel.
- Costs shall be shared equally between parties.
Extension of time limits or waiver of any step may be accomplished through mutual written consent of both parties.
Rules and Regs: 15.1 General
- Members shall comply with all rules and regs
- Employer agrees that improper application of rules and regs which affect working conditions and performance subject to grievance.
- Prior to implementing new rules or changes in rules the Emplyer shall discuss the proposed changes with the Union
Rules and Regs: 15.2 modification
- Prior to modifying rules and regs, SOG’s, Civil Service Rules, or Personnel Manual when modifications affect wages, hours, or working conditions of CBA employees,
- Employer notifies President in writing 30 calendar days prior to change
- Employer shall meet and confer upon written request of the Union and within the 30 calendar day notice period to discuss proposed changes
- Each party shall keep minutes of those meetings
- After 30 days notice period modifications not in conflict with the CBA may be implemented by Employer. If any change affecting wages, hours, or working conditions have not been through this process it will be null and void until process is followed.
Wages: 17.2 Out of Class (acting)
- Excess of 7 hours, except captain
- Captain, on leave or assigned to another position for more than 2 consecutive shifts.
Maximum # of shifts off (19.6)
3 options for holiday time when moving to 40 hr week
- Pay out all but 96 hours, hold 96 hours in reserve until return to 24 hour shift
- Freeze accrued holiday time until return to 24 hour shift
- Convert acrued holiday time to the 40 hour week accrual rate.