Human Rights and Global Justice Flashcards
avoidable cause of blindness (Can be avoided by hand washing, sanitation, antibiotics, surgery in late stage disease)
spread by fly, picks up human faces, spreads bacteria to people by sitting on their faces and eyes
causes scarring and blindness
leading cause of infectious blindness
women are more affected by trachoma because they take care of the majority of child care work
where is the highest prevalence of trachoma?
the morally right thing to do is what brings the maximum happiness or wellbeing overall
this means acts and omissions too
we can decide how we e.g. spend our money
there is no moral obligation to help those less fortunate but individuals are at liberty to help those in need through charity
that some people are born into poverty and extreme hardship is just bad luck
The problem with charity
recipients are dependant on the kindness of donors
no autonomy
dependant on others to be alive
What is justice?
article 12 of human rights act
everyone has the right to the highest standard of physical and mental health
Healthcare is a matter of justice
charity is not enough
making it into aa right is a good rethoric but not enough
Year of HRA
3 most important articles to us in the HRA
article 2 HRA
right to life
why is the HRA not extended to the fetus?
article 5 of HRA
everyone has the right to liberty and security of person
article 8