(I) Gram Negative Cocci - (2) * Neisseria meningitidis Flashcards
Which species of Neisseria ferments maltose?
N. meningitidis
What is the first place N. meningitidis colonizes?
Which strain of N. meningitidis most commonly causes meningitis?
Type B
Differentiate between the vaccine for H. influenzae and N. meningitidis in regards to the contained capsular antigens
(1) H. influenzae: ✔ Type B capsular antigen
(2) **N. meningitidis: ✘ Type B capsular antigen **
Name 2 genetic defects which increase your risk for N. meningitidis
(1) C5-9 deficients
(2) **Sickle cell **
What organism has LOS instead of LPS?
N. meningitidis
Describe the pathogenesis of Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome
LOS induced inflammation
⇒ ↑ Vascular permeability
⇒ ↑ Exudation
⇒ ↓ Perfusion
⇒ Reflexive vasoconstriction
⇒ Ischemic adrenals
(WFS can occur due to other organisms, and in that case inflammation would not be due to LOS)
What organism is most associated with meningitis with a petechial rash?
N. meningitidis
What is Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome?
Sepsis ⇒ Hemorrhage of adrenals
Treatment: N. meningitidis
Prophylaxis: N. meningitidis
Rifampin, ciprofloxacin, ceftriaxone
(For close contacts ≡ Someone who spent ≥ 8 hours with patient in 7 days prior to onset of symptoms)
Diagnosis for N.meningitidis is ALWAYS using
Diagnosis for N.meningitidis is ALWAYS using
Blood (+ CSF + Throat swab + other sites) cultures (depending on clinical presentation)
Also can do
- direct gram stain of CSF
- Molecular diagnosis becoming increasingly important
Note that the diplococci can be seen (Gram stain) or cultured from biopsies of the petechiae.
How to differentiate N. meningitidis from N. gonorrhoeae?
How to differentiate N. meningitidis from N. gonorrhoeae?
N.meningitidis is maltose fermenting
Prophylaxis in close contacts of neisseria meningitidis:
Prophylaxis in close contacts of neisseria meningitidis:
Rifampicin, ciprofloxacin, ceftriaxone
Risk factors of Neisseria meningitidis infection include (IMPT!!!)
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Risk factors of Neisseria meningitidis infection include (IMPT!!!)
- Hajj pilgrimage
- travel to African “meningitis belt”
- asplenia/hyposplenism – recommended for vaccinations/prophylactic antibiotics (same as pneumococcus)
- Army recruits
- College freshmen (freshmeningitis)
Splenectomy predisposes a person to infection by […] bacteria (pneumococcus and meningococcus)
Splenectomy predisposes a person to infection by encapsulated bacteria (pneumococcus and meningococcus)
some H.influenze strand are encapsulated
If u are damn curious why:
“Our immune system clears encapsulated bacteria by opsonizing them with antibodies and then the macrophages and neutrophils in the spleen (the reticulo-endothelial system) phagocytose the opsonized bacteria. So, patients who have lost their spleens (asplenic), either from trauma or from sickle-cell disease, have difficulty clearing encapsulated bacteria and are more susceptible to these infections”
Tell me about meningococcus vaccines (vvvvvvvv IMPT!!!)
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What capsule types are included in the quadrivalent vaccine? (IMPT!)
Tell me about meningococcus vaccines (vvvvvvvv IMPT!!!)
- Vaccine for N.meningitidis is NOT routine in singapore. Familarize yourself with the National Childhood Immunization Schedule!
- Polysaccharide vaccine NOT effective in infants (same as pneumococcus PPSV23)
- Quadrivalent conjugated vaccines are better. Monovalent vaccines are country specific (C in UK, A in meningitis belt)
What capsule types are included in the quadrivalent vaccine? (IMPT!)
A, C, W135, Y
Group B vaccines are protein based, using combinations of sub-capsular peptides. Its called MenB, but its fairly new and not recommended for routine vaccination.
Transmission of Neisseria Meningitidis:
Transmission of Neisseria Meningitidis:
Close contact (kissing), Respiratory droplets
Cuz carriage is in nasopharynx in 10-15% of people
Treatment of Neisseria Meningitidis? (vvv IMPT!!!)
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Treatment of Neisseria Meningitidis? (vvv IMPT!!!)
Ceftriaxone (clears throat carriage, covers major pathogens)
AND - Benzylpenicillin (add in case of resistance, also cuz meningitis not small matter)
can be minimalist and use Benzylpenicillin (but does not clear throat carriage)
Tbh the moment u add vanco….the gram positives are all probably all gone case alr.
What are the 4 virulence factors in N.meningitidis? (vvv IMPT!!)
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What are the 4 virulence factors in N.meningitidis? (vvv IMPT!!)
- Lipooligosaccharide (LOS, similar to LPS) endotoxin
- Anti-phagocytic capsule (13 serogroups including A,B,C,Y,W-125
- Ig A protease
antigenic variation
The LOS causes blood vessel destruction and sepsis –> petechiae
Anti-phagocytic capsule seen in both pneumococcus and meningococcus (and H.influenzae)
What is the clinical presentation of Neisseria Meningitidis infection? (vvvvvvvv IMPT!!!)
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What is the clinical presentation of Neisseria Meningitidis infection? (vvvvvvvv IMPT!!!)
Meningococcaemia (when meningococcus enters blood stream, may progress to severe state of fulminant meningococcaemia, systemic **inflammatory response syndrome SIRS)**
- Non-blanching meningococcal rash (disseminated petechiae –> purpura –> ecchymoses on skin & conjunctiva)
- Haemorrhagic adrenalitis (Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome) -
- uncommon presentations: pneumonia, pericarditis, endocarditis, conjuctivitis, arthritis, chronic meningococcaemia (intermittent rash)
- Can develop into fulminant meningococcaemia/meningitis
Non-blanching =blood outside vessels/not hyperraemia = haemorrhagic rash
VERY important card. Meningitis + non blanching rash = N. meningitidis!!
“Meet the 2 pathogenic kidney beans, which have been removed from the microscope slide. They are sitting together at the breakast table. Notice that they sit facing each other, forming a gram-negative dough nut-shaped diplococcus. The bean on the left, Neisseria meningitidis , drinks a pot of cofee and becomes very nervous and irritable (central nervous system irritation-meningitis). The other pathogenic kidney bean is Neisseria gonorrhoeae , who is a pervert (notice how he is displaying the latest center-old pin-up). He enjoys hanging out on sexual organs and swimming in “ sexual fluids.” He causes the sexually transmitted disease (STD) gonorrhea.”