Human Development/Intelligence Flashcards
Traditional IQ Range:
Average is 100 (89-111 average adult).
Can be high as 200.
Below 75 is low. Below 70 is Developmentally Delayed (mentally retarded).
136 or above is considered genius.
Intelligence - how fast you learn
Traditional intelligence quotient (IQ) - based on Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-III) and the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale (SB5).
Intelligence can also be viewed differently.
Howard Gardner and Multiple Intelligences
Linguistic - think in words, use words to express meaning. Naturalist - understand patterns in nature
Logical-Mathematical - carry out math problems.
Spatial - ability to think 3 dimensionally.
Kinesthetic - ability to use body to solve problems.
Musical - sensitive to pitch, melody, rhythm & tone.
Interpersonal - understand and interact with others.
Intrapersonal - understand ones self.
Children with Special Needs
Learning Disabled - difficulty processing info when receiving stimuli.
Discrepancy between intelligence and performance in the classroom.
Can be visual, auditory, language learning, perceptual-motor, attention-deficit, impulse or hyperactivity.
Disability where children see letters and numbers in different positions.
Auditory-Perceptual (Hard of hearing)
Students seems lost or confused - assistive technology.
Lack of focus, attention. Lack of impulse control; hyperactive.
Perceptual Motor
Difficulty with coordination
Developmentally disabled
Mental retardation, slow learner.
Social Development
Contemporary behaviorist emphasize “Tabula rasa” (clean slate when born).
Social development based on what child observes and learns through experience.
BF Skinner - Operant conditioning - children learn from operating in the environment. Behavior that is rewarded is strengthened and behavior that is not reinforced is eliminated.
Erikson - Psychoscoial Theory - 5 areas
Hope - basic trust vs. mistrust, infant stage 0-1yr
Will - autonomy vs shame and doubt, toddler 2-3yr
Purpose - initiative vs. guilt, kindergarten 4-6yrs
Competence - industry vs. inferiority, 7-13yrs
Fidelity - identity vs. role confusion, 14-mid-20’s
Hope (Erikson Psychosocial Theory) -
Infant stage 0-1 year.
Basic trust vs. mistrust.
Does the child believe its caregiver to be reliable?
Will (Erikson Psychosocial Theory) -
Toddler stage 2-3 yrs
Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
Child needs to learn to explore the world.
Bad if the parent is too smothering or completely neglectful.
Purpose (Erikson Psychosocial Theory) -
Kindergarten 4-6 yrs
Initiative vs. Guilt.
Can the child do things on his own, such as dress him/herself. If “guilty” about making his or her own choices, the child will not function well. Erikson says most guilt is quickly compensated by a sense of accomplishment.
Competence (Erikson Psychosocial Theory) -
Age 7-13 yrs
Industry vs. Inferiority
Child comparing self-worth to others (such as in a classroom). Child can recognize major disparities in personal abilities relative to other children. Erikson says teacher should ensure children do not feel inferior.
Fidelity (Erikson Psychosocial Theory) -
Adolescent 14 yrs - mid-20’s
Identity vs. Role Confusion
Questioning of self. Who am I? How do I fit in? Where am I going in life? Erikson believes if parents allow child to explore, they will conclude their own identity. However, if parents continually push to conform to their views, teen will face identity confusion.
Albert Bandura’s Social Learning Theory
Importance of role models
Children will imitate teachers
Media influences students
Learning occurs by observation of behavior
Children who self-regulate and believe they can achieve have a greater chance to succeed, face difficulties, and master academics.