Human Sexuality M2 Flashcards
In Canada, LGBT rights were not explicitly stated in the Constitution until ____
Sexual orientation is also covered under Canada’s Hate Crimes legislation, found in sections 318 and 319 of the criminal code and enacted in ______
how many countries still criminalize homosexuality?
what are some argumetns against makeing catholic schools haveg ay - straight alliance groups
The state should not mandate what can and cannot be said within religious institutions.
The word “gay” is offensive to Catholics and in direct violation of church teachings. The school should not be forced to use the word “gay.”
Anti-bullying measures should not take precedence over religious freedoms. Religious freedom is a constitutional right.
Catholic schools were allowing the clubs to meet, which should suffice.
a national charitable organization, founded by parents who wished to help themselves and their family members understand and accept their non-heterosexual children. It is a national voice that speaks for a more accepting Canadian society by providing support, education and resources on issues of sexual orientation and gender identity
PFLAG canada
go over this
In terms of the chances of being homosexual, chances of being homosexual increase 10-12% if your sibling is homosexual. If you have an identical twin who is homosexual your chances of being homosexual as well go up 60-80%. The video says that since the identical twin shares the same DNA, the heritability factor of homosexuality is 60-80% as well. In prenatal development babies are exposed to levels of testosterone. Generally, females are exposed to lower levels of testosterone in the womb than males. The impact of testosterone is seen in later years with high levels of testosterone correlating with the aggressive trait of competitiveness in sports, as well as having a longer ring finger than index fingers on hands, and generally bring taller and more muscular. Being exposed to lower levels of testosterone generally result in more visual and verbal play rather than competitive sports, a shorter and less muscular stature, and ring fingers and index fingers being about the same length. While most women tend to follow the results of the lower testosterone levels in prenatal development lesbians are twice as likely to enjoy competitive sports than other women, tend to have a longer ring finger than index finger, and generally have a slightly taller and more muscular build. Men generally adhere to high level testosterone results however gay men are half as likely to enjoy competitive sports as children, have ring fingers and index fingers closer to the same length, and are found to be a bit shorter and less muscular than other men generally.
STIs disprportionately affect youyths aged____ what make up ___% of population by account for _____ of all chlamydia infections
make up 14% of population
account for 2/3 of chlamydia infecions
today over ______ people in Canada are living with HIV
ach year, provincial health departments are required to provide the Public Health Agency of Canada with the number of STI cases diagnosed by health care providers
what are they:
HIV, chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis are required to be reported;
what part of pop is disproportionately affected by HIV positive tests
ex of aboriginal women affect vs no-aboriginal women affect
aboriginal people
aboriginal women - 45%
non-aboriginal women - 20%
Although no single cause explains why some groups are disproportionately affected, who acquires an STI is determined by certain ____and and these, in turn, facilitate transmission.
social, economic (structural) factors
chlamydia is bacterial infection yes or no
the most common bacterial STI in North America and in Canada.
when do chlamydia sympotoms show?
sometimes never- asomptomatic
chlamydia can be transmitted though what sex. how else is it past on
vaginal, anal and oral
can be passed from mother to child during childbirth
symptoms of chlamydia
women - vaginal discharging and burning pee sensation
men-penile dischage, pain during urination and swelling of testes
Left untreated ______ can cause pelvic inflammatory disease(PID). PID can casue
PID can cause infertility of more liekly ectopic pregnancy
is chlamydia treatable?
yes, with antibiotics ovwe 7 days
is gonorrhea a bacterial infection?
common names for gonorrhea
clap or drip
the second most common bacterial STI in canada
gonnorhea transmitted thorugh
childbirth, oral, vaginal or anal sex
is gonnorhea asomptomatic? yes no
can be
gonnoreha symnptoms
men- pain during urination, openile discharge and testicular pain
women - vaginal dischaeg, vaginal bleededing and pelvic pain
gonnoreha can lead to ___ if untreated.
inflammation of epididymis and joing and hert valve inflammation
concern for drug resistence for what disease?
bacterial disease gonnorreha
known as great pox or french diseas. one of oldest STI
syphilliscan be passsed how
oral,vaginal and anal sex, passed from mother to child
4 stages of syphillis are:
primary symptom of syphillis
chncres - painless liump that appears about 21 days after
secondary symptoms of psychillis
rash on palms of hands or soles of feet
fever, sore throat, hairloss, headaches
latenet symptoms of syphoillis
most symptoms disappear though relapses can occyr. People are less infectious during this time
tertiary symptoms of syphilis
neurological symptoms, heart ailments and gummas, or non-cancerous growths, may appear.
prior to _____, tertiary syphillis cause people to suffer sever adn deadly consequences
how is spyhillis detected
blod tests
what has had a comback in recent years
human papillomavirus HPV is the most common _____ sexually transmited infection in canada AND globally
is HPV treatble
yes, but also usually resolves itself
Sever form of HPV results in
cancer of mouth, cervix, vagina, anus , and penis
low risk HPV rcan results in
genital worts
HPV is spread thourgh
aginal, oral, and anal intercourse, as well as through skin-to-skin contact in the genital region.
