Hungary Flashcards
Regions of Hungary
Eszak Magyarorszag (North Hungary), Dunantul (Transdanubia), Duna (Danube/Great Plain)
Important PDO zones of Transdanubia
Sopron, Nagy-Somlo, Badacsony, Balatanfured-Csopak, Villany, Szekszard
Important PDO zones of North Hungary
Tokaj, Eger
Important PDO zones of The Great Plain
Hungarian term for PDO
Hungarian term for PGI
Hungary geography
In Central Europe, in the Carpathian Basin, the Carpathian Mtns are to the NE. Borders Slovenia to the west, Austria to the NW, Slovakia to the north. Ukraine to the NE, Romania to the east, Serbia to the south, and Croatia to the SW. The Danube enters in the NW at the Austria-Slovakia-Hungary border south of Bratislava in Slovakia. traveling east along the Slovakian border before turning south just north of Budapest. The Danube separates Transdanubia from North Hungary and the Great Plain, exits at the Croatia-Serbia-Hungary border in the south. Lake Balaton, the largest lake in Central Europe, resides in the center of Transdanubia. The Tisza enters from Ukraine in the NE, traveleing SW through Tokaj (where the Bodrog joins), exiting in the south into Serbia.
First delimited region of Hungary
Tokaj was 1st delimited by Transylvanian Prince Rakoczy in 1700 or 1730, legally acknowledged in 1772
Racozky’s Classification
The Transylvanian Prince Rákóczy delimited 28 villages in the Tokaj region and divided the vineyards of Tokaj and its neighboring villages into 1st, 2nd, and 3rd growths. There are 2 Great 1st growths and 74 total 1st growths
Hungary PDO in North Transdanubia. Along the Austrian border, contiguous with Burgenland on the southern shores of Lake Neusiedl. Most known for varietal Kekfrankos (Blaufrankisch)
Hungary PDO in North Transdanubia. NW of Lake Balaton on the slopes of the extinct volcano. White Grapes dominate: Furmint, Juhfark, Olaszrizling (Welschriesling), a number of intern’l and native varietals
Hungary PDO in Transdanubia. On the north shore of Lake Balaton. White Grapes dominate: Furmint, Juhfark, Olaszrizling (Welschriesling), a number of intern’l and native varietals
Hunagry PDO in Transdanubia. On the north and east shores of Lake Balaton. White Grapes dominate: Furmint, Juhfark, Olaszrizling (Welschriesling), a number of intern’l and native varietals
Hungary PDO in the Pannon area of Transdanubia. Near the Croatian border, the hottest region in Hungary. Bordeaux varietals, Kekfrankos, & Kekporto (Blauer Portgieser)
Hungary PDO in the Pannon area of Transdanubia, along the Danube. Besides Eger, only region to produce Bikaver from a blend of at least 3 varieties, including a minimum 40% combined Kadarka and Kékfrankos
“Bull’s Blood” a wine produced in the Hungarian PDO’s of Eger and Szekszard. Historically made w/ the the native Kadarka, today blends based on Kekfrankos
Blaufrankish in Hungary. Important grape in Eger and Szekszard for Bikaver and Sopron
Blauer Portgeiser in Hungary
Sarga Muskotaly
Muscat Blanc a Petit Grains in Hungary, Used in Tokaj
Hungary PDO In the North Hungary region. In the foothills of the Carpathian Mtns, SW of Tokaj. Famous for Egri Bikaver, “The Bull’s Blood of Eger.” Historically madefrom the native Kadarka, today a blend of at least 4 grapes, 30-50% Kekfrankos + other native and international varietals
Hungary PDO in The Great Plain. Hungary’s largest region on sandy soils. Contain’s a large % of Hungary’s vineyard acreage, mainly bulk wine, mainly white and some red, from native varietals, consumed locally
Tokaj: Geo, climate, soil
Hungary PDO in the North Hungary region, in the NE corner of the country near the Slovakian border. In the foothills of and sheltered by the Carpathian Mtns. Overlooks the Bodrog as it flows into the Tisza at the commune Tokaj. Warm, continental climate, humid autumns perfect for botrytis due to the river confluence.. Better vineyards face south. Volcanic, loess soil
Tokaj: allowed grapes
Furmint, Harslevelu, Sargasmuskataly (Muscat BdPG), Zema (Oremus), Kabar (aka Tarcal 10, Harslevelu x Bouvier, authorized in 2006), Koverszolo
Originally signified dessicated grapes, term has evolved to refer to botrytis affected grapes which have higher sugar levels
Aszu Tokaji process
Aszu (botrytised) grapes are individually picked, collected in large vats, then trampled into a paste or “Aszu dough.” Must or wine from non Aszu grapes is poured over the dough and left for 24-48 hrs. Max 220L of finished Aszu wine may be made from 100 kg aszu berries or paste. Wine is racked off into wooden casks where it continues to slowly ferment and mature. min 18mnths barrel aging, may not be released until 1/1 3rd year after harvest. Min 120 g/l RS, 6 puttonyos: min 150 g/l RS
Aszu Tokaj RS and Aging
min 18mnths barrel aging, may not be released until 1/1 3rd year after harvest. Min 120 g/l RS, 6 puttonyos: min 150 g/l RS
containers which hold ~25 kg historically used for the harvesting of aszu grapes
an adjective indicating sweetness level, prior to 2013, aszu wines were labeled between 3-6 puttunyos
a Hungarian oak cask of approximately 136 L, used for tokaji fermentation
aka Natúresszencia. The free run juice of aszu grapes is fermented separately. Can take decades to reach a final abv of 4-6%. Richer than honey, min 450 g/l RS. Rarely available commercially
“as it comes” produced from a mixture of aszú and non-aszú grapes and is often oxidative in style as it is matured in cask for a minimum of two years—sometimes under a film-forming yeast similar to flor. Szamorodni wines may be édes (sweet) or száras (dry)
label term indicating sweet Tokaji, may only be used for Szamorodni, Forditas, and Maslas styles
label term indicating dry Tokaji, may only be used for Szamorodni, Forditas, and Maslas styles
A style of Tokaji made by refermenting wine with the pressed paste of Tokaji Aszu. May be szaraz or edes
A style of Tokaji made by refermenting wine with the spent lees of Tokaji Aszu. May be szaraz or edes
Késői szüretelésű bor
late harvest Tokaji wine
Fehér bor
White table Tokaji wine
Sparkling Tokaji wine
Circle of Mad
A small contingent of producers committed to elevating the stature of dry wines in Tokaj. István Szepsy (a key figure in the establishment of Hugh Johnson’s Royal Tokaji Company and Királyudvar) is a founding member
Tokaj Renaissance
a producers’ association devoted to the protection of the Rakoczy Classification