IFSTA Fire Co Officer: Supervision (Ch 3) Flashcards
Includes the processes of directing, overseeing, and controlling the activities of other individuals and is basic to the successful completion of the duties assigned to a Level I Fire Officer
Refers to the administration and control of projects, programs, situations, and organizations. Level II Fire Officers are often assigned management duties such as public education or incident management.
3 Priorities of Fire and Emergency Services
- Emergency response
- Preparation for emergency response
- Organizational duties
Emergency Response Preparation
- Mental Preparation
- Direct Preparation: training, drilling, apparatus prep, maintaining PPE and tools, pre incident plans
- Application of efficient organizational skills: reports, records, station maintenance, other admin duties
Goals and Objectives: employee involvement
- Require employee to accomplish specific task
- Delegate
- Use democratic leadership
Goals and Objectives: autocratic approach
Require employee to accomplish specific task
- Supervisor knows best practice and has necessary information, employee can perform task
- Autocratic leadership, okay for emergency scene
- Used too much causes disincentive and resentment
Goals and Objectives: Delegation approach
- Employee chooses method
- Helps promote team spirit
- Provides sense of value to employee, gives supervisor more time for other urgent issues
- Works well in emergencies with competent workers
Goals and Objectives: Democratic approach
- Members help establish goals
- Starts at top, then division chief guides officers
- May become C/O’s and members responsibility to develop objectives that affect them
- Final product sent back up chain
- Apparatus purchase example
Workgroups definition
- Groupings of people with the common purpose of completing specific objectives within the organization.
- Provided with necessary facilities, equipment, and other resources to accomplish their task
- C/O’s responsibility to build a team from a workgroup
Team building definition
- Process of overcoming inherent individual differences (age, rank, experience, education, politics,etc.) within the unit and empowering members to make decisions for the benefit of the group.
- Members learn to think of group as a whole rather than focussing on individual differences
Team development: 4 stages
- Formation
- Control
- Work
- Ending
Team development: Formation
- Members uncertain of roles, lack trust
- Trust grows as relationships grow
- Development of group identity
- Directive leadership style to outline the process and establish group structure
- Training on diversity issues
Team development: (Storming)
- Conflict may arise as members jockey for informal leadership are exert individual influence
- Example: new officer joins veteran crew.
- Leader is supportive, explains decisions
- Minimizing time group spends in this phase is critical to successful team development.
Team development: norming
- Group establishes own set of norms and values
- Cohesiveness builds
- Leader transitions into role of team member, sharing leadership with team
Team development: performing (work)
- Supervisor works to maintain team spirit
- Group now a true team, leadership shared by all members
- C/O watches for behaviors that could hurt team concept
- Leaders insist that team members treat each other as equals
- Involving all team members in team activities critical to team growth. Everyone plays = everyone happy
Team development: Adjourning
- Final stage
- Planned/unplanned termination of group task.
- Acknowledgement of group accomplishments and individual participation.
- Debrief group members for change opportunities in process.
Coaching definition
Informal process of giving motivational direction, positive reinforcement, and constructive feedback to employees in order to maintain and improve their performances.
Counseling definition
Formal process that involves activities that assist participants in identifying and resolving personal, behavioral, or carer problems that are adversely affecting performance.
Mentoring definition
Prepare capable individuals for advancement within the organization through the direction of a positive role model.
- Provide role models
- Provide guidance in career choices
- Assist in gaining specialized training
- Provide outside resources
- Make challenging work assignments
- Monitor the achievements of subordinates
Form of delegation
Allows subordinates to take responsibility for decisions and actions
Helps build self esteem and motivation
Requires supervisor to relinquish some authority and have confidence in employees’ skills
Helps employees increase self image and productivity
Empowering steps
- Identify problem/decision. Solution must be attainable and benefit majority.
- State that all solutions will be considered but the best one adopted. Unit must prioritize solutions and include contingency.
- Explain reality that outside forces may prevent some solutions (lack of personnel, funds, political considerations).
Counseling: 4 steps
- Describe current performance
- Describe desired performance
- Gain a commitment for change
- Follow up the commitment
Counseling: Current performance
- Describe levels in positive manner.
- Specifically state required behavior and expectations.
- Explain how and why current behavior is not acceptable.
- Use specific examples how to improve behavior.
Counseling: Desired performance
State in detail exactly what action is expected or required in order to provide clear direction for employee.
Counseling: commitment for change
- Ask employee to agree to the new level of performance.
- May consider this a contract and place in personnel file
Counseling: Followup
- Observe employee to determine whether performance improves
- Schedule a followup meeting to discuss progress.
- If no change subsequent sessions required.
- If unacceptable behavior continues refer to next level of command.
Completion of tasks: steps
- Planning
- Organizing
- Controlling
- Evaluating
Tasks: Planning
- Establish and communicate plan to employees
- Plan contains:
- Sequence of steps
- Time schedule for step completion
- Assignment of duties, responsibility, and authority
- Ensure schedule is realistic with attainable objectives
- Base objectives on application of available resources (personnel, funding, time, materials).
Tasks: Organizing
- Organize employees to work as a team with an objective or goal in focus.
- Leadership and team spirit essential to success of unit.
Tasks: Controlling
- Delegate appropriate amount of responsibility and authority to employees.
- Final responsibility and authority always remains with C/O
Tasks: Evaluating
- Evaluate the quality and completing of the task.
- Monitory progress to assess if plan is being followed or requires adjustment..
- Sue tools like flow charts or program evaluation and review technique (PERT) charts to track completion of each step.
Summary of CO’s leadership style elements
- Encourage employee participation in decision–making process
- Delegate or involve members in planning
- Respect the judgment of employees
- Teach, enforce, and follow health and saftey rules
- Be a coach and a mentor
- Show consideration for diversity
- Acknowledge accomplishments
- Treat everyone fairly and equally
- Intervene in private lives on when problems are affecting the workplace. Refer to EAP
- Keep accurate records
- Keep lines of communication open at all times
- Do not contribute to or allow situations that make other people feel uncomfortable
- Provide positive motivation
- Be consistent in the application of these elements