_____ strains of HPV
cervical cancer is teh ___ msot common cancer and cancer deaths among women
HPV vaccine efected against ____ strains of HPV
6 and 11
the HPV vaccine prevents mroe than ___% of cervical cancers
genetial herpes is a ____
how long does genital heroes last
2-4 weeks before a sore will dissipate on its own
symptoms of herepes
most ppl unaware-no ysmptoms and will never suffer an outbreak
treatment for genetital herpes
cannot be cured by treated to decrease outbreaks
reportable? - genetital herpes
no- not usually diagnose unless there is an outreak
why is it not reportable
the blood test has flase possitves often
transmitted though shedding of skin before and after visible outbreak
genital herpes
Hep B is a ____
how is hep b transmitted
mother to child, sexual intercourse or through injection durg use
Hep B symptom
undetcted in early tages, then attacks liver ,
Hep A and B are preventable through
a vaccine
Human immunodeficiency virus HIV can lead to
HIV is transmitted thugh __
sexual contact childbirth or (not if mother is on treatment)breastfeeeding
go over this
In 2008, Aboriginal people in Canada experienced HIV rates 3.6 times higher than other Canadians (Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network, 2011). Despite the fact that Aboriginal people only represent 3.8% of the overall population, they represent approximately 8% of all people living with HIV/AIDS and 12.5% of new infections in 2008 (CAAN, 2011; PHAC, 2008).
infection rates for people from HIV-endemic countries is approximately ____times higher than other Canadians in 2005.
in 2011 men who have sex with men made up _______% of positive HIV/AIDs tests
why are gay men more affected by HIV/AIDS
MSM are often at higher risk because the tissue that lines the anus often has micro-tears during sex that allow the virus to enter the blood stream.
A drug named was approved by Health Canada in 2016 to prevent HIV
carb lice or scabies are ___ infection
parasite infections
how is pubic lice transmitted
through sexual contact, but towels, clothes and bedding can also pass the little creatures along.
why has rates of crabs gone down?
shaving of public hair!
pubuc lice can live off the body for up to ___hours
24 hous
scabies is a
skin infestation of mites
scabies is spread thrugh
extended skin contact (min 10 min)
after first contact how long does it take for scabies symptoms to appear
4-6 weeks
generally differentiate between males and females aorund ____ years of age
Dr. Olson’s research suggests kids display gender nonconformity around ____ years old,
grisl begin puberty before boys by about ___ year
grisl ebgin puberty aournd ___
boys begin puberty around
girls begin to mesturate aorund
ejaculation usually begis around
13 years
puberty for both sexes lasts – years
mean age of first sexual intercourse for both amels and females was about
16.5 years
25% of what had had intercouce in 2002 canadaina youtb sexual health and HIV/AIds survery
9th graders
in canada, rates of ___,___ and ___ have been rising since 1997
chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphillis
what is rosy retreospective
term is used to describe inaccurate views of the past such as believing that panic about you people and sex only happens today?
fuck buddies
his term generally has a slightly more negative connotation than FWB and may involve a previous hook-up or booty call. People describe this relationship as sexual, but it may also involve interactions in other social settings.
? Many people believed that sexuality education entices kids to have sex and introduces young people to ideas about gender identity and sexual orientation. this causes
the ontion gov to withdraw their decision to in put a sexual health curriculum
same sax marrigae waslegalized i
common law status in canada is established after __ months livign together
12 months
wwhat si the cuddel hormone
oxytocin- closeness and bonding
another brain chemical other than oxytocin taht is associayed witht eh love repsonse
dopamine - steaty plams racing heart beat bc its released with noepinepherine
other than dopamine and oxytocin what other chemical is soociated with love
what effect does serotonin have on in love ppl
it drops, makes senm obsessive and sonstantly think about their loved one
three categories of sternergs theory of love
passion, intimacy, and commitment
if all three components of stenbergs love triangle model are presetn people will experince ________
consummate love; most ideal; most complete